TWS197: Maintaining Structural Integrity Through Crazy Glue
CQ: We live in an increasingly secular world, but there are plenty of celebrations and gatherings like Halloween which almost demand an acceptance or allowance of the fictional world. What place do such things have in a scientific, rational world?
Bumper: Jim Ryan – for encouraging me during recording late at night!
Promo: Down From 10 by JD Sawyer – Finished the audiobook: erotic, quixotic, mysterious and quite the page-turner! A science-fiction story, a mystery, a hedonistic portrayal.. I dare you to not get hooked after 4 episodes — but make sure you give it all 4!
Promo: Podiobooks and Fiends by Paul Cooley
Promo: Halloween Haunt
On the show this week:
- Feedback
- Front Page
- Dem Bones
- Sciencology
- Extras
Full list of 53 articles after the jump!
- Feedback:
- Front Page:
- Sometimes, optimism and creativity are eternal, even in the face of ridicule and apparently contradicting evidence..: AOL News – Unarius UFO Group Celebrates Interplanetary Conclave Of Light Oct. 15-16 (VIDEO)
- Whoops..: NPR – Doomsday Redux: Prophet Says World Will End Friday
- Something tells me that this is more Wii than Xbox..: Orange – New spin on doing the laundry
- Beats the heck out of “Where In The World Is Carmen Santiago?”.: New Scientist/CultureLab – Multimedia treasure hunt with global scope
- The power of the world converges eventually to a smaller number of players… Obvious?: New Scientist – Revealed — the capitalist network that runs the world
- Wait.. they don’t have full body scanners for Scrabble matches? Hmm… not up to Olympic standards, then.. Next: players accused of doping their blood with more E’s..: Metro – Scrabble player demands strip search at world championships
- At least it wasn’t Victorian “pistols at dawn”-type punishment..: The Bellingham Herald – Father-daughter Renaissance “fight” ends in arrests
- Superheroes all across the world are succumbing..: The Huffington Post – Mark Wayne Williams, Real-Life ‘Batman,’ Gets Probation In Mich.
- To some: this is a sign of the apocalypse..: The Huffington Post – ‘Laugh For Peace’: Clowns Gather In Mexico At Four Day Convention (VIDEO and PHOTOS)
- Everyone has to know their limits, even those who make a living breaking them..: Metro – World record breaker forced to retire after falling flat on pint of beer
- Sure, maybe that’s how it sounded “a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…”: Live Science/Live’s Little Mysteries – The Original Human Language Like Yoda Sounded
- (EXTRA) Curiousity skinned the universe..: The Gralien Report – Art of the Anomalous: Does Interest in the Unexplained Promote Artistic Abilities?
- Dem Bones:
- They were hunted for their steaks, no doubt. And who can blame someone wanting a wooly coat?: The UK Guardian – Mastodons were hunted in North America 800 years earlier than thought
- And the dead shall rise… Or, uh.. slide out..: The Huffington Post – Oak Grove Cemetery: Bones And Caskets Popping Out At Iowa Graveyard (VIDEO And PHOTOS)
- I wonder if spirits really have all that much to say..: The Scotsman – New church raises the spirit of Conan Doyle . . in a way
- “Imagine no possessions..” … Um.. Maybe he was talking about ghosts, then?: BBC – John Lennon’s tooth expected to make £10,000 at auction
- Lovers — in a dangerous time..: Orange – Boneo and Juliet
- Immortalized for science!: The Belfast Telegraph – Man donates body for mummification
- Reboot, dammit!: AsiaOne/The Malaysian Star – Ritual held to enable Steve Jobs to be ‘reincarnated’
- (EXTRA) Let’s hope he’s never zombified; he’ll never stop!: BBC – Runner, 100, sets record and aims for marathon
- (EXTRA) The secret will be in there… somewhere…: BBC – DNA sequenced of woman who lived to 115
- One side won’t listen to reason, and the other doesn’t respond to death threats..: Boston Globe – Zombies and witches declare war in Salem
- Where there are cannibals, there are zombies! Or maybe wendigo.. Or plane crash survivors..: The Australian Courier Mail – Round-the-world yachtsman feared eaten by cannibals in South Pacific
- When you think about it, there’s something Giger-esque about being able to make better t-shirts out of manipulated virus corpses..: New Scientist – Harness viruses to make dazzling colours without dye
- (EXTRA) There are more things in the world than are seen by our puny eyes, heard by our limited ears, felt by our boxed minds..: Mysterious Universe – The Sixth Sense: Aquatic Ancestors Had Electroreceptive Abilities
- (EXTRA) They’re just like all the cryptids in other parts of the world, only much more likely to break out a fiddle. 🙂: CFZ Canada – Newfoundland and Labrador Cryptids
- (EXTRA) Four decades of wonder, head-scratching, argument.. But sadly not much progress..: Cryptomundo – Patterson-Gimlin Footage Turns 44
- (EXTRA) Some of it makes sense, the rest is just inflammatory.: Cryptomundo/Discovery News – Radford’s Top Ten Reasons Bigfoot’s a Bust
- Sciencology:
- (EXTRA) Finally! A reason to avoid the apocalypse! (Well, that *and* Doctor Who..): CNN – Beer in Space tour could be possible by 2013
- (EXTRA) Most of the time, your life passes before your eyes at the speed of… life..: The UK Telegraph – Mystery condition makes woman age 50 years in just a few days
- (EXTRA) Lots of theories, but where will it end? And will it end before it begins?: New Scientist – Neutrino watch: Speed claim baffles CERN theoryfest
- (EXTRA) There’s got to be a theory that multiple theories are all correct, just displaced in time.: MIT Technology Review/arXiv – Faster-than-Light Neutrino Puzzle Claimed Solved by Special Relativity
- (EXTRA) It’s confusing, but it seems as though initial tests may actually have supported at least part of the claim.. Maybe..: Pure Energy Systems News – E-Cat Test Validates Cold Fusion Despite Challenges
- (EXTRA) Now *that* is “crap science”!: Irish Independent/Belfast Telegraph – Man who tried to turn his faeces into gold is jailed
- (EXTRA) “In the nineteen-and-fourty-two, Columbus sailed and made the skies all blue?”: Science News – Columbus’ arrival linked to carbon dioxide drop
- (EXTRA) Well, not *actually*.. But it’s nice to dream about what *will* be possible.. : Metro – Back to the Future hoverboard moves closer to reality after breakthrough
- (EXTRA) Eventually, all rooms will be virtual stages.: New Scientist/CultureClub – Revived echoes opera augments research results
- (EXTRA) Play it again, HAL..: Orange – Piano-playing robot unveiled
- (EXTRA) : New Scientist – Robot builds its own body from sprayable foam
- (EXTRA) We are heading toward a singularity of sorts, when everything about us can be known automatically. What will that mean?: New Scientist – Iris scanner could tell your race and gender
- (EXTRA) It’s like a sinister Santa: “It hears you while you’re sleeping, it hears you while you wake..”: New Scientist – iPhone keylogger can snoop on desktop typing
- (EXTRA) Soon: the slogan “reach out and touch someone” will be re-tasked for the modern world..: New Scientist/One Per Cent – Turn anything (even your clothes) into a touchscreen
- (EXTRA) Oh, great: when even lazy motions become useful, computer users will become truly frightening..: New Scientist/One Per Cent – Control a touchscreen with raps, taps and flicks
- (EXTRA) Dark Matter: How do they work?: Wired – Dark Matter: Now More Mysterious Than Ever
- Extras:
- (EXTRA) Superheroes are universal concepts..: Czech Position – Spring-heeled Czech WWII ‘superhero’ reanimated for Prague fest
- (EXTRA) I believe the use of a derivative of the term “kidnapping” implies that a return of the stolen property is desired. … I’m just saying, I don’t think it’s accurate. “Burgling” might be more appropriate..: The UK Daily Mail – Pictured: Woman accused of ‘sperm-napping’ from innocent men for black magic rituals
- (EXTRA) I believe the show has just been Godwinned..: Sky News – Book Claims Hitler ‘Died In Argentina’
- (EXTRA) Now *that’s* a crime of opportunity!: Fox 4 News – Man Allegedly Beat Woman with Frozen Armadillo
- (EXTRA) Is this the end for the trust in symbiotic beauty products? Or will they ok bee-sting lip puffing?: The UK Telegraph – Health risk from fish pedicures
- (EXTRA) Is this the same programs that are used to interpret EULAs?: The UK Daily Mail – Computer program to reveal who wrote the Bible
- (EXTRA) Unidentified Filed Objects?: The Huffington Post – Air Force UFO Rules Vanish After Huffington Post Inquiry
- (EXTRA) And no: the danger *isn’t* “there is a large green hand about to grab cars”.: Metro – Giant green hand reaches out of manhole to remind drivers of danger
- (EXTRA) It was on her bucket list.: Orange – Woman, 80, takes horse for joyride
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In regards to the going forward of graveyards, this just popped into my head. There’s been talk about mining landfills for material to recycle, but what about the artificial body parts. hmmmm. Just pondering now, not sure what I think about that. It could be a valid endeavor, they are made from high quality metals, etc. Do they recycle them at crematoriums? Anyway… been listening a while, first time I’ve thought of actually commenting.
Excellent show.