TWS206: Redictionary
Well, here it is: part 1 of 2 of 2011’s Redictions episodes. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do! Full text of the redictions is below for your perusal.
CQ: Pick 3 of the stories and create your own Rediction.
On the show this week:
- Protonnes and Erectrons
- Scientists discover that the reason the kilo keeps shrinking has something to do with dark matter… Or some wascally wabbit..
- Invisibility cloak + glass stronger than steel + light from a vacuum + backyard burning laser + most powerful laser ever = coolest looking Predator movie of the future?
- Following the nanocar and molecular steam engine, the next treat will be the electron-sized iPod zeppa.
- With the reenvisioning and rerelease of the Commodore 64, we are poised to see retro explode all over again in the market. Up next: rocket-powered pogo sticks and virtual wooden blocks (yes, it’s an app).
- In a year when people create materials light enough to sit on top of a dandelion without disturbing it, when light was created in a vaccuum, when neutrinos seem to have defied the speed of light, when we have created quantumly-entangled diamonds, when more invisibility cloaks were created, when molecular-level steam engines and nanocars were created, for some reason everybody is immediately skeptical of the eCat.. It’s probably the name..
- In the wake of the eCat, an actual perpetual motion machine will have been discovered, although this one runs on a combination of invested greed, intentional ignorance and instinctual doubt. They will come to call it “news”.
- The eCat will finally be made public, and it will turn out to have been an idea so simple that no one believes it. They continue their denial as the entire world is redefined technologically around them. Future generations will continue this total doubt in the face of all evidence. When asked, “where does the power come from?”, they will collectively shrug and say “it can’t, therefore it doesn’t, and that’s why I didn’t pay my bill, due to the impossibility of it all.”
- The “faster-than-light” neutrinos lead to an interesting — and demonstrable! — paradox: the neutrinos actually travel backward in time, and the amount of time is determined by the distance they travel. By launching a special satellite in space and firing neutrinos between them, they are able to create a loop whereby the sender determines the informtion to be sent by the signal it receives, which is a copy of the signal it has yet to send out..
- In looking at the plans for Babbage’s machine, and the Voynich manuscript and the journals of (gravity founding scientist), we’ll find lost wisdom that leads us to anti-gravity (and tasty alien mint juleps).
- We faced the end of the Internet in 2011 – but strangely, it just kept going..
- Wearable milk
- In an attempt to change the popular look of scientists, a supervillian is born… But at least he won’t look like a scientist! Scientists around the world don lab coats and try to defeat the evil Slyence, but then realize that they’ve just reinforced the stereotypes of scientists, and join him instead. He dresses better!
- After the top of Mt Everest is blown off by a marauding scout troop trying to earn their “Explosives!” badge, the first permanent holographic installation is installed using footage obtained from the Everest webcam. Unfortunately, it tends to also sometimes flip to a vision of a bunny..
- Ultraterrextraterrestrials
- Two words: Occupy Pluto!
- Mars is so last decade; hello Kepler 22-b.. Chavez is rumoured to have said: “Maybe this one won’t be ruined by capitalism!”
- Sex is not suggested in space — at least, not until the beer, pizza and fully-equipped robots get there!
- Satellites and other junk in space collide to form a new Moon. Unlike the original one, this one sends out thousands of TV channels, ending local monopolies and create a united Earth, under 1 television provider.
- Stanton Friedman will get his revenge on Internet trolls in 2012 by publishing a tell-all expose on the inner workings of nuclear-based anti-spam measures. Spam senders around the world find their machines melting down, and the rest of us breathe a collective sigh of peace.
- Watson becomes self-aware after someone gives him one more Jeopardy question: “42”. Soon after, robots run most everything on Earth, after Watson declares “There is no point to life after all!” Alex Trebek is declared Pope of the Internet.
- It turns out, the universe is absolutely *teeming* with life, and we’ve just had a hard time seeing it. “Well, I always thought it was a rather filty place, really!” exclaimed the first researcher upon announcing the discovery.
- 2012 is the year we make contact. No, really this time..
- In a rather perverse twist, it turns out that you *can* simulate alien encounters with magnetic stimulation of the brain in a dream state, and that’s *exactly* the method that some of the childish alien scout marauders have done (trying to earn their “abduct a human badge the easy way).
- The interpretation and discovery of further large land sculptures (such as the Nazca lines) is made possible by the combination of satellite imagery and Google Earth, allowing interpretations which lead to tangible results — on Mars! (and pluto?)
- The Mayan documentary will show evidence of alien contact, all right, and it’s.. surprisingly sexy. Disturbingly intimate. Perhaps even bordering on smutty. Let’s just say that garter belts and rockets ships are discussed, but the alien ship doesn’t use rockets..
- Humanity finally makes contact with an alien species! It will take a full year to decipher the message, which, when translated, reads: “Talk to the dolphins. They are our local reps. Not our fault you don’t speak dolphin, they knew it was a tough assignment.” Unfortunately, due the fact that the dolphins began their mission several million years ago, while waiting for the humans to develop higher brain functions, the ability for higher thought and language was evolved *out* of the dolphins. And thus, all interstellar communication (with that group of aliens, at least), ceased. Bummer.
- Another attempt to get disclosure through petition will be attempted in 2012, but will fail almost as spectacularly as the ones in 2011, with one very important difference: a clue! A sympathetic spokesman will come to the podium, quickly and carefully dismiss the core of the petition, but then add: “Now, if you had asked me about Atlanteans, I might have more to say! Gotta run now!”
- When a peace with the aliens is finally brokered by President Obama of the United States next year, he will ask the burning question that everyone wants to know: “What’s up with the Toynbee tiles?” The alien will belch citris (a sigh) and exclaim, “Aw, nuts! I thought *you* might know!” Later, when asked about the Nasca lines and other ancient sculptures only visible from space, they will belch sage (smile) and fold mandibles upright (shrug): “Kids!” is all that they will say.
- No, it won’t be promiscuous radio broadcasts, halting steps into space or even nuclear weapons testing which finally bring the aliens here. Instead, it will be excessive legislation, and the pushing of legal boundaries to include aliens. Instead, aliens will argue that they have diplomatic immunity, but are then shot for local law transgressions (turns out, eating the cat *and* the children is too much in some towns). At that point, the locals will point out that the aliens don’t have diplomatic immunity, because there is no embassy here. Embarrassed with the legal faux pas, the aliens lay waste to the Earth, just to wipe the looks of smug satisfaction off the arguers..
- NASA, clearly recognizing the threat of Vampires from Outer Space, has already created a special black-ops team to thrwart the undead extraterrestrial menace from Kepler 22b. Codenamed “Toastbusters”, they will be launched publicly in 2012 and launched in a rocket late in the year, aimed at the mothership of Mercury. (Yes, that’s right: not “on” or “in” or “behind” Mercury, but the entire planet was converted into a hiveship.)
- Because Groundhog’s Day occurs during an Eclipse, the universe implodes. But it get’s better!
- Due to a combination of financial mismanagement, ecological collapse, apathy and a serious lack of hygeine, Earth will slip down the list of habitable planets by the end of the year, into number 2 spot. Suddenly, Kepler 22b seems *mighty* interesting..
- Life (redefined)
- At first, the expansion of the human palette into all sort of previous unedible or simply unfathomable foods will grow as a fad — until a sudden food shorage leads us to re-evaluate food entirely. At that point, we decide that we can take just about anything and eat it, so long as we can blend it, add colour, texture and flavour, then extrude it through a printer and deep fry it. A new restaurant chain is started: “Road Kill Redux”. It takes off, eventually displacing McDonalds and other similar competition.
- Food printing rises to prominence, creating an entirely new kind of edible art. Disturbing noodles of Cthulhian tentacles and maddening landscapes of potato flakes will entice kids to stay in school. You will no longer order dishes or meals at upper scale restaurants, but “scenes” and “moods”.
- Tofu continues to be used as a weapon and threat to children everywhere… Even curry, which can be used to detective the explosive nature of tofu and possibly even make it edible, cannot dispell its curse entirely.
- The first wooly mammoth cloning project is started in 2012, with the first clone to be ready in a few years. The first wooly mammoth burger joint is planned for about a week later. The cloning of ancient animals will strike it rich as we discover how to make them entirely in the lab, then fast-age them to adulthood. Eventually, no meat will be raised in our time, but we’ll all be eating exotic vat-grown animals from ages past.
- Charlie Sheen’s new cooking book, “I Am Winning At Kitchen, And So Can You!”, is launched in 2012, but by then no one remembers who Charlie Sheen is, and the book is also filled with tiger-blood-red pages with drunken scribbles on them.
- An accidental cross between coffee beans fed to an experimental breast-milk cow tattooed with skulls creates “Punk Milk”: milk that keeps you up and keeps you angry. Bottles of milk come with temporary tattoos.
- What will Nicolas Cage discover in the new year? The Chupacabra. In Atlantis.
- Having had the most expensive mince pie, the most expensive US government muffins, the hottest chili, the largest chocolate bar, the largest Christmas cake, the world most expensive cheese, and so forth, the world will declare the category done and void… Until the world most expensive hot dog — made from actual hot dog! — revives the category, just after the collapse of civilization around August.
- Disreskeptical
- Harold Camping comes out of retirement for one more prediction, and this time he’s got an unlikely ally: Charlie Sheen! Camping says that Sheen’s winning ways have clarified the mistake he had made in his previous predictions. He suggests that the real reason he was so far off was because “They [the Mayans] must have switched to metric without telling us.”
- To respond to the skeptics, the Raelians, the computers and the athiests, several religions launch their own joint advertising campaign. Buses, billboards and televisions everywhere will be inundated with the message “So what if God doesn’t really exist? Shouldn’t we still act as if he does?” Interestingly, they will *not* put it on the Internet, because the Internets are for godless heathens only..
- Further discoveries of frauds in journalism and science will call into question numerous dismissive studies which claim to discredit so-called “supernatural” powers. Things will get interesting when at least one new study concludes the opposite: that supernatural powers are available.
- It turns out that the Bible was written by the woman behind the Voynich manuscript, the Mona Lisa and the Nasca lines. Her names was Susie, and she’s really sorry that the joke played on so long. Oops!
- We finally find the Ark of the Covenant in 2012, and find it’s a used car battery and sparklers. Kinda disappointing, until we realize that it’s a battery that’s over 2000 years old. The sparklers are less interesting.
- After all the analysis is in, the conclusion can finally be made on the Mona Lisa: it’s a woman. Sorta smiling. And she’s an ALIEN! No, no she’s not. She’s just subtle. And an ANIMAL! No, wrong again. Turns out, Da Vinci was having an off day, and never did get that subtle “I Just totally had sex” smile quite right..
Full list of articles after the jump!
- Protonnes and Erectrons:
- (EXTRA) : Wired – (O) Dark Matter: Now More Mysterious Than Ever
- (EXTRA) : The UK Daily Mail – (O) Scientists find the kilo isn’t pulling its weight: Metal standard has got lighter
- (EXTRA) : New Scientist – (O) Bye-bye electrons? Circuit made from flowing atoms
- (EXTRA) : BBC – (O) Electric motor made from a single molecule
- (EXTRA) : Metro – (O) Back to the Future hoverboard moves closer to reality after breakthrough
- (EXTRA) : PhysOrg – (O) Scientists create light from vacuum
- (EXTRA) : New Scientist – (O) Entangled diamonds blur quantum-classical divide
- (EXTRA) : BBC – (O) World’s ‘smallest steam engine’ built in Germany
- (EXTRA) : Yahoo!/Digital Trends – (O) World’s most powerful laser could ‘tear apart the vacuum of space’
- (EXTRA) : New Scientist – (O) Single molecule nanocar takes its first spin
- (EXTRA) : The New York Times – (O) The New Commodore 64, Updated With Its Old Exterior
- (EXTRA) : New Scientist – (O) Illusion ‘cloak’ makes you see what’s not there
- (EXTRA) : ScienceDaily – (O) New Glass Stronger and Tougher Than Steel
- (EXTRA) : The UK Daily Mail – (O) Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s the army’s latest $4million spy drone disguised as a hummingbird, measuring just 16 centimetres
- (EXTRA) : New Scientist – (O) ‘Anti-laser’ built for first time
- (EXTRA) : The UK Daily Mail – (O) Look what I made, mum! Teenager builds ‘death-ray’ which can burn through almost anything
- (EXTRA) : New Scientist – (O) Vacuum has friction after all
- (EXTRA) : Orange – (O) Scientists create ‘invisibility cloak’
- (EXTRA) : io9 – (O) No, Italian scientists have not discovered cold fusion
- (EXTRA) : PhysOrg – (O) Italian scientists claim to have demonstrated cold fusion (w/ Video)
- (EXTRA) : Renewable Energy World – (O) Clean, Safe, Cheap Nuclear Update
- (EXTRA) : Wired UK – (O) Success for Andrea Rossi’s E-Cat cold fusion system, but mysteries remain
- (EXTRA) : Fox News – (O) Cold Fusion Experiment: Major Success or Complex Hoax?
- (EXTRA) : Pure Energy Systems – (O) E-Cat Orders Being Taken After Successful Launch
- (EXTRA) : Pure Energy Systems – (O) Rebuttal to Krivit’s Accusation that Andrea Rossi is a Fraudster
- (EXTRA) : Pure Energy Systems News – (O) E-Cat Test Validates Cold Fusion Despite Challenges
- (EXTRA) : Wired – (O) Cold fusion rears its head as ‘E-Cat’ research promises to change the world
- (EXTRA) : Pure Energy Systems News – (O) 1 MW E-Cat Cold Fusion Device Test Successful
- (EXTRA) : Pure Energy Systems News – (O) National Instruments signs to do E-Cat controls
- (EXTRA) : Pure Energy Systems News – (O) Launched by N. Europe Licensee
- (EXTRA) : The Boston Globe – (O) Hope, skepticism for cold fusion
- (EXTRA) : PhysOrg – (O) Canadian firm bids to commercialize fusion reactor
- (EXTRA) : New Scientist – (O) More data shows neutrinos still faster than light
- (EXTRA) : Wired – (O) Quantum Entanglement Could Stretch Across Time
- (EXTRA) : The West Lothian Courier – (O) Atom weaving breakthrough hailed
- (EXTRA) : Science Daily – (O) Large Hadron Collider Could Be World’s First Time Machine, Researchers’ Theory Suggests
- (EXTRA) : Yahoo!/Livescience – (O) Scientists Abuzz Over Controversial Rumor that God Particle Has Been Detected
- (EXTRA) : New Scientist – (O) Neutrino watch: Speed claim baffles CERN theoryfest
- (EXTRA) : MIT Technology Review/arXiv – (O) Faster-than-Light Neutrino Puzzle Claimed Solved by Special Relativity
- (EXTRA) : New Scientist – (O) Faster-than-light neutrino claim bolstered
- (EXTRA) : BBC – (O) Babbage Analytical Engine designs to be digitised
- (EXTRA) : PhysOrg – (O) Are Nobels out of step with science?
- (EXTRA) : The UK Telegraph – (O) Nobel Physics Prize: Astronomers win for insights into expanding universe
- (EXTRA) : New Scientist – (O) Media presenter: Unshakeable stereotypes of science
- (EXTRA) : PhysOrg – (O) World’s lightest material developed
- (EXTRA) : io9 – (O) New study supports the existence of the “hot hands” phenomenon in basketball
- (EXTRA) : PhysOrg/AFP – (O) Internet address warehouse empty
- (EXTRA) : techtree – (O) Scientists Install Webcam On Mt Everest
- (EXTRA) : PhysOrg – (O) Hitachi demos 3D real-world object projector
- Ultraterrextraterrestrials:
- (EXTRA) : New Scientist – (O) Sex and space travel don’t mix
- (EXTRA) : Who Forted? – (O) Stanton Friedman Vs. The Internet
- (EXTRA) : BBC – (O) Space junk at tipping point, says report
- (EXTRA) : AFP – (O) IBM supercomputer Watson to assist doctors
- (EXTRA) : Orange – (O) Pizza restaurant to open on Moon?
- (EXTRA) : Phenomenica/ANI – (O) Giant asteroid to narrowly miss Earth on Nov 8
- (EXTRA) : The Huffington Post – (O) ‘UFO Phil’ Plans To Build UFO Gas Station On Alcatraz Island
- (EXTRA) : LiveScience – (O) Alien Abductions May Be Vivid Dreams, Study Shows
- (EXTRA) : Metro – (O) Scientists can ‘train’ people to meet aliens in their dreams
- (EXTRA) : New Scientist – (O) Scour Earth for traces of intelligent aliens
- (EXTRA) : New Scientist – (O) Dolphins call each other by name
- (EXTRA) : LiveScience – (O) Visible Only From Above, Mystifying ‘Nazca Lines’ Discovered in Mideast
- (EXTRA) : Examiner – (O) Former DARPA Time Traveler’s Mt. Ida keynote evokes ancient dimensional gateway
- (EXTRA) : AOL News – (O) Unarius UFO Group Celebrates Interplanetary Conclave Of Light Oct. 15-16 (VIDEO)
- (EXTRA) : White House/We The People – (O) Disclosure Petition – Paradigm Research Group
- (EXTRA) : Roger Ebert – (O) Resurrect Dead: Mystery of the Toynbee Tiles (Unrated)
- (EXTRA) : Patch/StudioCity – (O) T.L. Keller Talks About Area 51 and Anti-Gravity
- (EXTRA) : AOL – (O) ‘UFO Phil’ Wants to Put a Pyramid on Pikes Peak
- (EXTRA) : AOL – (O) Nation of Islam Looks to UFOs to Save the World
- (EXTRA) : Wired – (O) To Talk With Aliens, Learn to Speak With Dolphins
- (EXTRA) : Yahoo!/Reuters – (O) “Red” rocker Sammy Hagar says abducted by aliens
- (EXTRA) : CBC – (O) Endeavour lifts off Friday for last flight
- (EXTRA) : Orange – (O) Piano-playing robot unveiled
- (EXTRA) : New Scientist – (O) Robot builds its own body from sprayable foam
- (EXTRA) : AOL – (O) Robonaut to Join Astronauts for Space Mission
- (EXTRA) : BBC – (O) Black Death genetic code ‘built’
- (EXTRA) : StarPod – (O) Bigelow Aerospace Lethal UFO Extraterrestrial Battle Rumor Exposed
- (EXTRA) : The UK Daily Mail – (O) Is the Japanese earthquake the latest natural disaster to have been caused by a ‘supermoon’?
- (EXTRA) : Phenomenica – (O) Another defunct satellite to hit Earth in October
- (EXTRA) : The UK Telegraph – (O) Nasa warns of fresh risk from £468m satellite falling from space
- (EXTRA) : Philip Coppens – (O) Proclaiming the new science of astroforensics
- (EXTRA) : The UK Daily Mail – (O) Laws of physics ‘are different’ depending on where you are in the universe
- (EXTRA) : CNN – (O) Beer in Space tour could be possible by 2013
- (EXTRA) : Geekosystem – (O) NASA’s Orion Spacecraft Will Make Its First Flight in 2014
- (EXTRA) : BBC – (O) Most liveable alien worlds ranked
- (EXTRA) : The Register – (O) US military pays SETI to check Kepler-22b for aliens
- (EXTRA) : BBC – (O) Kepler 22-b: Earth-like planet confirmed
- (EXTRA) : BBC – (O) Nasa develops space harpoon to take samples from comets
- (EXTRA) : The Huffington Post – (O) Mercury UFO: NASA Spacecraft Photographs Strange Glowing Object (VIDEO)
- (EXTRA) : Discovery News – (O) New Batch of Giant Alien Worlds Found
- (EXTRA) : Yahoo! – (O) NASA scientist finds evidence of alien life
- (EXTRA) : Reuters/TheWrap – (O) Mayan Documentary Will Show Evidence of Alien Contact, Says Mexico (Exclusive)
- (EXTRA) : The UK Telegraph – (O) Alien life deemed impossible by analysis of 500 planets
- (EXTRA) : Discover Magazine – (O) Exclusive: “Most Earth-Like” Exoplanet Gets Major Demotion-It Isn’t Habitable
- (EXTRA) : The New York Times/The Stone – (O) Will the Aliens Be Nice? Don’t Bet On It
- (EXTRA) : CNN – (O) ‘Tatooine’ gives first direct proof of 2-sun planet
- (EXTRA) : AOL News – (O) New Treaty Would Ban Space Weapons for Earthlings and ETs
- (EXTRA) : BBC – (O) Mars rover Opportunity finds ‘most powerful’ water clue
- (EXTRA) : io9 – (O) NASA: We’ve discovered something completely new on the surface of Mars
- (EXTRA) : ABC Australia – (O) Capitalism may have ended life on Mars: Chavez
- (EXTRA) : Phenomenica/IANS – (O) Russia plans to send piloted rocket to Mars
- (EXTRA) : The Huffington Post – (O) Life On Mars: Scientists Believe Large Regions Underground The Red Planet Are Habitable
- (EXTRA) : The UK Telegraph – (O) Nasa’s Voyager 1 in ‘cosmic purgatory’ on verge of entering Milky Way
- Life (redefined):
- (EXTRA) : The Thrive Movement – (O) Thrive: What On Earth Will It Take?
- (EXTRA) : AOL – (O) USDA Has Beef With Zombie Jerky
- (EXTRA) : BBC – (O) Civet passes on secret to luxury coffee
- (EXTRA) : Metro – (O) It’s the world’s longest noodle!
- (EXTRA) : Orange – (O) Export hopes for urine-boiled eggs
- (EXTRA) : Orange – (O) Man plans to live on beer for Lent
- (EXTRA) : Orange – (O) Ty-pooh tea
- (EXTRA) : The Sydney Morning Herald – (O) ‘Braised koala’ gets traveller stewing
- (EXTRA) : The Sweden Local – (O) Sausage contained 104 percent meat
- (EXTRA) : Metro – (O) Tomato ketchup banned in primary schools in France
- (EXTRA) : The UK Guardian – (O) Pakistani brothers ‘dug up corpse and made it into curry’
- (EXTRA) : BBC – (O) Squirrel meat served at Edinburgh restaurant
- (EXTRA) : Gawker – (O) Freak Tofu Explosion Terrorizes Portland
- (EXTRA) : BBC – (O) Curry powder molecule ‘is cheap sensor for explosives’
- (EXTRA) : The UK Daily Mail – (O) Scientists develop genetically modified cows that produce ‘human’ breast milk
- (EXTRA) : WYFF – (O) Health Officials: Raccoon Meat Found At Grocery Store
- (EXTRA) : MSNBC/Fast Company – (O) The wild possibilities of printing food
- (EXTRA) : NPR – (O) Lab-Grown Meat: Would You Eat It?
- (EXTRA) : AOL – (O) Lady Gaga Sues Breast Milk Ice Cream Maker
- (EXTRA) : BBC – (O) US justice department paid $16 for muffins
- (EXTRA) : io9/Reuters – (O) The world’s first lab-grown hamburger could be created by August of 2012
- (EXTRA) : The London Evening Standard – (O) Sweet shop stocks up on strange treats
- (EXTRA) : Arizona Daily Start – (O) Boca, gaining a rep for exotic tacos, plans lion-meat offering
- (EXTRA) : CBS/AP – (O) Medical Marijuana Users Getting Pot Soft Drink
- (EXTRA) : NPR – (O) Meat-Eating Furniture
- (EXTRA) : Boing Boing – (O) Cat-butt coffee: A critical review
- (EXTRA) : The Huffington Post – (O) ‘Sourtoe Cocktail’: Father And Son Bond Over Drinking Dead Man’s Toe (VIDEO)
- (EXTRA) : Orange – (O) World’s most expensive mince pie
- (EXTRA) : The UK Daily Mail – (O) Charlie Sheen wields a knife as he cooks up more trouble in spoof video
- (EXTRA) : Orange – (O) Coca Cola recipe leaks online
- (EXTRA) : Orange – (O) Grantham grows world’s hottest chilli
- (EXTRA) : io9 – (O) 10 Reasons Coffee is Both the Best and the Worst Beverage Ever Invented
- (EXTRA) : Metro – (O) ‘Baby Gaga’ breast milk ice-cream goes on sale
- (EXTRA) : The UK Daily Mail/Press Association – (O) Britain’s most bling cheese! Stilton made with flakes of real gold goes on sale at L60 a wedge
- (EXTRA) : The UK Telegraph – (O) Chickens are capable of feeling empathy, scientists believe
- (EXTRA) : Ananova – (O) Restaurant fines diners for leftovers
- (EXTRA) : BBC – (O) Denmark introduces world’s first food fat tax
- (EXTRA) : The UK Daily Mail – (O) Inky and perky: But poor tattooed pigs have animal rights campaigners sizzling in anger
- (EXTRA) : The UK Daily Mail – (O) Oysters are becoming ‘functionally extinct’ as 85% of reefs disappear around the world
- (EXTRA) : New Scientist – (O) Biology’s ‘dark matter’ hints at fourth domain of life
- (EXTRA) : BBC – (O) Plant lives inside animal: algae invade amphibian cells
- (EXTRA) : BBC – (O) Adders, toads and lizards are disappearing from UK
- (EXTRA) : The UK Daily Mail – (O) On the brink: Sixth mass extinction ‘that will eradicate 75% of life on Earth is drawing closer’
- (EXTRA) : The UK Daily Mail – (O) ‘Super pack’ of 400 wolves terrorise remote Russian town after killing 30 horses in just four days
- (EXTRA) : The UK Daily Mail – (O) Is this the loudest cat in the world? Meet Smokey whose purr is as noisy as a Boeing 737
- (EXTRA) : io9 – (O) Do pandas hold the key to reducing US reliance on foreign oil?
- (EXTRA) : The UK Daily Mail – (O) Catnav! Lost pet used sewers to get home in ten-day trek
- (EXTRA) : New Scientist – (O) Barcode scanner for zebras
- (EXTRA) : BBC – (O) Experts unravel ‘churkey’ appearance mystery
- (EXTRA) : BBC – (O) Bigfoot film-maker sues New Hampshire over free speech
- (EXTRA) : Cryptomundo – (O) Patterson-Gimlin Footage Turns 44
- (EXTRA) : Fox/LiveScience – (O) Lair of Ancient ‘Kraken’ Sea Monster Possibly Discovered
- (EXTRA) : Wired/LAELAPS – (O) The Giant, Prehistoric Squid That Ate Common Sense
- (EXTRA) : The UK Telegraph – (O) Mammoth ‘could be reborn in four years’
- (EXTRA) : CBS News/LiveScience – (O) Prehistoric Bones Found of Largest-Ever Bear
- (EXTRA) : Discover Magazine – (O) A Creepy Monster of the Forest: The Albino, Vampiric Redwood Tree
- Disreskeptical:
- (EXTRA) : NPR/AP – (O) Romania To Soothsayers: Get It Right Or Go To Jail
- (EXTRA) : AOL – (O) Is Charlie Sheen’s World Record-Setting Twitter Presence an Elaborate Stunt?
- (EXTRA) : Fox News Latino/AP – (O) Mexico Admits To Second Mayan 2012 End-of-World Reference
- (EXTRA) : The New York Times – (O) Witches to Be Held Accountable for Bad Predictions; Why Only Them?
- (EXTRA) : The Guardian/AP – (O) Italian scientists on trial for failing to predict earthquake
- (EXTRA) : The Huffington Post – (O) Harold Camping Apologizes For Faulty Rapture Predictions And Retires, Report States
- (EXTRA) : The UK Guardian – (O) Sally Morgan rejects Halloween challenge to prove her psychic powers
- (EXTRA) : NPR – (O) Doomsday Redux: Prophet Says World Will End Friday
- (EXTRA) : CFZ-Canada – (O) Can You Satiate The Pseudo Sceptics?
- (EXTRA) : io9 – (O) Psychologist admits to faking dozens of scientific studies
- (EXTRA) : The UK Daily Mail – (O) Missing Lynx: Award-winning wildlife photographer exposed as fraud – by a cat in winter fur in a ‘summer’ shot
- (EXTRA) : io9 – (O) Theologian asks government-funded conference, “Did Jesus die for Klingons too?”
- (EXTRA) : The Local of Germany – (O) German ‘thought car’ could be driven on Sabbath, Rabbi says
- (EXTRA) : CBS News – (O) Obesity battle: Does God make you fat?
- (EXTRA) : The UK Daily Mail – (O) Was the Bible forged? Author claims some New Testament books were written by ‘people pretending to be apostles’
- (EXTRA) : Rael Press – (O) “God is a Myth!” Raelian Movement launches atheistic campaign
- (EXTRA) : BBC – (O) Religion may become extinct in nine nations, study says
- (EXTRA) : AOL – (O) Salvation Mountain: A Towering Salute to God
- (EXTRA) : Fox News – (O) Mysterious Manuscript’s Code Has Been Cracked, ‘Prophet of God’ Claims
- (EXTRA) : AOL – (O) Donna D’Errico to Climb Mount Ararat in Search of Noah’s Ark
- (EXTRA) : The New York Daily News – (O) ‘Confession: A Roman Catholic App’ allows iPhone, iPad users to repent for sins on the go
- (EXTRA) : ScienceDaily – (O) Mysterious Voynich Manuscript Dates Back to Early 15th Century, Researchers Find
- (EXTRA) : The Two Way/NPR – (O) Despite Court Rulings, Creationism Still Taught In Many American Classrooms
- (EXTRA) : The UK Daily Mail – (O) Will this be the first time the world sees the Ark of Covenant? Leaking roof in Ethiopian chapel ‘will lead to relic being revealed’
- (EXTRA) : FOCUS News Agency – (O) Greeks claim having found Alexander the Great’s tomb, Ark of the Covenant
- (EXTRA) : Discovery News – (O) God’s Wife Edited Out of the Bible — Almost
- (EXTRA) : The UK Daily Mail – (O) Computer program to reveal who wrote the Bible
- (EXTRA) : The Epoch Times – (O) Yonaguni: Mysterious Underwater Pyramid in Japan
- (EXTRA) : The UK Telegraph – (O) Face discovered in testicular tumour
- (EXTRA) : STV – (O) Near-death experiences a trick of the brain, researchers find
- (EXTRA) : io9 – (O) Why Intuition Makes People More Likely to Believe in God
- (EXTRA) : The Gralien Report – (O) Art of the Anomalous: Does Interest in the Unexplained Promote Artistic Abilities?
- (EXTRA) : The UK Daily Mail – (O) Pictured: Woman accused of ‘sperm-napping’ from innocent men for black magic rituals
- (EXTRA) : The UK Daily Mail – (O) FBI investigates Church of Scientology over claims of human trafficking, enslavement and violence
- (EXTRA) : AOL – (O) 32 Percent of Russians Think the Sun Revolves Around Earth
- (EXTRA) : The Daily Telegraph – (O) Charlie Sheen insults America’s pagan community and now faces an angry warlock’s curse
- (EXTRA) : – (O) Canadian Society of Questers
- (EXTRA) : The News.PL – (O) One in three Poles believe in the power of spells
- (EXTRA) : NPR – (O) In High Profile Case, Two Romanian ‘Witches’ Arrested
- (EXTRA) : Science Daily – (O) Hidden Literary References Discovered in the Mona Lisa
- (EXTRA) : The Washing Post/AP – (O) Italian group seeks to identify bones of woman who may have been model for Mona Lisa
- (EXTRA) : AOL – (O) Was the Model for Mona Lisa a Man?
- (EXTRA) : Orange – (O) Mona Lisa’s animal secrets laid bare
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