TWS314: 360 Degree Smile
On April 26, 2015,
in Episodes,
by the Encaffeinated ONE
On the show this week:
- Front Page
- Ghosts In The Machine
- Bleeding Hedge Technology
CQ: Given that so many great things come out mistakes, coincidences and serendipity, should we be so immediately dismissive of errors?
Full list of 21 articles after the jump!
- Front Page:
- It’s not so much a paradox as a riddle.: Huffington Post – Where is ET? Fermi’s Paradox Turns 65
- All the arguments against it are also recycled, I imagine..: New Scientist – Australia has chance to go 100 per cent renewable by 2050
- What part does chance play in laying the course of the future?: New Scientist – Falling meteor may have changed the course of Christianity
- Eat like an Amazon?: New Scientist – Is super-diverse Amazon microbiome something to strive for?
- Beats the snow, I guess.: UK Daily Mail – Why is it raining worms in Norway? Bizarre weather phenomenon sees creatures fall from the sky across the south of the country
- Not a screw, but a reasonably hand-drawn biological simulacrum..: The UK Daily Mail – (O) Is this a 300 million-year-old SCREW? Group claims it could be proof of aliens living on Earth – but scientists say it’s just a fossilised sea creature
- Ghosts In The Machine:
- It’s a gritty job, but at least we can now make a computer do it.: Technology Review – (O) How a Troll-Spotting Algorithm Learned Its Anti-antisocial Trade
- A cell snitch, or a mobile advocate?: New Scientist – Your smartphone’s secrets could help you bag a bank loan
- Are you asking if it resonates? Do people fall into the groove?: New Scientist – Does music strike a chord with everyone?
- Where does belief in science come in?: New Scientist – Culture clash: When scientists must tread with care
- Is there already too much belief in science? Or interfering with it?: Unknown source: – Guest post: The death of the Western Myth and the cold comfort of “belief” thereafter
- (EXTRA) Everything old is new again!: New Scientist – Proto quantum computer inspired by Victorians gets a speed boost
- Now that is an extreme wine cellar!: New Scientist – 19th-century champagne haul shows seabed is perfect wine cooler
- We will be burying all our problems, maybe for the better.: New Scientist – Carbon dioxide could be turned into a huge underground battery
- Bleeding Hedge Technology:
- (EXTRA) I had feeling this happening.: CultureReady – (O) Navy Research Project on Intuition
- (EXTRA) At last! A treatment for gnome problems!: New Scientist – Mini 3D printed organs mimic beating heart and liver
- (EXTRA) GIVE ME ALL THE THINGS!: New Scientist – Injectable lab finds your best cancer drug by trying many at once
- (EXTRA) GIVE ME ALL THE POOOOOWWAAH!: New Scientist – Digital tattoo lets you control devices with mind power alone
- (EXTRA) I’ve definitely heard this.: New Scientist – Direct probing of brain reveals multiple regions cause tinnitus
- (EXTRA) You can’t see yourself doing this, can you?: New Scientist – Illusion allows people to feel what it is like to be invisible
- (EXTRA) They will get to the work, in the end..: New Scientist – Jolt of java helps spermbots in final race to the finish
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