- Front Page
- Not of this Earth
- Grounded
- Extras
CQ: Do you worry about the small bundles of time getting away from you — 5 minutes here, 3 minutes over there — or only about wasting time all at once, say a half-hour at a time?
Full list of 30 articles after the jump!
- Front Page:
- It sounds more like the story itself has rotated around a couple of times, as traffic increases..: Manchester Evening News – Manchester’s ‘haunted’ Egyptian statue: How I survived my scary night at the museum
- Next might be to have a microscopic lens.. And the cool “dudududuh” sound from the 6 Million Dollar Man..: New Scientist – Telescopic contact lens lets you zoom in on the world
- He’s obviously never heard of cigarrette holders.. Or pipes..: Orange – Man wears wire head cage to quit smoking
- A clash of the ages.: Orange – Students launch anti-pensioner bus protest
- I wonder if it sells with a set of crayons which is 75% red?: Metro – Tesco apologises for selling horror movie colouring book to children
- Not of this Earth:
- I like traditions — especially ones which survive death.: Newsvine – For 400 years store in Japan has sold one product: candy bought by a ghost for her child
- Now I really want some..: Open Kyoto – Kyoto’s Ghost Candy Shop
- … or maybe just wanted to get a certain brimstone smell out of the air..: The Australian Daily Life – New Elle editor exorcises demons
- (EXTRA) Kids always see things adults don’t; but where does imagination end?: The UK Mirror – Real Sixth Sense: Meet the ‘psychic’ children who see and talk to ghosts at their family home
- Step 1: DON’T PANIC.: Boing Boing – Former SETI director explains what will happen when extraterrestrials contact us
- Does a dying man’s wish make for more serious discussions?: News and Record – UFOs discussed at Greensboro gathering
- “You shall not cross THIS line! No! THIS line! No! THIS line! … Oh, forget it!”: Los Angeles Times – Voyager 1’s journey to solar system’s edge upends theories
- (EXTRA) Granted, it’s more motivated than your average burglar.: New Scientist – Cockatoo cracks lock with no prior training
- Reading too much into farmland pictures — or not enough?: The Las Vegas Guardian – New Crop Circle in Robella, Italy Gives Formula for Energy?
- Spoiler: disappointed.: The Houston Chronicle – I had the ‘Bigfoot DNA’ tested in a highly reputable lab. Here’s what I found.
- Grounded:
- (EXTRA) No, really: LISTEN. To LASERS. in BLOOD.: New Scientist – Listen to the lasers to detect disease in blood cells
- (EXTRA) OMNOMNOMNOMNOM.: New Scientist – Plastisphere microbes go to sea on flotsam fragments
- (EXTRA) A new superhero: The Cleanser?: Orange – Soap bubbles attack Tokyo street
- (EXTRA) The next Doctor Who villian?: Metro – Postmen refuse to deliver mail to Shropshire man with ‘aggressive’ raspberry bush
- (EXTRA) It’s used to be “Thar be dragons!” Now, it’s: “Thar be Citizens!”: New Scientist – Citizen cartographers fill the gaps in maps
- (EXTRA) Um.. Lovecraft was right?: Discovery News/LiveScience – Bizarre 500-Million-Year-Old Creature Unearthed
- (EXTRA) That is not dead which can eternal fly..: New Scientist – Peaceful passenger pigeon waits for resurrection
- (EXTRA) Or at least: give us a place to look.: Stuff/Fairfax News AU – NZ photos may solve Earhart mystery
- (EXTRA) They’ve probably wilted by now..: New Scientist – Flowers have been at funerals for 13,000 years
- (EXTRA) Swamp Thing?: New Scientist – What does the rise of green power mean for you?
- Extras:
- (EXTRA) Home is where you hang your oar.: Orange – Welshman’s delight at ‘Shed of the Year’ prize
- (EXTRA) I think they might be squeezing the market..: Orange – Chinese pay £2,000 a month for breast milk
- (EXTRA) A whole new kind of “smoked fish”?: Orange – Cannabis worth £3.6m hidden in sardines
- (EXTRA) And yet, it’s cheaper than a decent steak.: Orange – World’s most luxurious cat food
- (EXTRA) At first, I read “beers”, and it was a dreamy moment.: Orange – Thousands of bees invade house
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