TWS214: Flora C-Chord
CQ: Q1: Do you think a clear, irrefutable, universal revelation of alien life would have a devastating or positive effect on humanity — or would it have no real effect at all?
Q2: If immortality is only available to one gender of humans, should it be granted at all?
Bumper: Braindouche! – an eclectic mix of music, art, thought, randomness!
Promo: Nutty Bites! – Geekstress Extraordinaire Nuchtchas’ Celebration of the World of Awesome!
On the show this week:
- Front Page
- Rocks are really grounded
- Life: you found it *where*?
- Black and White, Red and Blue
- Extras
Full list of 75 articles after the jump!
- Front Page:
- WOOHOOO! I CAN HAZ CHEEZBURGERTREE!: The Raw Story/AFP – First “test-tube” hamburger to be produced this year
- Something really makes me assume Phil isn’t entirely serious (I hope).: The Huffington Post – ‘UFO Phil’ Says He Can Assume Presidency Without A Single Vote
- It’s conclusive: morning suck! AVOID THEM.: BBC – Sudden cardiac death: Time of day link found in mice
- It’s seems like an amusing but irrelevant point — up until you point out the possibility of Scotland separating!: Orange – Bonny Donny may be Scottish
- While men might not be phased out “naturally”, I’m pretty sure that we’ll be redundant within the century..: BBC – Male Y chromosome extinction theory challenged
- I certainly know that walking *behind* slow people makes *me* a little demented…: BBC – Slow walking ‘predicts dementia’
- Some mysteries can’t run on forever..: CBC/CP – Foot found in B.C. lake identified after 25 years
- HELP LINE STEP 3: “Did you check to see if it was plugged in?”: BBC – Faster-than-light neutrinos could be down to bad wiring
- Too err is human. To do science requires a scientist.: io9 – Physicists explain technical glitches behind those faster-than-light neutrinos
- There’s a joke here, but it’s all in the delivery and not in the opening line..: The UK Telegraph – Land Registry civil servants take four months to find best way to open mail
- Yes? No! No? Yes? … Maybe?: BBC – Do mysterious laws link tennis rankings and earthquakes?
- Is it all coming from the Earth after all?: New Scientist – Mystery booms: The source of a worldwide sonic enigma
- I’d take it as a point, except that they were likely baffled by most everything..: Weird Australia – Mysterious sky sounds baffled early explorers too
- Kinda defeats the threat of “if you don’t stop playing that game, you’ll wreck your eyes!”, doesn’t it?: The Globe and Mail – Using first person shooting games to improve vision
- (EXTRA) Wait.. is that among all top scenes on Lego, or top scenes overall illustrated in Lego?: Orange – Top movie scenes recreated in Lego
- I suppose there’s a whole category of “stacking things onto other things that don’t normally stack that well” records..: Metro – Australian chef Andy Wrobel batters world record for tallest pancake stack
- More things on top of things that really shouldn’t be on top of them..: Orange – Man balances 23 benches on his teeth
- Somehow, I don’t think this means I should sleep more, but *less*..: BBC – The myth of the eight-hour sleep
- Rocks are really grounded:
- (EXTRA) They had some CRAZY imaginations..: Brazil Weird News – The oldest engraving on rock of the Americas is discovered in Brazil
- (EXTRA) They tell us: we really need to study the universe more..: The UFO Iconoclasts – The Tassili Paintings — what do they really tell us?
- (EXTRA) We may not know what the ancient art tells us, but we can probably figure out what this new art is..: The UK Telegraph – Totnes divided over gnome ornaments designed to brighten up the Devon town
- (EXTRA) Plausible sounds? Or merely a coincidental harmony?: The UK Guardian – Stonehenge was based on a ‘magical’ auditory illusion, says scientist
- (EXTRA) Not, it doesn’t *literally* divide Ireland.. Although that would be cool..: BBC – Achill-henge: A monument that divides Ireland
- (EXTRA) Basically: it grew there naturally. Nature is, after all, pretty clever..: The Vancouver Sun – Scientists solve mystery of stone circle on top of ridge of Coast Mountains
- (EXTRA) The moon had an “incident” quite a few million years ago, and we just can’t let it get over it..: National Geographic – New Scars Found on Moon, Hint at “Recent” Tectonic Activity
- (EXTRA) There’s a whole lotta speculatio based on a couple of rolling rocks.. But then again, this *is* astrophysics.. (Well, sorta..): The UK Daily Mail – Marsquake! How signs of Martian earthquake could finally prove there is life on the Red Planet
- (EXTRA) What goes up.. COMES DOWN WITH BOOM.: Yahoo!/PA – Warning on space attack devastation
- (EXTRA) Only REEEALLY spread out..: – Tiny ‘Soccer Ball’ Space Molecules Could Equal 10,000 Mount Everests
- (EXTRA) I gotta admit: these are fantastic art..: Gizmodo – Snow Art: Much Cooler Than Crop Circles
- Life: you found it *where*?:
- (EXTRA) Funny.. it doesn’t seem nearly so dangerous when there’s only ONE birdfall at a time..: ABC – Hundreds of dead birds on I-95 in Laurel
- (EXTRA) It looks like a worm or a snake, but it’s… neither?: BBC – New amphibian family find for India
- If the eggs are missing: black hole arriving!: The UK Daily Mail – Sunny side up, please! Rosie, the chicken that lays eggs that are weather forecasts
- Ok, let’s start digging EVERYWHERE. Hidden world, anyone?: Gizmodo – Extraordinary 298-Million-Year-Old Forest Discovered Under Chinese Coal Mine
- Before you get worried: think beer, not zombies..: Scientific American – Raising the Dead: New Species of Life Resurrected from Ancient Andean Tomb
- I can’t wait until this hits the grocery store — and the liquor store: Phenomenica – Russian scientists revive plants frozen for 30,000
- (EXTRA) Well, that’s one way to bring back the dinosaurs.. Jurassic Park meets Terminator?: Newswise – Robotic Dinosaurs On the Way for Next-Gen Paleontology at Drexel [Infographic]
- No word on quality of life issues, tho’..: New Scientist – ‘Fountain of youth’ enzyme lengthens mouse life
- (EXTRA) Well.. wouldn’t you?: New Scientist – Parasite-plagued flies self-medicate on booze
- (EXTRA) Nothing stinks quite like your enemies..: BBC – Ants remember their enemy’s scent
- (EXTRA) Amazing the things we really don’t know..: PhysOrg – Alan Turing’s 1950s tiger stripe theory proved
- (EXTRA) All those in favour, hands up! I said _hands_, not flippers!: The UK Guardian – Whales and dolphins ‘should have legal rights’
- (EXTRA) Or maybe just clumsily dismissed, instead..: CFZ-Canada – Caddy Debunked?
- (EXTRA) He’s like a sasquatch! Only, uh, human and carries a gun.: Yahoo!/AP – Mountain man scares owners of remote Utah cabins
- (EXTRA) Ok, now THIS is the way to hunt for Bigfoot.. Kinda makes steampunk seem more possible. Dirigibles, ho!: Bigfoot Evidence – Bigfoot Hunting Airship Developed By Falcon Project Now Funded, First Order Of Business: Hunt Down Suspected Killer Hiding In Mountains
- (EXTRA) Apparently, a bigfoot briefly touched down there, but presumably flew off again..: Bigfoot Evidence – Holy Matt-Moneymaker-on-a-pogo-stick! Over 120 Sequential Bigfoot Prints Found Near Eugene, Oregon!
- (EXTRA) Sadly, they are too clear to be considered much but fakes. How does *that* work?: Bigfoot Evidence – The Clearest Photo Of Bigfoot Since Patterson-Gimlin Released By Melissa Hovey?
- (EXTRA) Well, it’s real footage, at least. Whether the subject is a bigfoot or a guy in a suit is indeterminable..: Bigfoot Evidence – Finding Bigfoot Producer Says “San Juan Mountain Bigfoot” Footage Appears To Be Authentic
- (EXTRA) We need to preserve the evidence that people have gathered, or we’ll be doomed to forget we ever had evidence in the first place..: Cryptomundo – Save Your Cryptozoology History!
- Black and White, Red and Blue:
- (EXTRA) A folktale from the Blue Grass nation?: The UK Daily Mail – Talk about blue in the face… Extraordinary story of Appalachia’s ‘Blue Family’ whose bodies were discoloured after generations of inbreeding
- (EXTRA) Some see red over blue.: BBC – India’s Calcutta ‘to be painted blue’
- (EXTRA) It’s probably more candy than bloody..: The Lebanon Daily Star – Beirut River mysteriously runs blood red
- (EXTRA) Yeah, but can it colour within the lines?: Orange – Artistic robot can sketch a face
- (EXTRA) The black-and-white diet? The information consumer?: Orange – Pregnant woman eats local newspaper
- (EXTRA) Another cold blue marble?: BBC – Distant ‘water-world’ confirmed
- (EXTRA) It’s the rainbow of vague encounter labels!: Wired – Quantifying Alien Encounters: The Rio Scale
- (EXTRA) Politics was a lot, uh, smellier back then..: What’s On Tainjin – Farting Japanese ‘He-gassen’ paintings have political meaning 200 years ago
- (EXTRA) Apparently, some of the boys in blue saw the black and white master and thought: red!: The UK Guardian – MI5 spied on Charlie Chaplin after FBI asked for help to banish him from US
- (EXTRA) Everything went black, and now the guy was caught red-handed.: MSNBC – Man to cops: The other part of my split personality robbed Chinese restaurant
- (EXTRA) Yes, but which half did the assault?: The Huffington Post – Mark Loescher, Assault Suspect, Tells Police He’s Half-Orangutan And Elvis’s Brother
- (EXTRA) One country’s banker is another’s bank robber..: Orange – Robbing hood declared a hero
- (EXTRA) Wait.. can ghosts get a divorce?: The UK Telegraph – Chinese ‘ghost bride’ sold twice into marriage
- (EXTRA) I think they actually want to make this a real sport. Then again, so is “ultimate” fighting..: Metro – Ultimate Tazer Ball allows players to zap opponents with stun guns
- (EXTRA) Somehow, it doesn’t sound gruesome, so much as.. delicious!: The UK Telegraph – Police hunt sheep butcher who kills animals for best cuts at night
- (EXTRA) Deep red..: The UK Telegraph – Polish pig worker ‘tried to rip out victim’s heart’
- Extras:
- (EXTRA) A very unusual sighting — that looks the most like fire lanterns that I’ve seen yet..: Gather – First UFO Sighting in South India? (Video)
- (EXTRA) It sounds like a very bloody trail, at least at first..: AJC/AP – Woman jailed in Pa. has trail of fake pregnancies
- (EXTRA) How much is a genuine, human moment worth?: UK Auctioneers/UK Daily Mail – Valentine’s card which Princess Diana sent to a lonely footman set to fetch £8,000 at auction
- (EXTRA) Probably now wants to move to a very sunny, tropical place..: BBC – Sweden snow: Man ‘survives two months trapped in car’
- (EXTRA) Somehow, the fact that they starved to death makes this the worst story I’ve seen, in a _long_ time..: CNN – Pastor, wife accused of killing ‘possessed’ children
- (EXTRA) DON’T CROSS THE STREAMS!: The Huffington Post – Michael Harper Sentenced For Urinating On Transformer, Knocking Out Electricity To 2000 UK Homes
- (EXTRA) Was it love? Or just twisted?: The UK Telegraph – Countess Lucan: I would have helped my husband get away with murder
- (EXTRA) For every year that goes by, there’s another thing discovered that we still don’t know about WWII..: io9 – The Weirdest Unsolved Mysteries of World War II
- (EXTRA) It’s a lot like selling a car and then saying “If you’re ever hit by a meteorite, I’ll buy the car back from you!”: Orange – Football fan puts house on promotion
- (EXTRA) Shakespeare fo’ da win, yo!: Orange – Teacher quits school to be a rapper
- (EXTRA) Some people just want to be part of the crowd..: Sports Illustrated/AP – A five-state ban in place for the ‘Piggyback Bandit’
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