TWS197: Maintaining Structural Integrity Through Crazy Glue

On October 22, 2011, in Episodes, by the Encaffeinated ONE

TWS197: Maintaining Structural Integrity Through Crazy Glue

CQ: We live in an increasingly secular world, but there are plenty of celebrations and gatherings like Halloween which almost demand an acceptance or allowance of the fictional world. What place do such things have in a scientific, rational world?

Bumper: Jim Ryan – for encouraging me during recording late at night!

Promo: Down From 10 by JD Sawyer – Finished the audiobook: erotic, quixotic, mysterious and quite the page-turner! A science-fiction story, a mystery, a hedonistic portrayal.. I dare you to not get hooked after 4 episodes — but make sure you give it all 4!

Promo: Podiobooks  and Fiends by Paul Cooley

Promo: Halloween Haunt

On the show this week:

  • Feedback
  • Front Page
  • Dem Bones
  • Sciencology
  • Extras

Full list of 53 articles after the jump!


One Response to TWS197: Maintaining Structural Integrity Through Crazy Glue

  1. scottfromtexas says:

    In regards to the going forward of graveyards, this just popped into my head. There’s been talk about mining landfills for material to recycle, but what about the artificial body parts. hmmmm. Just pondering now, not sure what I think about that. It could be a valid endeavor, they are made from high quality metals, etc. Do they recycle them at crematoriums? Anyway… been listening a while, first time I’ve thought of actually commenting.
    Excellent show.

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