TWS194: Writ Large, The Akashic Record Is Skipping
CQ: With Halloween and Christmas now largely secular holidays, what is your idea of the next big fictional holiday? For example, Hogwarts Graduation Day.
On the show this week:
- Feedback
- Front Page
- Message Transformed
- All Hollow’s Weave
- Free Tea Faux Home
Clips from the 21st Ignobel Prizes used to illustrate the ceremonies, and used without permission. But hey, they whole thing is on Youtube, so go watch it!
Full list of 34 articles after the jump!
- Feedback:
- Front Page:
- What we have here is a failure to communicate.. And some strange definition of “pants”, most likely..: Orange – Ironic failure of underwear record bid
- This time, everybody get yer cameras ready..: Phenomenica – Another defunct satellite to hit Earth in October
- So much for the drooping economy..: WYFF4 – City Makes Thousands From Sagging Pants
- Great! Now we need to come up with a new standard..: The UK Telegraph – Monkeys at typewriters ‘close to reproducing Shakespeare’
- You shoulda seen the ring! Well, you coulda if you was in orbit..: Metro – Bride breaks world record on big day by wearing 1.8-mile veil
- Ready for the world’s largest donair..: Metro – World’s largest naan bread baked in six-metre wide oven in China
- They should really have gotten together with the bread makers..: MSNBC/AFP – 47-foot long bratwurst attempts to set Guinness World Record
- Message Transformed:
- (EXTRA) I’m not sure I get it, but I got a hunch..: io9 – Why Intuition Makes People More Likely to Believe in God
- It’s not a substition for seeing or hearing, but a transliteration of *touch*..: New Scientist – Wireless network can watch your breathing
- Eventually, the detractors will be made to eat their words.. With gravy.: MSNBC/Fast Company – The wild possibilities of printing food
- Live by the chip, die by the chip.: The UK Daily Mail – Goodbye Mr Chips: Doritos creator dies at 97… and his family wants to sprinkle them over his body before he is buried
- For those secrete messages..: BBC – Fluorescing bacteria used to encode secret messages
- (EXTRA) Higgs? No man, that’s so *last* decade!: New Scientist – Fermilab stops hunting Higgs, starts neutrino quest
- Listen to the children of the blight! Such sweet poetry they make!: BBC – Poet writes verse in bug’s genes and receives reply
- How to turn half-memories into truths..: NPR – How Psychology Solved A WWII Shipwreck Mystery
- (EXTRA) When reality isn’t a good enough similation.. It’s like history being created before your eyes!: The UK Telegraph – ITV Gaddafi documentary claimed videogame was terrorist footage
- (EXTRA) When at first you don’t succeed, fly, fly again..: BBC – New study says birds learn how to build nests
- All Hollow’s Weave:
- Does that ring a bell?: Metro – Morgue fitted with alarms in case of resurrections in Turkey
- Take care, perhaps, when drinking Fireball Whiskey?: BBC – ‘First Irish case’ of death by spontaneous combustion
- (EXTRA) Throw up the horns! .. Uh.. Oh.. Yeah.. (awkward): The Huffington Post – George Ashman, 5-Year-Old Boy, Gets Devil Horn Implants To Remove Birthmark
- Did he fall from the tree?: The UK Telegraph – Australian crocodile turns himself orange
- It turns out, it may just be the lithium..: NewsDaily – Scientist: Sky confirms “shining moon” behind Frankenstein
- Well, ya gotta hand it to him.. Quite a find!: Reuters – Boy finds 30-year-old human fingers in jar
- Well, what did she *expect* to find inside?: The Huffington Post – Angela Dehart Arrested: Woman Steals Hearse Containing Dead Body
- No no! Nails are for werebears! … Right?: The UK Daily Mail – A grisly end: 800-year-old remains of witch discovered in Italian graveyard… with seven nails driven through her jaw
- (EXTRA) The problem with delusional people is that they can look just like the real thing.: CBS News/WTSP – Fla. murder suspect claims she’s part vampire, part werewolf
- Someone suggested that this is part of a promotional campaign.. For what? Face/Off 2: Time for a Bender?: io9 – The million-dollar Vampire Nic Cage photo vanishes from eBay – but time-traveling John Travolta takes his place
- Free Tea Faux Home:
- Can you really get to the truth just… by asking for it?: White House/We The People – Disclosure Petition – Paradigm Research Group
- Unfortunately, I think he’s a little busy, what with the other fires.. Maybe I can let this president get some slack.. But the next one? No chance!: OpenMinds – Petition requests Obama to acknowledge extraterrestrial presence
- (EXTRA) So, in a manner of speaking: mission accomplished!: Orange – Farmer flies flying saucer
- (EXTRA) That is not dead which can eternal tile.: Roger Ebert – Resurrect Dead: Mystery of the Toynbee Tiles (Unrated)
- (EXTRA) If there’s really nothing to hide, open the doors to Area 51..: Patch/StudioCity – T.L. Keller Talks About Area 51 and Anti-Gravity
- (EXTRA) I can’t tell if this is serious, or some subtle 5th-dimensional comedy..: Examiner – Former DARPA Time Traveler’s Mt. Ida keynote evokes ancient dimensional gateway
- (EXTRA) Everytime my mouse passes over this link, I think I’ve found water!: – Canadian Society of Questers
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