TWS201: Post Thematic Stress Disorder
CQ: Is there any value in the unknown — or should we seek and accept the goal of “total knowledge of everything” that science seeks to find? Is that even possible?
Bumper: Geek Out With Mainframe
Promo: Teknikal Diffikulties
Promo: Geek Out With Mainframe
Promo: Garaaga’s Children by Paul E. Cooley
On the show this week:
- Feedback
- Front Page
- Triology
- Things Where They Shouldn’t Be
- Extras
Full list of 52 articles after the jump!
- Feedback:
- Front Page:
- I think I hold the record for being the last person aware that there was a day for records..: Yahoo!/Reuters – Leapin’ leprechauns, it’s Guinness records day
- Turns out, it’s unlikely that the ancients followed our calendar. Nonetheless, lots of modern people do..: BBC – Egypt closes Great Pyramid amid 11/11/11 rumours
- Ah, Internet fads.. How did we ever get along without them?: Orange – Putting your money where your mouth is
- DROP EVERYTHING ELSE.: io9/Reuters – The world’s first lab-grown hamburger could be created by August of 2012
- A major company is at least going to do business with them.. Does it make the “cold fusion” more likely?: Pure Energy Systems News – National Instruments signs to do E-Cat controls
- Feeling a little like the Devil helping with your air conditioning..: PhysOrg – Facebook to help Congress expand online reach
- I’ve never tasted gold, but I’m suspecting it tastes like Stupid Waste Of Money..: The UK Daily Mail/Press Association – Britain’s most bling cheese! Stilton made with flakes of real gold goes on sale at L60 a wedge
- Well, at least he didn’t blow it on cheese..: Orange – Ex-millionaire happier without his cash
- The only thing to move faster than light is the speed of speculation..: New Scientist – More data shows neutrinos still faster than light
- So, the case of someone burning to death in their chair without apparent accelerant and without burning their surroundings /isn’t/ spontaneous human combustion?: Irish Times – Inquest told spontaneous human combustion ‘probably urban myth’
- Somehow, this seems more logical than the “Duck and Cover” tutorials from the Cold War..: Orange – New course prepares for zombie attack
- School just isn’t what I remember it to be.. Much more strict, and the subjects are a bit more.. engaged..: Orange – Dominatrix masters her subject
- How The West Was Sold (To Pay For The Outhouse).: BBC – Bankrupt Harrisburg holds Wild West auction
- Triology:
- Sadly, this kid rocks..: The Straits Times/The Star/Asia News Network – Doctors baffled by 7-year-old who weeps stones
- This feels a little like saying that sewer treatment plants are really a market for human waste, and thankfully supply is high..: io9/Not Exactly Rocket Science – Our bodies are a global marketplace where bacteria trade genes
- : Medical Xpress – Presenteeism: A new word for working when sick
- It certainly gets the attention..: Medical Xpress – Nudity tunes up the brain
- (EXTRA) Not far away from magic rooms and over-intrusive video games, methinks..: New Scientist – Biosensor can monitor your heartbeat from a distance
- Doorways are psychologically evil.: Medical Xpress – Walking through doorways causes forgetting, new research shows
- (EXTRA) I think we just lowered human-like intellgence.. But don’t tell the octopus I said that!: The Week/Boston/io9 – The octopus’ ‘human-like’ intelligence
- Ah, nothing like a romantic meal of romantic partner..: New Scientist – Zoologger: Cannibal shrimp shows its romantic side
- Not every shrimp is a homewrecker.. Some practice underwater basket weaving!: BBC – Shrimp has ‘silk-spinning skills’
- (EXTRA) The picture really is priceless. No, *really*! I *mean* that..: Metro – Meet Gavin – the world’s most sarcastic gorilla
- Things Where They Shouldn’t Be:
- (EXTRA) I dunno, I think I see more Mr. Smith than Mr. Christ..: The Huffington Post – Jesus Cliff: Woman Says She Photographed Christ On Irish Rocks
- (EXTRA) In a *jar*. He has it in a *jar*..: The Huffington Post – Horned Tattoo Artist Ryan Gillikin Has A Pickled Hand … Want To Shake?
- Taking a different perspective on history discovers things..: The Register – Lost cities found beneath sands of Sahara by satellites
- Amazing what you find if you can actually look for it! Now, where is my Google Mars mapper?: The UK Telegraph – China: Google Earth spots huge, unidentified structures in Gobi desert
- Ancient litter becomes historical fodder. Not expecting modern litter to do the same..: Yahoo!/AP – Bronze artifact found on Alaska’s Seward Peninsula
- Is it merely impatience, or do researchers have to finally announce something?: Doubtful Newsblog – The stage is set for Big Bigfoot news. Now produce it.
- Apparently, a Bigfoot needs only a single, twisted branch to nest in.. Hmm…: Zeenews/IANS – Bigfoot nests found in Russia?
- Unfortunately, this is the kind of “proof” that’s offered. Or rather, this is the *evidence* which some proclaim as truth — usually skeptics seeking to dispute a point..: The UK Telegraph – Twisted trees are ‘proof of Bigfoot’
- No actual bigfoots were harmed (or filmed!) during the making of this court case..: WMUR – ‘Bigfoot’ Fights Permit Rules In High Court
- (EXTRA) A cautionary tale about both the dangers of fakery, and the danger of being fooled..: Cryptomundo – Viet Nam Nguoi Rung Letter Hoax Revealed
- No… In part because Einstein’s Laws didn’t create the Law of Conservation of Energy..: LiveScience/Life’s Little Mysteries – Do Einstein’s Laws Prove Ghosts Exist?
- (EXTRA) Or, as it is usually the case: “using the overwhelming negativity of skeptics to drive away the creativity of the believers”. 🙂: DL-Online – Bringing science and technology into the world of the paranormal
- Maybe it’s made out of ghosts..: PhysOrg – World’s lightest material developed
- More proof that power bills suck..: PhysOrg – Scientists create light from vacuum
- (EXTRA) Too soon? Has her posthumous album even charted yet?: NME – Pete Doherty ‘convinced his flat is haunted by the ghost of Amy Winehouse’ Tabloid reports say Doherty has fled to Paris as he is too spooked to stay in his flat
- (EXTRA) Water, like people, get even more organized if you cool them down, but put them under pressure..: Discovery News – SUPER COOL NEW H2O DISCOVERED
- Are they keeping their space program alive by the back door?: Geekosystem – NASA’s Orion Spacecraft Will Make Its First Flight in 2014
- Well, aside from the ones it is building and testing..: Metro – Nasa launches astronaut recruitment drive — but has no spaceships
- I suppose that, if you can afford space travel, you can probably afford the insurance (although you probably don’t need it).: Yahoo!/Reuters – German firm starts selling space travel insurance
- Stanton Friedman is very, very, *very* angry about the dismissive response to the alien disclosure petition.: The UFO Chronicles – Petition, UFOs, White House and Lies
- Is there a sort of guerilla alien war going on?: StarPod – Bigelow Aerospace Lethal UFO Extraterrestrial Battle Rumor Exposed
- (EXTRA) Is the biggest problem in finding aliens the fact that we don’t really think we’ll find aliens?: StarPod – An Eerie Silence
- (EXTRA) What is the “Core Story” of UFOs on this planet?: StarPod – Is There a Covert Extraterrestrial Alien Presence?
- (EXTRA) Was the CIA developing psychics in part to defeat alien psychics on the moon?: StarPod – To the Moon and Back, Again?
- The political machine is kinda like a dumb computer: you only get out of what you put in it, and it’s not clever (or interested) in interpreting what you “really meant” to ask..: The Huffington Post – UFOs and Government: Proposing a New Way Forward
- Extras:
- (EXTRA) If you want people to follow the rules, you had probably let them know that there *are* rules..: Orange – Hiccup for hip-hop diplomacy
- (EXTRA) I don’t disagree with GMO, I disagree with any one company being in control of it, and the production of “terminator” crops..: Pure Energy Systems News – Monsanto’s Genetically Modified Freak Foods Threaten Health and the Biosphere
- (EXTRA) Is there room for an Actual Kung Fu Stuntman/Actor in the world of wirework and CGI?: Orange – Kung Fu master’s movie bid
- (EXTRA) She was poisoned. Dramatically. (Or not.): Yahoo! – A new theory on the death of Jane Austen
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