TWS213: Shameless, Blameless and Lameness

On February 18, 2012, in Episodes, by the Encaffeinated ONE

TWS213: Shameless, Blameless and Lameness

CQ: Having recently read “The Wealthy Barber”, and noting its lamentations about basic financial education, I started to think about other areas which could use some basic education. For example, where is the equivalent book for health and diet issues (“The Healthy Barber”)? What areas of basic education do we either do poorly or not at all?

Voting has begun for the 2012 CHSR Barry Awards! While it would be appreciated if you voted for me, I’d really just like you to vote for *someone*. Support campus/community radio!

Bumper: Mainframe from Geek Out With Mainframe (

Promo: Kakophonos Internet Radio (

On the show this week:

  • Front Page
  • All Creatures (Fake and Small)
  • Say It Ain’t So
  • Antigovernmentarianism
  • Extras

Full list of 61 articles after the jump!

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