- Front Page
- Can I Get A Witness?
- Polly-sigh and Criminology
- Winventions
- Extras
CQ: Is it important to strive for perfection in your life, or is it more important to reach self-acceptance?
Full list of 34 articles after the jump!
- Front Page:
- NASA always plans ahead. This time, they’re thinking Deep Space.: New Scientist – New NASA astronauts headed for destinations unknown
- Deceptively, it sounds like the tunnels connect (they don’t — at least, as far as they can tell).: Ancient Origins – Extensive Ancient Underground Network Discovered From Scotland to Turkey
- Consider you could hire a permanent chauffeur and car for much cheaper, this seems.. wasteful.: Metro – Parking spaces sell for eye-watering $560,000 at Boston auction
- Discovered in the days when elaborate hoaxes were time consuming, science bears evidence that it’s not a hoax.: New Scientist – New signs of language surface in mystery Voynich text
- Can I Get A Witness?:
- Most creatures are actually very monster-like, if you look at them in the right (or wrong?!?) way.: The Examiner – Mysterious monster-like creature spotted in Oklahoma
- Don’t worry: I don’t recognize most of my hairless friends from the back, either..: Facebook – Another photo of creature shows hairless squirrel
- Beauty is in the eye of the moo-holder..: The German Local/DPA – Udderly charming: cow beauty contest
- Why do people only every take the “bad” ideas from videos to make into crazes? Why not the good things?: Metro – Eyeball-licking: The new craze in Japan making teenagers ill
- Birds splatter, don’t they?: The UK Daily Mail – Was it a bird? A Plane? Or a UFO?? Chinese passenger jet hits mysterious object at 26,000ft and lands with severely dented nose cone
- Finally, one of the great staid institutions is getting makeover..: Metro – Star Wars invasion is the best wedding snap ever (Episode II)
- Some people just don’t know when to quit! (Thanks to them!): Metro – Weightlifting world record holder Sy Perlis, 91: Bench pressing 85kgs is good for me
- Polly-sigh and Criminology:
- (EXTRA) Are reports of “bumps in the night” wastes of time?: Orange – Police force’s supernatural investigations
- (EXTRA) Can there be harm done, even if they are right?: The Huffington Post – Should Psychics be Allowed to Help Police?
- (EXTRA) Just because you break the law, doesn’t mean you can breakdance!: Orange – Prisoners Show Off Dance Moves In Record Bid
- (EXTRA) Does this set precendent for claiming to kill a Bigfoot? So it can be against the law to claim to have killed something which may not exist?: 3 News New Zealand – Man jailed for out-of-this-world lies
- (EXTRA) All he wanted is to get a head in life! Leaf him alone!: The Reykjavik Grapevine – Cabbage Criminal Sentenced
- (EXTRA) Sometimes, you need to vote for the most reliable candidate, not the best one..: The Huffington Post – Morris The Cat For Mayor: Xalapa, Mexico Candidate Promises To Sleep And Do Nothing
- (EXTRA) An exception, or a recognition that security rarely fits actual situations universally?: Metro – Felix the cat gets special entrance at Huddersfield station after coming unstuck at new barriers
- (EXTRA) I’ve heard that artists suffer for their art, but this one hits below the belt.: Orange – Poet to sell testicles to finance tour
- Winventions:
- That’s all I need, another reason to lose money if I can’t wake up on time!: Orange – Alarm clock shreds cash if you don’t get up
- Definitely gives a new meaning to “connecting over the air”!: New Scientist – Google’s Project Loon to float the internet on balloons
- Nature mimics technology or turning nature *into* technology?: New Scientist – Slime mould could make memristors for biocomputers
- Now if only they had announced it after it was already there, to demonstrate that they also went back in time and made it so..: Metro – Tardis to be sent into space by father and daughter to celebrate Doctor Who anniversary
- Or, as I suspect he thinks of it: “He paid a user fee.”: Brisbane Times – Rocket-powered skateboarder fined
- Because plumbing really *IS* rocket science!: Orange – Plumber adds jet engine to pushbike
- I wonder if this is the “green” and realistically sustainable incarnation of the flying car?: Orange – British designers unveil flying bicycle
- (EXTRA) Hey! Not everybody’s familiar can be a dragon, ya know!: Orange – Guinea pig suit of armour for sale
- (EXTRA) It’s a fairly good reason to argue for Augmented Reality All The Time..: New Scientist – Virtual reality display lets fire crews see in a blaze
- (EXTRA) Another way we’ll map the world around us..: New Scientist – Echolocating app will let you map a room with sound
- (EXTRA) Sometimes, it’s a bit better to see the world in a fuzzier way..: Science Now/Science Magazine – ScienceShot: Beer Goggles for Your Brain
- Extras:
- (EXTRA) Should we make our live’s work for posterity, or for those who cannot possibly appreciate it?: Orange – Husband’s monument of love
- (EXTRA) While the saying goes “do something enough, and you become an expert at it”, does it apply to doing silly things?: Metro – Extreme shampooing: Wash and go blogger lets his hair down in bizarre locations
- (EXTRA) Ah! So austerity also comes to tabbies, too?: Orange – Britain’s fattest cat is put on diet
- (EXTRA) Austerity may not be affecting dogs in the same way as it does cats, I see..: Orange – Ultimate luxury holidays for dogs
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