TWS235: The Ridicted End Of The End Of The World

On December 22, 2012, in Episodes, by the Encaffeinated ONE

It’s a return, and a big one! This is a yearly wrap-up episode, looking back over the 1100 stories I covered this year. There will be a second episodes, because I only covered about a quarter of the articles I meant to.

Thank you for your patience. My life is still disrupted, and will remain so for quite some time to come, but I have always considered doing TWS one of my most favourite things.

CQ: The DIY movement, combined with the ease at which anyone can get a global speaking platform, seems like a hotbed of growth. What one innovation — be it in technology, the arts, economics or politics — will really mark the year 2013? And what was your favourite or the most important of 2013?

On the show this week:

  • ApocEclipsed
  • ApocEclipsed (again)

Full list of 41 articles after the jump!


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