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- From Down Here
- From Within
- From Up There
- That’s Entertainment
- Extras
CQ: What would you put in a 10-year time capsule — and how does that differ from what you would have put a decade ago?
John Mierau’s Walk the Fire anthology, Volume 2 Kickstarter
Full list of 62 articles after the jump!
- Front Page:
- I know its something I often say first thing in the morning..: Orange – Canada starts the day with Holy Crap
- Probably also could be called “Holy Crap”..: Metro – Ears to that! Japanese beer made from elephant dung sells out in minutes
- Hoo boy, even *window shopping* has gone up in price!: Metro – Shop in Australia charges customers $5 ‘looking fee’
- I guess the force will be facing paper-cut-backs..: Metro – Are cardboard cut-outs the traffic officers of the future?
- Metal showers bring May flowers..: Orange – Black Sabbath ‘make flowers bloom’
- From Down Here:
- The problems of applying an observational (but not actual!) law to an entirely different field are exponential, and double every time someone reports on it..: MIT Technology Review – Moore’s Law and the Origin of Life
- Hubris or responsibility?: PhysOrg – Reverse extinction: Should we redo the dodo?
- (EXTRA) Massive die-offs happen every year, and many aren’t directly man-made. Should we allow them to happen?: Wired – Manatees Dying in Droves on Both Coasts of Florida
- (EXTRA) Given the resurgence in apparent cases of bird-flu, this might seem more disconcerting..: Arlington Voice – Dead birds litter Pioneer Parkway
- (EXTRA) Not every animal apparently needs — or possibly even wants! — our help to survive..: Orange – Sheep survive 23 days covered in snow
- So, this is *one* way to solve the “chicken or the egg” problem.. (Captain Kirk’s solution?): Metro – Does it cluck or quack? Chicken is fathered by a duck in ‘Jurassic Park’ breakthrough that could bring back extinct animals
- From everything I’m hearing, it sounds like it was an afterthought..: The Huffington Post – ‘Sirius’ Documentary Reveals DNA Test Results On Ata, The ‘6-Inch Alien’
- .. a little bit of detail (one bit Ata time..): The UK Daily Moil – Is this really human? DNA tests on six-inch skeleton of ‘alien-looking’ creature with over-sized head prove it was actually human claim scientists in new documentary
- … and a somewhat hilarious second-hand running commentary (not likely to be included on the DVD).: Ghost Theory – Sirius UFO Documentary: Sirius-ly Bad
- “Safe” for whom?: Phenomenica/PTI – $1 million prize for ‘safe’ capture of Bigfoot
- (EXTRA) While speculation runs rampant about why a society living in huts would create a massive stone monument, I look toward all human monuments and say, “What’s the difference?”: CNN – Mysterious structure found at bottom of ancient lake
- I suppose “care and feeding” is one way for the “safe” capture..: Who Forted? – Prime Spot Bigfoot: “Sasquatch Habituated” Land for Sale in Georgia
- From Within:
- (EXTRA) I wonder if he got it from a real deer..?: Metro – Finding your inner deer: Man wears deer head mask every day for five years
- (EXTRA) Beauty is in the eye of the beholder — although they may need glasses.: Metro – Mexico’s Queen of the Elderly beauty pageant is national hit
- (EXTRA) Which may be to say: “They’ve been watching us forever; so long, that our DNA has responded..”: The UK Telegraph – Feeling of being watched ‘hardwired in brain’
- (EXTRA) Of course, if you’re like me, you’ll then be stuck thinking of bad anagrams all day (or trying to).: Metro – Lady Gaga tune stuck in your head? A tricky anagram will get rid of those annoying ‘earworms’
- (EXTRA) Finally! Someone showing that video games are *good* for your eyes!: Orange – Doctors use video game to treat lazy eye
- (EXTRA) Oh, to have the biological excuses of a teenager again..: New Scientist – Why teenagers really do need an extra hour in bed
- (EXTRA) The exact opposite of “out-of-body” experience?: New Scientist – Mindscapes: The woman who was dropped into her body
- We check in with the status of Avatar A, which is to say: nothing new.: Sydney Morning Herald – Russian billionaire wants to create cyborgs
- Um.. since it takes one hand to use the app, I don’t think they come out ahead here..: Orange – New bionic hand is controlled by mobile app
- If you can think it, they can build it..: New Scientist – Robot builders deliver architects’ dreams
- This drum machine just might got some soul!: Orange – Robots form heavy metal band
- From Up There:
- (EXTRA) Do the rest just *know* it?: The Atlantic Wire/Reuters – 12 Million Americans Believe Lizard People Run Our Country
- (EXTRA) Well, they might have, but they went back in time and destroyed it..: ABC – Iran: No, We Don’t Have a ‘Time Machine’
- (EXTRA) Stanton Friedman is an eloquent speaker with a remarkable wealth of details at his instant command. But it does feel a bit like when parents fight, here..: Gralian Report – Bad Astronomy: Stanton Friedman Offers a Rebuttal
- (EXTRA) Can we please put RFID chips or something in sky lanterns? This is getting a bit ridiculous!: OpenMinds – Sheriff’s dept. investigating fireball UFOs near Houston
- (EXTRA) We now know definiitively that.. um.. The official records say that it couldn’t have been an official plane?: Ghost Theory – Phoenix Lights: New Evidence Emerges…Sort Of
- (EXTRA) They’re a little sensitive to glowing orbs over their cities right now..: Who Forted – Huge “Blazing Orb” Appears Over Russian City, Causes Alarm
- (EXTRA) Probably a big-ass sky lantern, right?: Who Forted – Mysterious Burning Object Falls From the Sky, Wounding Two
- (EXTRA) Are the sky booms starting again?: The Illinois Southern – Unexplained boom baffles experts, residents
- (EXTRA) And by “unexplained”, I think they mean “why does the Earth shake?”..: Who Forted – Bad Vibrations: Unexplained Tremors Shaking Up South Jersey
- (EXTRA) Even when we know what it was (earthquake), does it make it any less interesting? (Well, maybe a bit..): Discovery – Mysterious Boom in Wisconsin Identified
- (EXTRA) Oh yeah?!? Well, when *I* was a kid, the school didn’t *have * to stage UFO crashes! They just pointed to the real ones! 🙂: OpenMinds – UK schools still using staged UFO crashes in curriculum
- (EXTRA) Wait.. the aliens will reveal themselves if.. we ask?: OpenMinds – Petition asks ETs to disclose their presence
- (EXTRA) Will you sign the petition to force the aliens to reveal themselves, by the power invested in the raw, optional, bureacratic juggernaut?: change.org – The Extraterrestrials: To DISCLOSE A.S.A.P.
- (EXTRA) A copy of a memo retelling the story of a person who read an article in a newspaper written by someone who overheard the story being re-told?: Philly.com – UFO memo is FBI’s most viewed
- (EXTRA) I hereby dub thee, “Planet Woot Woot” and “Planet Wassup?!?”: New Scientist – First neighbouring planets that are both life-friendly
- (EXTRA) I’m still waiting for some crazy bazillionaire to build a space elevator. Then, we can make space eleveator music!: New Scientist – Antares rocket launch heats up private space race
- It’s like TV emulating.. TV!: PhysOrg – Dutch reality show seeks one-way astronauts for Mars
- That’s Entertainment:
- (EXTRA) It’s probably some deep commentary on the current decline of our decadent Western civilizations that we find any activity we can to take to the “extreme” edge.. Or maybe just boredom. Either way.. : Orange – Extreme unicycling comes to Britain
- (EXTRA) While the lens distorts the distance the rider is to the ground, it still can’t really distort the stupidity (or, frankly, the bravado).: Orange – Man rides ‘Stoopidtall’ bike through LA
- (EXTRA) Just be glad that he wasn’t going into the itching powder business instead!: Orange – Man sends bosses resignation cake
- (EXTRA) That kinda tops the “barber with a beer” offer downtown..: Orange – Customers flock to topless barber shop
- (EXTRA) Is this the emergence of teledildonics into the mainstream?: Orange – Fundawear lets couples ‘touch’ online
- (EXTRA) Obviously, “Funderwear” is also going to be banned in that country..: UPI – Man jailed for watching cartoon pixies have sex
- (EXTRA) Definitely nuts. It’s not like they were spending their time on worthwhile pastimes, like really tall bikes with only one wheel!: Orange – Norman nut copies Bayeux Tapestry
- (EXTRA) Since gambling is largely random, what difference does it make how you get your hunches?: Orange – One hundred and nighty
- (EXTRA) Most of the time, my fortune cookies only correctly predict that I will, at some point in my future, have another fortune cookie.: Metro – Fortune cookie predicts trio’s million dollar lottery win
- (EXTRA) I was going to say “almost the most unlucky”, myself..: Orange – Is this the luckiest man in the world?
- (EXTRA) Some people need to sit down and have a conversation..: BBC – Punxsutawney Phil ‘indicted’ in Ohio over spring prediction
- (EXTRA) Wanted: rock manager. Must be friendly to druids.: Orange – Stonehenge seeks manager to talk to druids
- (EXTRA) Soon, there will be a movie made about his life. Then, a theme park will be built to allow visitors to sample what it feels like to build a theme park. And it will be hosted by Johnny Depp.: Metro – Russian Jack Sparrow builds Black Pearl hotel for prospective tourists
- Extras:
- (EXTRA) Triangles kill. : Orange – Essex school bans triangular flapjacks
- (EXTRA) No one could have seen this coming. Or going.: Metro – Scientists develop Harry Potter-like invisible cloak
- (EXTRA) She’s a real monster, then?: The Christian Post – Girl Discovers Dinosaur: New Species Named After Girl – ‘Vectidraco Daisymorrisae’
- (EXTRA) … and not doing the backstroke, either..: NY Post – 1,000 ducks, 16,000 pigs found floating in Chinese rivers
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