CQ: What will the society of humanity in space look like, in say, a thousand years? Changed? The same? Radically altered? Fundamentally the same?
On the show this week:
- Front Page
- Never Again
- Ever Again
- Extras
Full list of 58 articles after the jump!
- Front Page:
- It’s not only Current, it’s Direct. (More of an Edison thing, really..): Indiegogo – Let’s Build a Goddamn Tesla Museum
- You could even say that it was “electric”.: The Guardian – Nikola Tesla museum campaign smashes fundraising target
- He may have just sparked a few thoughts, igniting the imaginations of hundreds!: Cambridge News – Professor’s breakthrough on human combustion theory
- Maybe it ate too much fat.: KHOU – Man says dining room table ‘spontaneously exploded’
- So now you know… and we are all enriched. Let’s move on quickly, before they put out a pop single..: BBC – Helium-huffing gibbons ‘sing with soprano technique’
- Time to make plans to watch the annual roasting of science’s accomplishments that should not be repeated!: Improbably Blog – About The Ig? Nobel Prizes
- Well.. not _everyone_ can be a scientist, ya know! (Some of them have to be engineers..) 🙂: Yahoo!/SKY News – Garbage Can World Cup Staged In Germany
- In completely unrelated news, a new squab restaurant in England is suddenly dropping its prices..: The UK Telegraph – Hundreds of racing pigeons vanish in ‘Bermuda triangle’ of birds
- Soon, they will call it the “Iguana Triangle”..: The Wall Street Journal – To Battle Iguanas, Puerto Rico Has New Plan: Put Them on Menu
- It’s a lot like the time the Cylons started working with the Fleet, but they weren’t really trusted.: New Scientist – Fracking could be combined with carbon capture plans
- Trust a scientist to gaze at the stars and miss something at their feet.. 🙂: Science Daily – Footprints of Cretaceous Dinosaur Found at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center
- Proof that zombies might be self-aware, too?: io9 – Rare neurological patient shows that self-awareness does not require a complex brain
- Now that we’ve studied this history, it will repeat itself.. Isn’t that how the saying goes? 😉: Mother Nature Network – Stone Age people may have battled against a zombie apocalypse
- “Tastes great,” muttered one ashen-faced research. “Less filling!” exclaimed another. “Mmnnnnnnnngg,” answered a third..: Medical Daily – 2,600-Year-Old Brain Found in England, in Remarkably Fresh Condition
- Actually, they’re not exactly waiting for the dead to walk, but rather getting really prepared ahead of time..: The Economist – When the dead start to walk you’d better start building
- When they say you need to have lots of brains to be a politician.. is this what they mean?: The Huffington Post – Zombie For President: Voter ID Laws Won’t Affect ‘The Walking Dead’ (VIDEOS)
- Never Again:
- One man’s trash is another’s treasure. I get it. But I think we’ve finally hit rock bottom. DONE.: The Huffington Post – Elvis Presley’s Dirty Underwear Could Fetch $16,000 At Auction
- When I was a child, I had a certain definition of what “marriage” was (even if evidence showed me that it rarely worked out). Now I am thoroughly convinced that we need to transcend ancient biological standards and recreate society through as many possi: Ananova – Row after threesome are allowed to ‘marry’
- I once asked all of my friends who were in relationships, “How did you meet?”. Consistently, they reported that it was “by accident”. So, I no longer believe that relationships happen, *except* by accident. And I refuse to look at this manufactured si: Ananova – Real life sleeping beauties
- I am so sick of seeing things wash up on the beach and we neither no what they are or seem like investigating them. Plus: they’re kinda ooky.. DONE.: Stuff.co.nz – Baffling beach creatures probably ‘spoon worms’
- I am no longer interested in anything which has become a meme. Particularly when people are now just being mean about it. DONE.: The UK Telegraph – Elderly woman destroys 19th-century fresco with DIY restoration
- No matter what they think, I’m pretty sure it wasn’t a conspiracy in the animal kingdom. And it’s just a bird, flying away. Like they are *supposed* to do! DONE.: BBC – Bright red bird escapes from Edinburgh Zoo
- There are so many Alien Big Cat (ABC) reports out there, I’m no longer interested in them. Rather, it’s just an established phenomenon now, to me. DONE.: The Herald Sun – Hunt for big cats, including cougars, panthers or pumas, in Victoria begins after decades of reported sightings
- Nessie is a symbol of cryptozoology, as well as crass commercialism. Until new evidence really comes out, I’ll celebrate her privately. DONE.: Smithsonian – Celebrating 1,447 Years of the Loch Ness Monster
- I’m not done with the discoveries of Amelia Earhart’s last moments — well maybe, just a little — but don’t give me the hope of good evidence and then show me an old blurry picture and shots of the equipment but not the subject. DONE.: The National Post – High-resolution video taken in Amelia Earhart hunt finds ‘debris field’ in Pacific
- Imagine something sweet but generally dumb going wrong. You will be able to find it on the Internet. DONE.: Ananova – Signed, sealed, undelivered
- The human skull is remarkably empty, and capable of shrugging off all manner of metal rods thrust through it. Quit it, already! DONE.: BBC – Brazil man survives steel rod through head
- Similarly, people eat stuff all the time, and most of them survive. From now on, I’m just going to imagine that people have eaten everything, and move on. DONE.: The Guardian/PA – Fork found in man’s stomach
- Things fall from the sky, carried on winds from far away. Fort wrote volumes on it a century ago. DONE.: BBC – Leicester couple pelted by raining yellow plastic balls
- (EXTRA) I have no time left for either wicked people getting away with abuses of the system, or the moral outrage because your health system costs too much. Don’t like terrible people getting health care? Don’t chain them up doing nothing useful forever, then..: The UK Daily Mail – Cannibal killer who ballooned to 23st after gorging on junk food in Broadmoor gets a ?15,000 gastric band on the NHS
- As much as I feel somewhat obligated to point out that there are awful, stupid people in the world, I can only take so much before I lose all faith in humanity. DONE.: The Sydney Morning Herald – Childcare workers charged over toddler ‘fight club’
- (EXTRA) Global warming is obviously happening, and the small signs and symptoms aren’t really interesting, even when they seem similar to other states of the world throughout time. After all: there was an ice age once: should we then ignore any signs that seem t: BBC – Antarctica warmth ‘unusual, but not unique’
- Even though I’ve been an advocate of the “meat tree” for as long as the show has been going on (and the previous show, too!), now that they are finally getting there, there’s no need to really talk about it any more. Instead, I’ll just wait for my st: io9 – Billionaire Peter Thiel invests in the development of 3D printed meat
- Ever Again:
- (EXTRA) I am simultaneously offended and amused by the small-mindedness of people who subjugate all logic and human thinking to the will of the machine, here embodied by “the rules”..: 1011/boing Boing – Grand Island Preschooler Asked to Change the Sign for His Name in School
- (EXTRA) What exactly is the delay time between unthinking action and common sense? As does “Internet outrage” help or hinder the process?: 1011 – School District Says Deaf Student Not Required to Change Name
- (EXTRA) I love real superheros. Sometimes, I think the world needs real supervillians, too..: Ananova – Wheel Clamp Man to the rescue
- (EXTRA) I’m very curious about how something which is a *statistical* correlation right now might become a *causal* correlation..: Phenomenica/PTI – A protein particle that made humans most intelligent found
- (EXTRA) So far, we are mostly content to observe and only slightly educate other species. When we will start in earnest to uplift them?: The Guardian – Bonobo ape Kanzi creates flint tools to prise open logs
- (EXTRA) Good reminders that we might just meat machines are needed periodically.. At least, until we transcend flesh and become actual machines. (No, even then..): Science Daily – Common Parasite May Trigger Suicide Attempts: Inflammation from T. Gondii Produces Brain-Damaging Metabolites
- (EXTRA) There are a lot of claims about how to live forever, but few of them involve soup..: The Sydney Morning Herald – Little need to chew over secret to long life
- (EXTRA) To believe that space is uninhabited is to be the worst kind of pessimist. To confuse the issue by acting inappropriate is foolish.: Nick Redferns’s World of Whatever – Ufologists: Do NOT Do These Things!
- (EXTRA) I’m amused by some prominent scientists suddenly proclaiming a fear of the unknown, rather than boldly facing it. After all: if aliens *are* hostile, we are definitely never going to be good enough at hiding ourselves.: Xinhua – China Exclusive: Alien encounter may not be happy one, says Nobel Prize winner
- (EXTRA) Our future lies in space. We’d better get to know the neighbourhood..: BBC – Star is caught devouring planet
- (EXTRA) While the actual announcement of the “search for aliens” is the minor point of the article, nonetheless I find it heartening to know that some people find time and energy to look up, rather than down..: OpenMinds – China advancing their search for aliens
- (EXTRA) The clash of the modern and the ancient never ceases to make me wonder: what is the right way?: The Sydney Morning Herald – Israeli biblical park outfits donkeys with wi-fi
- (EXTRA) Human augmentation starts with those who need it, but will eventually move to those who *want* it..: New Scientist – Aqua-wheelchair performs flips underwater
- (EXTRA) We are so impressed by our modern world, we sometimes forget that the ancients learned a few tricks, too.. And held their secrets tight to their chests..: Technology Review – The Puzzle Of The 13 Solar Towers of Chankillo
- (EXTRA) What is better? A mystery, or a mystery revealed?: Fox News – Town in Norway ready to open 100-year-old mysterious package
- (EXTRA) Not everything in the past is of great importance. The sooner we realize this, the sooner we will save the future..: Forbes – Norway’s 100-Year-Old Mystery Package Opened: Guess What Was Inside
- (EXTRA) When I read a story like this, I am always reminded of how easy it is to misplace something important to you..: Sky News – Richard III: Buried Under A Council Car Park?
- (EXTRA) Anything which changes my perceptions and potentially destroys conventional reality wordlviews is still fascinating to me..: Technology Review – Special Relativity And The Curious Physics of Chronology
- (EXTRA) Imagine: the universe on the big scale operates like a slowly expanding gas..: The Sydney Morning Herald – Melbourne researchers rewrite Big Bang theory
- (EXTRA) The quests to find the world’s creatures should include anecdotal evidence, but not stop there. To do anything else, isn’t science..: Smithsonian – Yes, We’re Actually Still Looking for the Yeti
- (EXTRA) For every hoaxer, there is a sincere searcher. The searchers are usually in less danger overall, however..: The UK Daily Mail – Big Foot impersonator killed in the act: Man trying to create Sasquatch sighting is run over by 15-year-old girl
- (EXTRA) In today’s results-driven capitalist economy, mistakes and faiures are anathema. But they form the very basis for learning, science and improvement. Without them, society has stalled.: io9 – Why we should reboot the Biosphere projects
- (EXTRA) The world is less than understood, and we need to consider well the things that are less than perfectly documented in order to understand it.: CBS Sacramento – Source Of Loud Boom In Foothills A Mystery
- Extras:
- (EXTRA) : The West Australian/Yaho!! – Thief targets Ebola patient, gets infected
- (EXTRA) : Bloomberg – Cold War Spy Tunnel Under Berlin Found After 56 Years
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