- Front Page
- Mind Your Please and Cues
- Why-Tech
CQ: Will the present-day cultures we identify ourselves with have any meaning once we have transitioned into an inter-planetary species — or will they mean even more?
Full list of 15 articles after the jump!
- Front Page:
- Does that mean he theoretically did it, or actually did it?: Metro – (O) Man is arrested for illegally ‘abstracting electricity’ by charging his phone on a train
- When someone asks how you got certified, please have an answer ready!: CTV News – ‘I want to find out the truth’: Researcher tracking ‘Bigfoot’ near Toronto
- Probably because someone is screaming them..: New Scientist – Discovered: the unique feature that makes human screams so awful
- Mind Your Please and Cues:
- Do negative thoughts cause negative outcomes — for rice?: Psydonia – (O) Mind Your Thoughts
- We no longer have to ask people anything — we just look it up online!: New Scientist – Cyberchondriacs act as early warning of drugs’ side effects
- (EXTRA) Unfortunately, you are left humming that song..: New Scientist – (O) Tetris blocks traumatic flashbacks even after the memory is fixed
- (EXTRA) If only we can remember to take our pills..: New Scientist – (O) Blocking brain protein could stop memory loss caused by ageing
- (EXTRA) It’s not the mileage, it’s the wear and tear..: The Washington Post – (O) Study of 1,000 38-year-olds shows ‘biological age’ ranges from 30 to 60
- (EXTRA) This Can’t Possibly Go Wrong. I, for one, welcome our new animal gestalt heroes..: New Scientist – (O) Animal brains connected up to make mind-melded computer
- Why-Tech:
- (EXTRA) Just remember that it doesn’t have tastebuds..: Wired – (O) America’s Next Top Chef Is a Supercomputer From IBM
- (EXTRA) Sure, sure… We all know it’s just being done for the awesome special FX..: New Scientist – Glow-in-the dark trucks use plasma to reduce drag and save fuel
- (EXTRA) The gadgets are making the world testable..: CBS San Francisco – Device Turns iPad Into Sperm Tester, Startup Seeks FDA Approval
- (EXTRA) Would you want to live in a libertarian utopia that floats?: Mother Nature Network – Seasteading still floating libertarian utopia idea
- (EXTRA) Are we moving to an automated utopia or a paranoid dystopia?: New Scientist – The rise of on-body cameras and how they will change how we live
- (EXTRA) It feels a little like we’ve just touched all the planets, just to prove we can, but we haven’t really “visited” them..: New Scientist – Pluto mission marks end of planet exploration era. Where next?
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