“Tainted Roses” nominated for a Parsec award!

Every Photo Tells: Tainted Roses coverMy novella, “Tainted Roses”, has been nominated on the long list for a Parsec award this year!

Much credit goes to Katharina and Mick of EveryPhotoTells for narrating the novella — for doing everything after I wrote it, actually. They did a great job, and it is as much to them that any credit goes.

Now, some hard parts: selecting sections of the book to be submitted for the competition. If you have any suggestions, by all means, let me know. Otherwise, I’ll just take this as a good excuse to listen to the book again..

And I plan to return to that universe this summer or fall (after the PhD thesis is pretty much finished!). I’ve been thinking quite a bit of this incredible trio of ladies, who they are and what makes them do what they do. Not to mention, what the extent of this odd little steampunk space opera universe entails..

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