TWS270: Time And Relative Dimentia In Space
On December 2, 2013,
in Episodes,
by the Encaffeinated ONE
- Front Page
- Death, Live and In Between
- Love and Marriage
- Mysteries
- UF Know
- Extras
CQ: If you were to be put in suspended animation for a period of time, but could only choose one length of time to be brought back, how long would you choose? 10 years, 100 years, 10,000 years and why?
Full list of 41 articles after the jump!
- Front Page:
- It’s like a warning label saying “caution: slippery when frozen and covered in ice”.: The Sweden Local – Sweden’s Ice Hotel told to get fire alarms
- Maybe it’s just me, but.. that house doesn’t actually look that bad to me. Maybe I’ll have to have someone independantly look at my apartment..: Metro – Is this the most cluttered home in Britain?
- A new diet plan: royal order!: CNN – Obese Saudi Arabian man sheds more than 300 pounds
- Is this a good idea, or just another “pink pen” phenomenon of overbranding?: Metro – Not just for boys: The toys moulding girls into future engineers
- Just because the apps give you matches, don’t automatically start fires..: Metro – Comedian freaks out public with information he found on social media accounts
- The problem is: to ultimately get the “longest faked death” gag, he’ll have to die to prove it!: SPIN – Is Andy Kaufman Still Alive?
- My answer is: no. The list of things that I say that to isn’t too long: jumping out of a plane, leaping into a gorge, setting myself on fire..: Metro – Would you ride the world’s tallest waterslide? 140ft Meg-a-Blaster reaches speeds of 60mph
- Death, Live and In Between:
- (EXTRA) Sometimes, a protest just seems to go too far..: The Guardian UK – Artist nails his scrotum to the ground in Red Square
- (EXTRA) While this might not be a sign of sentience, someday it might be.: Your Jewish News – (O) Overworked robot commits suicide by jumping onto stove top
- (EXTRA) Do they drink to forget?: This is Devon – (O) VIDEO: Stressed snails become forgetful says Exeter scientists
- (EXTRA) Even mundane explanations don’t dismiss the fact that this is one weird fish..: The UK Daily Mail – (O) Is this the most terrifying sea creature ever caught? Mystery species with fearsome tusk-like spikes and spines along its body is found off Borneo
- (EXTRA) Revenge of the Sea?: The Star/Reuters – (O) Mysterious disease rapidly turning starfish to ‘slime’
- (EXTRA) Well, that can’t be good.. Unless it was choking the life out of the planet or something..: The Sydney Morning Herald – (O) Scientists killed world’s oldest living creature
- (EXTRA) Are we spiting our face to cut off our knows?: Scientific American – (O) Ian Stevenson’s Case for the Afterlife: Are We ‘Skeptics’ Really Just Cynics?
- (EXTRA) Technically, it’s not proof so much as not inconsistent with a theory..: The UK Daily Mail – (O) Quantum physics proves that there IS an afterlife, claims scientist
- (EXTRA) Well, at least for bacteria there may be no ultimate being, but then again, it’s bacteria.: New Scientist – (O) Perfection is a myth, show 50,000 bacterial generations
- Love and Marriage:
- (EXTRA) It all starts with innocent conversation, and then apparently leads to commerce.: Orange – (O) Cyber cafes hire girls to talk to geeks
- (EXTRA) Is everything that is “sexy” also “sexist”?: Orange – (O) Students slammed for ‘sexist’ contest
- (EXTRA) Just in time for Christmas, it’s another virgin miracle!: Orange – (O) Student auctions off her virginity – again
- (EXTRA) Isn’t the art really in the technique?: Orange – (O) Losing virginity.. in the name of art
- (EXTRA) At least he’s likely to be a stay-at-home husband, and any rides he gives to other women are likely to be sanctioned and paid for..: Orange – (O) Woman marries ferris wheel called Bruce
- (EXTRA) Just wait until he has to move for work..: Orange – (O) Environmental activist marries a tree
- (EXTRA) A much better solution than leg chains.. Er..: Orange – (O) For the couple who do everything together
- Mysteries:
- (EXTRA) That may be just a bit too much grease in the pub food..: The Argus – (O) Brighton cafe becomes the latest victim of exploding tea towels
- (EXTRA) He may have opened Pandora’s Box while handling tea towels..: The News and Star – (O) Death of 37-year-old Carlisle man still a mystery
- (EXTRA) What, kinda like the ringing in my ears does, too? The question is: does it appear if no one is there?: Mysterious Universe – (O) Study claims EVPs Persist, Even in Controlled Environments
- (EXTRA) Well, would they rather go back to the questions like “should I have red or white wine with pork”?: The UK Mirror – (O) Werewolves, wizards and witches have all been reported to Gloucestershire police in bizarre 999 calls
- (EXTRA) After all, nosy parents and neighbours should have access to all your business as well..: New Scientist – (O) Don’t let internet companies hoard the wealth of big data
- (EXTRA) Sometimes, we really just need to save ourselves from medium-sized jerks instead of big corporations..: New Scientist – (O) Unmask Wikipedia sock puppets by the way they write
- (EXTRA) Better be front row centre.. And is anyone else reminded of silly Bond tricks that probably worked?: Sky News HD – (O) US Navy Secrets ‘Sold For Lady Gaga Tickets’
- (EXTRA) Talk about taking the long way ’round..: New Scientist – (O) Can a computer virus communicate via your speakers?
- UF Know:
- Can you bet on a sure thing?: Business Insider – A Scientist Wants To Issue A Bond That Pays Big Once We Find Alien Life
- So long as they aren’t plaid — that would be very confusing..: Discovery News – The First Aliens We Discover May Be Purple
- Always say “please” and “thank you”, and wear gloves.: – Extraterrestrial Etiquette: How Should Humanity Interact with Alien Life?
- (EXTRA) A strangely-written article somewhat discussing Drake’s Law, but presumably written by a robot (or a failed Arts student).: Evolution News – But Surely We Can’t Conjure an Entire Advanced Extraterrestrial Civilization?
- Clearly, someone does not understand the difference between intelligent design and evolution. And irony.: The UK Daily Mail – Humans do NOT come from Earth — and sunburn, bad backs and pain during labour prove it, expert claims
- (EXTRA) It’s the oil changes every million kilometres that really cause maintenance costs to go up.: The Plymouth Herald – (O) UFO expert writes latest Haynes manual
- Extras:
- (EXTRA) Only if the requestor can be told to “sound less insulting”..: Orange – Teacher told to ‘sound less Cumbrian’
- (EXTRA) Are these common enough to be considered “common”?: Strange – (O) Strange Sounds Map: World Wide Reports From YouTube Of Unexplained noises and Mysterious Booms
- (EXTRA) Just as they demonstrate how to get a world record, they set a new low for getting a world record. At least it was for charity!: Orange – Penguins set new world record
- (EXTRA) Some names become symbols of the greatness of their persons; others are more.. aspirational.: BBC – Trending: Batman bin Suparman jailed in Singapore
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