TWS178: Not Quite Dead Yet (But Almost)
CQ: With the growth of telecommunications and the rising price of fuel, will Asimov’s fictional vision of a society where people travel almost never at all in person come to be? Or will it be the convention-style or “big-trip” travel style, where you travel rarely but it’s a really big thing?
Bumper: Alexa Chipman (of Maudelayne from Broken Sea Audio)
Promo: How To Grow Your Geek (now celebrating 300! episodes!)
On the show this week:
- Front Page
- Organ Grounder
- Slight Unseen
- You Only Think You Thought That
- Extras
Full list of 49 articles after the jump!
- Front Page:
- They say that show biz is murder..: Orange – Soap actor dies five times in a day
- Unlike the accident-plagued Spiderman stage performance, at least this one is based on a basically human character…: BBC – Live Batman stage show launches in London
- Also: a new spot for nookie..: Metro – Mile-high Kingdom Tower in Saudi Arabia will be world’s tallest building
- As far as global challenges go, this one is kinda.. bricked.: CNN – Block party: Brazil builds world’s tallest Lego tower
- Space junk can only be defeated by: FINER SPACE JUNK!: PhysOrg – Tungsten dust cloud: New radical idea proposed to clean up space junk
- It’s nice to once and a while still find something about the US Space Program which is just… *neat*!: AOL – Astro-Lung: Jethro Tull’s Ian Anderson to Duet With Astronaut on International Space Station
- Organ Grounder:
- Usually, it’s the bachelor’s party or honeymoon videos which are a little risque..: Metro – Naked wedding couple’s stripped back ceremony
- It’s kinda like a spittoon… Or a “butt stop”.: AOL – To Discourage Public Urination, Australian City Introduces Open-Air Urinal
- Some people were intimidate by his well-placed art.: AOL – Well-Endowed Apollo Statue to Be Re-Erected in France
- It’s only fair, given that she’s probably turned a few heads in her day..: BBC – Coventry’s Lady Godiva statue to be turned
- Ah, the hard work that students have to do for extra credit!: CBS News/AP – Pa. students: Ethics seminar had exotic dancers
- I believe that, according to the book of Venkmann, this is a sign of the Apocalypse..: Orange – Cat gives birth to dog
- This might be in the Japanese translation of Ghostbusters, or something..: The UK Daily Mail – Some-fin special: A cat and a dolphin become best new buddies
- It’s beautiful, lyrical, fluid, spacial.. and the cello’s not bad, either..: CBS News – Spike Jonze presents video of “Lil Buck” dancing and Yo-Yo Ma playing cello
- It’s kinda like saying, “If there were cyborg cats and dogs, would there be cyborg cat owners and dog owners?” (Yes.): The UK Guardian – There are voodoo wasps and zombie worms, what about people?
- Another form of extreme recycling, although this time death and perpetual life can be transformed into knowledge..: Nature – Schizophrenia ‘in a dish’
- Well? Do *you* believe in extreme recycling?: The Local in Sweden – ‘Pay funeral costs in return for organs’: study
- I believe he’s now served his sentence…: BBC – Murderer hanged in Bristol in 1821 buried
- (EXTRA) What is the shape of a person? In this case, he’s in better shape than I am!: AOL – Man Without Legs Hopes to Inspire Students as Physical Education Teacher
- (EXTRA) From big to small, humans are an amazing species.: Metro – World’s tallest teenager Malee Duangdee is still growing
- (EXTRA) … Okay, maybe not all of us are all that amazing..: Orange – Woman aiming to be world’s heaviest
- In the kingdom of the blind, the two-eyed kung fu master kicks some serious orb.: Metro – Kung Fu master swings weights from his eye
- (EXTRA) It’s a rather sharp-toothed gap filler, really..: Huffington Post/AP – Daemonosaurus Chauliodus: ‘Evil, Buck-Toothed’ Dinosaur Discovery Fills Gap In Evolution
- Slight Unseen:
- (EXTRA) I wonder if they have an agent?: PhysOrg/Cell Press – Humpback whale songs spread eastward like the latest pop tune
- (EXTRA) Beware: smart people with time on their hands can create almost anything.. (Lock up all smart people!): CNN/VBS.TV – Former truck driver deciphers top secrets of first atomic bombs
- (EXTRA) In the future, the great job is being an offshore algae farmer.. (Just like science fiction predicted some 30 years ago..): PhysOrg – Algae could replace 17 percent of US oil imports: study
- (EXTRA) This is along the same lines as the “uglify your gadget movement”..: This is Devon – Farmer dyes ewes orange to deter rustlers after he loses 200 sheep
- (EXTRA) Kinda confuses me, too.. Like a butler without his coat..: CNN – ‘Naked’ penguins have scientists perplexed
- (EXTRA) Japan is a magical land of wonder..: The UK Sun – Sea monster sparks tsunami panic
- (EXTRA) Cultural import — or local manifestation of a global phenomenon?: Cryptomundo – Revisiting the Hibagon — Japan’s Bigfoot
- (EXTRA) It basically says, “Don’t cross this line!”.: CBS News/AP – Ancient stone markers warned of tsunamis
- (EXTRA) Heck, I know *I’d* stay there!: AOL – UFO Motel Soon to Be Landing in California Desert
- (EXTRA) Um… Maybe? I guess? Are they also dancing on the head of a pin?: The UK Daily Mail – Could aliens be living on planets deep within black holes?
- Just remember: anytime anyone is publicly willing to divulge classified information, they’ve already sanitized it to the point of innocuousness..: CBS News – Roswell rumor offers boon day for FBI website traffic
- The biggest bane to history is probably the round file.: The UK Guardian – FBI destroyed thousands of UFO reports, 1949 memo reveals
- Wait, so “Rocky Mountain High” was about…?: FBI Vault – John Denver FBI file
- (EXTRA) The first “intercontinental killistic missile”?: The Local Germany – Jack the Ripper was a German sailor, detective claims
- You Only Think You Thought That:
- (EXTRA) Well, that’s not quite as bad as having nothing to say, but…: Metro – Only two people speak dying language Ayapaneco — but refuse to talk
- (EXTRA) It’s funny, because depression has always felt as if my fields weren’t quite aligned..: New Scientist – Mind controls: Magnetic relief for depression
- (EXTRA) Sure, it’s brain surgery, but it’s not like it’s *invasive”! Gimme my plug!: New Scientist – Mind controls: Electrodes sitting on the brain’s surface
- (EXTRA) Just don’t let your mind wander, or the movie could get a little, um, “embarrasing”..: New Scientist – Your brain signals can drive how the movie ends
- (EXTRA) After a certain point, you just have to acknowledge that what you believe is kinda silly and irrelevant..: The Local of Germany – German ‘thought car’ could be driven on Sabbath, Rabbi says
- (EXTRA) Yeah, but is it kosher?: New Scientist – A tap on the arm switches music tracks while you run
- (EXTRA) Proof that children learn from our mistakes as much as we might?: PhysOrg/University of Rochester – Parents’ ‘um’s’ and ‘uh’s’ help toddlers learn new words, cognitive scientists find
- (EXTRA) I knew it! They’re watching you…: New Scientist – People-watching dogs know who to ask for treats
- (EXTRA) And what is the child learning? School is a cold, heartless place..: The Globe and Mail – Crying, foul: Kindergartener gets suspended for tearing up
- (EXTRA) Technically, is it stealing if he just told them that they *should* give him their money, rather than they *must*?: Metro – Hypnotist being hunted in Russia for stealing cash from bank customers
- Extras:
- (EXTRA) Apparently, they *weren’t* forged into a mighty sword to be used to fend off daemonic beings. Fooey.: The UK Telegraph – Jesus crucifixion nails ‘found’
- (EXTRA) Ironically, just before his part in the movie “How To Live Forever”. (The answer should be: don’t die..): BBC – ‘Oldest’ marathon runner Buster Martin dies
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