- Space Transit Pass
- Bio Mass Illucidation
- Things That May Not Be There
CQ: Has the Internet fundamentally changed the way that humans communicate, or merely allowed us to communicate more fully in the ways we already have?
Full list of 17 articles after the jump!
- Space Transit Pass:
- What goes up does not need to be coming down quite so dangerously..: CNN Money – Jeff Bezos’ rocket lands safely after space flight
- That’s no moon!: New Scientist – (O) Our moon would be a planet under new definition of planethood
- For specific definitions of “confirms” and “works” and “new” and “tests”..: Yahoo! Finance – (O) NASA confirms that the ‘impossible’ EmDrive thruster really works, after new tests
- Science or Engineering? And have we forgotten that these were once disciplines of rogue people who just tried stuff until it worked (or didn’t)?: Daily Grail – (O) EmDrive Breakthrough: Show Us The Money!
- Are we too gullible to good stories in science?: Forbes – (O) The EM Drive, NASA’s ‘Impossible Engine,’ Highlights Our Greatest Failing
- And they called hopeful stories in science, a failing?: From The Grapevine – (O) How would humans live on Mars? Matt Damon’s ‘The Martian’ inspires NASA
- I thought only rain fell in Spain, on the plains?: Mysterious Universe – Third Sphere Falls in Spain, Area Put Under Quarantine
- Bio Mass Illucidation:
- (EXTRA) Ah, when international migration was so minimal that isolated populations could exist..: New Scientist – Alzheimer’s introduced to Colombian town by Spanish conquistador
- (EXTRA) And the artificial throat sang, “eeeeee”..: New Scientist – Human vocal cords built from scratch in world first
- (EXTRA) All the better to hear the artificial vocal cords with..: Smithsonian – (O) This Ear Was Made With Vincent Van Gogh’s DNA
- (EXTRA) “Honey, I’m glad you got me roses, but did they have to have wifi?”: New Scientist – Cyborg rose has electric circuits running through polymer veins
- (EXTRA) I’ll have the espresso-brand batteries, please..: New Scientist – Brain zaps could boost our minds when computers see us flagging
- Things That May Not Be There:
- (EXTRA) Christmas is cancelled — or do we turn this around?: Yahoo!/AFP – Christmas festivities ‘a charade’ with world at war: pope
- (EXTRA) What is the value of a symbol, where all things are symbolic?: LiveScience – French Flags on Facebook: Does Social Media Support Really Matter?
- (EXTRA) What is the value of trash, when nothing is real to begin with?: New Scientist – What digital trash dumped in games tells us about the players
- (EXTRA) Finally! We’ll get to find the ancient alien space flight control room.: Daily Grail – Pyramid Scan Identifies an ‘Impressive Anomaly’ Behind the Blocks of the Great Pyramid
- (EXTRA) Well, reported more than “explained”..: Vox – Ben Carson’s bizarre theory about the pyramids, explained
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