TWS209: And lo! The trumpets call!
CQ: Is there still any real point to us all working roughly the same workday from 9 to 5, or should we actively seek to change the world to 3 standardized 8-hour shifts, work evenly divided between them?
On the show this week:
- Feedback
- Front Page
- Spacious Accommodations
- Like A Good Idea (At The Time)
- Extras
Full list of 61 articles after the jump!
- Feedback:
- The first report I noticed; with sounds from: Budapest, Colorado, Mexico, Melbourne and Australia.: – Unknown sound coming from the country scaring people around the world [Google Translated]
- A distinctly different sound, much like mechanical screaming.. And another video from Manitoba.: The Huffington Post – Weird Noise: Strange Sounds Popping Up In Different Parts Of Canada
- I hear a thrumming version of an icy lake on a cold night.. You?: Death By 1000 Papercuts blog – Incredibly Creepy Noise in the Sky in Denmark, January 10, 2012 — Video
- No video this time, but there seem to be a number of witnesses.: The Borneo Post – Rumble in the sky over Samarahan
- (EXTRA) Again, no video, but what appears to be multiple witnesses of an extremely loud phenomena.: The UK Guardian/The Northerner Blog – Sonic boom shakes north east – eyewitness account
- Another look at the Costa Rica “hum”, with claims that we need to look at fireworks… ?: Natural Plane/Phantoms and Monsters – Costa Rica: Hums, Booms and Rumblings
- Another link to the Alberta video, and now one from Tennessee.: io9 – What are these bizarre sounds coming from the sky in countries from Hungary to Canada?
- A rather eclectic view, with links to the Colorado and Costa Rica and Alberta videos, but also the musical Kiev and strangely strobed Bucharest.: Triump of a Man Called Da-Da – Higher Weirdness (or, “Shut Up, Nostradamus”)
- This seems like the only case actually reported in a language other than English, and on the news..: UFO Disclosure Countdown Clock – OMG – The Sky Sound Phenomena Continues In 2012 – Costa Rica TV Report
- Isn’t it sad when the most logical explanation is not *science* but *entertainment*..: Texas Ghosts – Strange sounds around the world , most logical explanation
- It rather puts a dent in the theory that it’s all recent, when you find historical support. (Much like crop circle explanations..): Doubtful Newsblog – Sounds from the sky: Reflections on historical observations and recent events
- Turns out: they fridge *is* running!: Green Bay Press Gazette – Case of mystery noises at Green Bay homes may be solved
- Front Page:
- Because we can never celebrate just enough..: Mental Floss – 18 Offbeat Holidays to Celebrate in January
- Just another reminder that calendars are artificial and arbitrary..: BBC – Gwaun Valley children mark old New Year
- Because, when you’re dead, you’ve *totally* gotta update your status: “Damn worms! Now I’ll never get that eye back in place!”: Orange – How to post on Facebook beyond the grave
- This really needs to be celebrated.. And then made part of following the Jedi way..: Metro – Star Wars fanatics spend two weeks baking life-size Stormtrooper cake
- Turns out, sharing really *is* as important as well tell kids in kindergarten.. (And we wouldn’t lie to kids, would we?): New Scientist – Why should we stop online piracy?
- Those who don’t remember history are doomed to make it all up anyway.: New Scientist – Remembering things that never happened
- (EXTRA) Something tells me this isn’t quite universal yet..: Orange – F-word ‘no longer offensive’
- (EXTRA) I would have thought that it takes balls to surf trains in the first place..: Metro – Indonesia cracks down on ‘train surfing’ with help of concrete balls
- Spacious Accomodations:
- (EXTRA) Proof! Aliens are hurling rocks at us! They hates us! Wants our precioussss…: Phenomenica/PTI – Mars rocks fell in Africa last July
- Maybe Mars did it themselves!: RT – Did US radar down Russian Mars probe?
- (EXTRA) Let’s just say that it’s birth certificate is a little.. complicated. It’s parents were free-flowing hippie junior galaxies, ok?: National Geographic – Mystery Deepens Over Where Sun Was Born
- (EXTRA) I suspect our star was somewhere in there.. once..: BBC – Bubble-blowing stars seen in the thousands by public
- (EXTRA) And just a few decades ago, there was doubt if there were any other real planets out there..: BBC – Exoplanets are around most stars, study suggests
- Too bad only crackpots support Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions! It’s not like some sober scientistis and engineers with many decades of spectacular success and achievement are supporting the notion. … Oh..: PESN – NASA Calls Cold Fusion (LENR) a Game Changer
- The buzz is growing about the E-Cat — now all I need is to have it out there and working..: PESN – E-Cat Weekly — January 12, 2012
- Right beside the Arc of the Covenant, The Phillosopher’s Stone and all the lost socks in the universe, no doubt..: BBC – Lost Charles Darwin fossils rediscovered in cabinet
- Pretty soon: “Oh, yeah, here’s an alien space ship. We misplaced it 50 years ago.. sorry!”: Gather – Unlooted Ancient Egyptian Tomb Discovered in Valley of the Kings
- Oh, and we also had the internal combustion engine in the year 400 AD. 🙂: DiscoveryOn/Bureau Report – Humans skilled anglers 42,000 years ago
- (EXTRA) Yes. (Why can’t it be both?): ITN – Is this image Princess Diana’s ghost or an optical illusion?
- (EXTRA) Dr. Michuo Kaku is the most optimistic guy around with regards to the future and technology, but reminds us: all that tech is great, but human minds are irreplaceable, and need to be smart enough.: Arabian Business – Quantum Leap
- (EXTRA) Like many technologies, they hit a crucial stage when you can make them for everything..: New Scientist – Must-have robots come nearer with software explosion
- Some people plan waaaaay too far into the future.. Still, the notion of an intelligent crystal outlasting the universe is somehow comforting.. Maybe the next universe will start with an intelligent being right at the beginning…: New Scientist – Death-defying time crystal could outlast the universe
- Like A Good Idea (At The Time):
- (EXTRA) It’s not nearly as glamourous as it sounds..: WorldWatch – Report: Man drowns self in whiskey-making vat
- (EXTRA) That’s probably not a good idea…: The Huffington Post – Costa Concordia Passenger: Titanic Theme Played As Ship Hit Rocks
- (EXTRA) Kinda takes all the joy out of it, though..: The Huffington Post – Man Marries Dead Girlfriend In Joint Funeral And Wedding Ceremony In Thailand (PHOTOS)
- (EXTRA) Nothing about “injecting bath salts” makes any sense in any way I try to parse it..: NPR Shots – Woman Injects ‘Bath Salts,’ Loses Arm To Flesh-Eating Bacteria
- (EXTRA) HULK CASH!!!!!: The Huffington Post – ‘Incredible Hulk’ Robs Bank In Hamburg, NY
- (EXTRA) It’s all just a big coincidence — right?: The Hollywood Reporter – Rupert Murdoch Madness: Man Files Bizarre Lawsuit Over ‘X-Files,’ ‘Donnie Darko’
- (EXTRA) Because as everyone knows, banning something is a sure way to make the kids not want it..: International Business Times – Iran Barbie Ban: ‘Morality Police’ Demand Mattel Dolls Taken Off Shelves
- (EXTRA) Not every idea has to be fancy to be good..: Metro – Chinese entrepreneur strikes gold as locals go mad for sheep-powered taxi
- (EXTRA) We pay television entertainers for less!: Orange – Shaman paid to keep World Cup dry
- (EXTRA) Let’s hope it doesn’t rain..: BBC – Artist’s Downing Street sculpture fashioned from 5,117 cubes
- (EXTRA) When the parks go offshore, what does that leave in the city?: Orange – Floating offshore parks planned for cities
- (EXTRA) Why do people really think it’s all a matter of just asking the right question, saying the right incantation to open the magic chest?: The Gralien Report – Here We Go Again: The Reason White House UFO Petitions Keep Failing
- (EXTRA) Lies, damned lies and science.. 🙁: CNN Health – Red wine researcher said to falsify data
- (EXTRA) I prefer the positive approach: reward them for the 99% of the time they get it right (and we didn’t notice) instead..: Orange – Weathermen face jail for getting it wrong
- (EXTRA) So.. no beans in the space-meals, then?: The UK Daily Mail – To boldly blow! Astronauts flatulence could create flammable gas in spacecraft
- (EXTRA) Sometimes, it’s easy to recognize the bottom-line industry..: Yahoo!/AFP – Bum’s the word in Japan security scans
- (EXTRA) A rather cheeky thing to eBay..: digital spy – Saddam Hussain’s bronze statue buttock ‘hidden in Derby’
- (EXTRA) Eventually, tho, they may want to return her buttock to the proper country, after the revolution.. Uh..: Metro – Woman auctions space on her bottom for tattoo
- (EXTRA) Eventually, all industry will be based off entertainment value..: Reuters – Tennessee town hopes ghost search can scare up cash
- (EXTRA) I wonder what extra kick his pepper plants have..: Metro – Garden ER’s David Domoney: I use Viagra to perk up plants
- (EXTRA) Let’s leave that one out fo the future robots, ok?: MSNBC/Life’s Little Mysteries – Math formula may explain why serial killers kill
- (EXTRA) Without coffee, my body clock is definitely broken..: New Scientist – Disrupted body clock may prime you for schizophrenia
- (EXTRA) I have no idea what’s F****KING GOING ON!: WGRZ/NBC – Update on Tourette-Like Illness in Leroy
- Extras:
- (EXTRA) Although it’s not much of a life, really.. I mean, not unless you count being annihilated by the universe a life. And all tails are called Marvin.: New Scientist – Zoologger: Gecko’s amputated tail has life of its own
- (EXTRA) Surprisingly, a short list, and not what I considered the most important.. But that’s what the importance of looking at other lists is..: Who Forted? – Weird Year In Review: Trends of 2011, Best-Of the Paranormal
- (EXTRA) Unacceptable.: The UK Telegraph – Dwarf blames Mike Tindall for inspiring attack
- (EXTRA) We are all such creatures of habit and *YAWN*.. tired now..: Phenomenica/ANI – Even birds can’t resist a good yawn
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