CQ: In a world getting increasingly connected by telecommunications and relatively easy international shipping and travel, should we fight to keep things as local as possible, or fight to make it easier to make the world more similar? Should we “think global, act local” or “think local, act global”?
Clip from the Youtube video: “I’m Farming and I Grow It”
<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”http://www.youtube.com/embed/48H7zOQrX3U?rel=0″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>
On the show this week:
- Feedback
- Front Page
- Water, Water Everywhere.. But Where The Hell Is Everybody?
- Buried Treasure
- More Twisted Than Crooked
- Extras
Full list of 58 articles after the jump!
- Feedback:
- Front Page:
- Optical illusion? Deliberate fake? Fleeting gestalt interpretation? Or a fleeting glimpse?: Ghost Theory – New Footage: Bigfoot Seen In Algonquin Park?
- Yeah, but he only ever ate it straight from a can! Ew…: AFP/The Sweden Local – Popeye was right: Swedish study confirms spinach makes us stronger
- I really want this! Then, it can note where the hell I left my pen..: Orange – Google launches camera glasses
- Ok, so not everything that Google does is ground-breaking..: Wired – Google’s Artificial Brain Learns to Find Cat Videos
- Soon, robots will be us at marbles, and children everywhere will be forced to retreat to playing with dinky cars..: New Scientist – Robot beats humans at rock-paper-scissors every time
- Thsi is obviously why dating sites never work for me. I’m too much like a robot. :'(: New Scientist – Silicon sirens: The naughty bots out to seduce you
- Ok, so maybe robots are *all* bad.. Or is this an ominous direction for them to take?: New Scientist – Lawyerbot takes the drudgery out of law
- … Because the universe is cruel and vindictive? Or are men just more METAL?: NPR – 80 Percent Of Lightning Strike Victims Are Male, But Why?
- Is it easier to believe in something fake when you occasionally think the real world is fake?: io9/Reuters – Why are schizophrenics starting to respond better to placebos?
- Turns out, we don’t really know the word for a thing either!: New Scientist – Implanted electrodes offer clues to brain’s ‘thesaurus’
- This sounds good, but isn’t “autism” about as broad a term as “got a cold”?: New Scientist – Autism’s brain activity captured in diagnostic test
- (EXTRA) Unfortunately, he’ll likely be replaced by a computer.. Or Google’s Project Glass..: West Midlands Police – Award for police ‘Memory Man’ with knack for spotting suspects
- Agriculture *should* be sexy..: Metro – Farmers parody LMFAO video: I’m sexy and I grow it
- Water, Water Everywhere.. But Where The Hell Is Everybody?:
- That’s a rather pretty — if also disturbing — metaphor..: LiveScience/Space.com – Mars Snowflakes Are as Tiny as Red Blood Cells
- Gee, it would really be great right now to call up the marsonaut and having them check on this, woudln’t it?: Phys.org – Extensive water in Mars’ interior
- Well, that’s convenient..: News Channel 5 WPTV/CNN – Water on the moon? Shackleton crater might contain frozen water, study says
- Good question! But.. did we check any of them?: io9 – With all these exoplanets, where the hell is the alien life?
- The other point of view, and one which Canada understands pretty damn well (because we live next to the US).: io9 – Does a galaxy filled with habitable planets mean humanity is doomed?
- Is this a trick question? I mean, given the fact that we are *here*, isn’t it therefore “inevitable”?: New Scientist – Life: is it inevitable or just a fluke?
- So *that’s* where they’ve been hiding!: Who Forted? – Purported Extraterrestrial Footprints Discovered in Rural Kentucky
- Honestly, the clip doesn’t show much more than a casual thought experiment, but I’m more surprised by the reactions..: AOL/Huffington Post – Paul Krugman’s Alien Invasion Defense Idea To Save Economy Gets Brickbats, Bouquets From Experts
- Of course, that’s a little like saying an adult is better at fighting off a bear than a teenager..: PR Newswire/National Geographic Channel – Two-Thirds of Americans Think Barack Obama Is Better Suited to Handle an Alien Invasion Than Mitt Romney
- (EXTRA) Salve for the public, or a recognition that assuming we’re alone is kinda stupid?: Inexplicata – Chile: Aeronautical Administration Launches UFO Website
- (EXTRA) Unfortunately, it probably lowers our ability to be coherent at the time..: Santa Cruz Patch – Can Psychedelic Drugs Help us Speak to Aliens?
- It rather depends on how hard they punch, I suppose..: OpenMinds – How will the discovery of extraterrestrial life impact religion?
- Dear aliens: give us a clear signal of your existence, then leave us alone for ~50 years so we can clean up our act. Thanks! #ChasingUFOs: Fox News/Lifes Little Mysteries – Possible alien message to get reply from humanity
- See, this tactic doesn’t work with dating, either. Why the hell should they call first?: New Scientist – SETI chief still waiting for ET to call
- While not likely an alien craft, it might just be an alien rock of some interest.: The UK Daily Mail – ‘UFO’ at the bottom of the Baltic Sea ‘cuts off electrical equipment when divers get within 200m’
- (EXTRA) If only by “hunt” they meant “track down, capture and consume..: New Scientist – First private space telescope may hunt asteroids
- (EXTRA) A cautionary tale: once upon a time, phrases like “your grandchildren will suffer by what you’ve done” were merely theoretical..: BBC – Polluted legacy: Repairing Britain’s damaged landscapes
- Buried Treasure:
- (EXTRA) Geez… I found a quarter once, and I felt pretty lucky..: The UK Daily Mail – Pair of metal detector friends discover three quarters of a TON of Iron Age coins worth £10m buried in a field in Jersey after searching for 30 years
- (EXTRA) Proof that commerce travelled farther than any one person?: Yahoo!/AFP – Roman jewellery found in ancient Japan tomb
- (EXTRA) In this case, the “treasure” might be the land itself..: BBC – Digging up the dead
- (EXTRA) Sometimes, the dead tell tales..: ANSA – Mona Lisa tomb hunt set to start again
- (EXTRA) Never say, in a fit of anger: “Either that beast goes or *I* do!” or “You’ll kill that cow over my dead body!”: BBC – Cow and woman found in Cambridgeshire Anglo-Saxon dig
- (EXTRA) Other times, the dead aren’t even there to greet you at the door..: BBC – Elvis Presley crypt pulled from auction
- (EXTRA) Not everyone can have their caviar..: BBC – Early human ancestor chewed bark
- (EXTRA) Soon, it will be discovered that they actually had a democracy rather than a meritocracy, too..: BBC – Dinosaur cold-blood theory in doubt
- (EXTRA) I would feel a whole lot better if they did more than co-opt the story of Nessie..: The Scotland Herald – How American fundamentalist schools are using Nessie to disprove evolution
- (EXTRA) I’m annoyed, but for a different reason: if we destroy what is “local”, then no place has anything “local”, and then we are left with “no place”..: Reuters – Venezuelan tribe angry at “sacred” stone in Berlin
- (EXTRA) Oh, for gooness sake: get over it, humans! Basic intelligence is not really all that hard..: Washington Post/AP/The Shreveport Times – Complex thinking goes beyond primates: Dolphins understand zero, elephants rescue each other
- (EXTRA) It is not the established scientists who are likely to change the world, but the radicals, the free thinkers, the mad and the creative..: Reality Sandwich – Science Paradigms Set Aflame
- (EXTRA) The real treasure is a landscape utterly under your imagination’s control and whim..: Reality Sandwich – Awake Within a Dream
- More Twisted Than Crooked:
- (EXTRA) The taste of tourism to come..: The UK Sun – Tongues of praise
- (EXTRA) I bet it was the dog that growled first..: The UK Daily Mail – ‘He was found with blood and fur all over him’: US man on synthetic marijuana chases neighbour while growling before ‘strangling and EATING dog’ in new zombie-like attack
- (EXTRA) What? You expected the zombie apocalypse to start _how_, exactly?: News Channel 5 WPTV/WFTS – ‘Zombie’ attacks continue? Man under the influence gets naked, bites off chunk of man’s arm
- (EXTRA) So, at least it’s not a big side effect of a new drug, but possibly just people being crazy..: CBS Miami – Medical Examiner: Causeway Cannibal Not High On Bath Salts
- (EXTRA) Scratch that: it’s the “Vampires are really just people on PCP” Whitewolf thing from the 90s all over again..: News Channel 9 WSYR/ABC – Police: Woman high on bath salts said she wanted to kill, eat someone
- (EXTRA) “I’m sorry, but ‘Dummies Guide to Breaking Out Of Prison’ is *not* on the accepted reading list.”: Orange – A novel way to get out of prison
- (EXTRA) Soon, movies will be classified as a “restricted drug”, and then books will burn. (I miss you Bradbury, you cranky bastard.): Sydney Morning Herald/AP/AAP – Robber compelled to hold up bank after watching Oscar-winning film
- (EXTRA) Maybe they should just “Beat It” before things get “Bad”. Not such a “Thriller” any more anyway..: The Times of India – Police crack down on Michael Jackson fans in Russia
- (EXTRA) Frankly, I think the “robes of office” look a whole lot sillier than a sausage costume..: The UK Telegraph – Mayoress criticised for dressing as Lincolnshire sausage
- (EXTRA) Protesting one silly thing with another silly thing is just… silly..: ABC Australia/Reuters – Topless feminist disrupts psychic pig’s feeding time
- Extras:
- (EXTRA) Is there a medical test to determining if your magic basket dumped you out?: News24/AP – Zimbabwe ‘witches’ to have medical tests
- (EXTRA) I signed up for their newsletter to see if the guide is any good. Here’s to hoping!: SFGate/PRWeb – Investigate Ghosts, Paranormal Activity with your Video Camera
- (EXTRA) Perhaps there should be more disposable clothing for one-time ceremonies..: Orange – Toilet paper wedding dress
- (EXTRA) And I thought people from Montreal just *talked* fast!: Orange – Man rides skateboard at 80mph
- (EXTRA) Can a spot revered for it’s astrological, semantic, philosophical, architectural and mystical properties really be nothing more than a political marker?: ScienceDaily – Stonehenge Was Monument Marking Unification of Britain
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