- Demonstrousity
- Scientiffy
- Looks Good, Looks Bad
- Another Kind of World
CQ: Approximately what percentage of the universe as we know it — and perhaps, as we will ever know it — is completely made up by us, and what percentage is objective reality?
Full list of 13 articles after the jump!
- Demonstrousity:
- Figures: a modern villian who’s faceless and mute..: iNews UK – Slender Man: how a modern urban legend came to haunt a generation
- Disney World just became horrifying with possibilities..: LiveScience – Murderous Mickey: ‘Zombie’ Mice Triggered with Predatory Gene
- So make sure your zombie shelter has 101 days of food to prove them wrong.: LiveScience – Zombies Would Wipe Out Humans in Less than 100 Days
- Scientiffy:
- Apparently, Parker lost his lab notes again..: LiveScience – Strong, Flexible Spider Silk Created in Lab
- The ultimate merging of arts and sciences?: Popular Science – Want people to notice your climate research? Learn how to write.
- It must have turned up in a scientific paper, and they ran screaming at the blatant modernism of the symbol..: LiveScience – Scientists Want to Know What 😉 Really Means
- (EXTRA) This is a pun, for a very marrow definition of pun..: Stuff/Sunday Star Times New Zealand – No bones about it – donating to a bone bank is a life changing gift video
- Looks Good, Looks Bad:
- (EXTRA) See the ad for the really impressed cat, and then NEVER BUY THIS.: Marie Claire – People Are Using “Nose Lifters” to Hack Plastic Surgery Without Going Under the Knife
- (EXTRA) Either that, or someone has watched Idiocracy far too many times.: Metro – Intelligence is being bred out of the gene pool
- (EXTRA) Since they are such a disappointing generation, maybe we need to hold on to the previous one longer instead?: News.com.au – Patients paying $10,500 to receive plasma transfusions from the blood of people ages 16 – 25
- (EXTRA) Showing them to everyone else, however, does.: LiveScience – Phew! Taking Selfies Doesn’t Make You a Narcissist
- Another Kind of World:
- (EXTRA) Why the hell would you want to buy a Big Mac in Norway?: The Norway Local – Want a Big Mac in Norway? Prepare to pay world’s second-highest price
- (EXTRA) I think they should name it Atlantis, in an inescapable feat of irony. (Also, the main ship should be named Titanic.): Metro – World’s first ‘floating city’ could lead to an all-new kind of civilisation
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