TWS198: Subliminal In Tint

On October 29, 2011, in Episodes, by the Encaffeinated ONE

TWS198: Subliminal In Tint

CQ: What if the way that people see colours was a genetic trait, such that people see different parts of the spectrum differently — in a much more extreme way than colour-blindness? For example, some see blue-red-green, and others see blue-green-ultraviolet.

With special guest: Nuchtchas from Nutty Bites

Bumper: K from Every Photo Tells…

Promo: Nuchtchas from Nutty Bites

Promo: Geek out With Mainframe

On the show this week:

  • Feedback
  • Front Page
  • A Name Is Just a Rose
  • UFOh-Ohs
  • Extras

PLUS: A very special “Zombie Shark” manifesto.. Happy Halloween!

Full list of 49 articles after the jump!

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2 Responses to TWS198: Subliminal In Tint

  1. JTM says:

    Congrats on the soon to be episode 200! That is quite the feat it seems with podcasts. If there is one thing that is certain in this weird world, you will never run out of material to talk about. Here’s to the next 200!

  2. […] something specific to work toward, no matter how simple. (Take a listen to the last ~7 minutes of TWS198, for example, to hear what I wrote in the afternoon for a challenge on another radio show to talk […]

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