TWS225: Destiny Will Wait ‘Til I’m Good ‘n Ready
CQ: Does mediated communication via, for example, the Internet *reduce* or *increase* the stereotypes, prejudices and false assumptions we make about people? E.g. if you don’t know I have a goatee, will you still assume I’m evil?
On the show this week:
- Front Page
- Extras
Full list of articles after the jump!
- Front Page:
- Well, what *else* are you going to do when your cheeze runs away? People have to practice for that inevitability, after all..: Metro – Hundreds chase cheese down a Gloucestershire hill in annual ritual
- I don’t think this is *exactly* what was meant by “learning the language of the genetic code”..: Neatorama – DNA Sans Font
- I can barely reunited a pair of socks, so.. this is impressive.: TG Daily – Atom split with quantum mechanics, then put together again
- (EXTRA) Check for giant heads. (I suspect the Statue of Liberty.): Halifax Regional Municipality – Police Keeping Ear to the Ground
- Vanity may have been her identifying feature, in the end..: io9 – Is this anti-freckle cream a clue to Amelia Earhart’s disappearance?
- Flavourless gum may not provide you with any brain power. But why are you chewing flavourless gum?: The Calgary Herald – What does gum do again? New research says spit out your gum to improve memory
- Next: they will start to dance. And sing.: BBC – Paralysed rats ‘learn to walk’
- Extras:
- (EXTRA) Forget all the history – let’s see something current!: Orange – Japanese tourists visit rapeseed fields
- (EXTRA) I don’t care how many times I see this story.. I’m *still* somewhat creeped out by proto-robo-puppies..: Orange – Paralysed puppy gets new wheels
- (EXTRA) Again: it is the intent of this attack which offends so much. One would never accuse a wild animal of being cruel because it attacked its prey. Of course, are animals capable of cruelty?: The Sydney Morning Herald/AFP – Professor cuts off adulterous wife’s lips: report
- (EXTRA) No words can express how wrong this is… although intellectually, the only thing wrong here is that it seems *intended* to be wrong..: The Daytona Beach News-Journal – Palm Coast man accused of strangling kitten, biting lips off another
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