TWS170: Next, on a Very Special Episode of Survivor
CQ: How do we transform the world from its current cynical state to more relaxed state, like the sixties?
Bumper: K from Luscious Leftovers . That one’s done now, but I don’t have a bumper from her for the new story podcast, Every Photo Tells…
CHSR ID: Kids!
Promo: Podiobooks
On the show this week:
- Front Page
- Survivor!
- Very Special
- Extras
Full list of 66 articles after the jump!
- Front Page:
- Of course, he was buried under snow at the time..: San Francisco Chronicle – Punxsutawney Phil Did Not See His Shadow; Winter To End!
- Everyone is seeing two much in this..: AOL – Two-Headed Calves, Camel, Sharks Make January a Doubly Weird Month
- They just have worse publicists..: The South Carolina State/AP/The Beaufort Gazette – SC bird beats groundhogs with forecast
- Are we witnessing a massive hoax, or the real thing? Can we ever tell the difference?: Mysterious Universe – Eye of the Beholder: UFO Biases, from Footage to Fakery
- Stanton Freidman lectures on how studying UFOs has benefited mankind. ‘Nuff said.: Herald Tribune – Seeping slowly into the mainstream…
- MEAT TREES! *WANT*: Yahoo!/Reuters – South Carolina scientist works to grow meat in lab
- Pity us, we men are apparently susceptible to just about everything..: The UK Daily Mail – How coffee can boost the brainpower of women… but scrambles men’s thinking
- But, y’know: don’t beat yourself up about it..: New Scientist – Feel the pain, shed the guilt
- You may panic now: we’ve reached the end of the Internet. (No, not really…): PhysOrg/AFP – Internet address warehouse empty
- No one saw this coming? (Or going?): Orange – Scientists create ‘invisibility cloak’
- Or at least: hard to see.: AOL – Squid May Help Make Soldiers Invisible
- They knew the Force…: PhysOrg – Vikings could have steered by polarized light
- We just don’t celebrate things often enough. Especially trivial things without meaning.: AOL – Get Ready to Pop! It’s Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day
- Survivor!:
- : PhysOrg – Was the fox prehistoric man’s best friend?
- When reached for comment, all he said was “D’oh!”: The Guardian – Climber found alive and standing after 1,000ft mountain fall
- Technically, it was likely the cables that went through the windshield, and then the windshield went through his eyes.: WEWS5/ABC – 23,000 volts go through windshield, man survives with minor injuries
- Obviously, wearing their anti-grav suit.: Mercury News/Los Gatos Weekly Times – Mustang driver is thrown from car on Hwy. 17, but suffers only a bad cut
- Electricity and gasoline are not traditional alchemical mixes… for a reason.: RT – Mummy fried – woman sets fire to house while trying to reanimate long-dead sister
- This can’t end badly… Much. : AOL – Chop Time Off Your Commute With a Propeller Backpack
- After a certain point, most people stop counting. And then, after a later point, they start counting again..: AOL – World’s Oldest Person Dies at 114 — or Was It 115?
- You don’t get to be a centenarian just by sitting around, ya know! You learn to get by for cheaper..: BBC – Japanese pensioners’ shoplifting hits record high
- For his next backyard project: a robot pal — which conquers New York!: The UK Daily Mail – Look what I made, mum! Teenager builds ‘death-ray’ which can burn through almost anything
- (EXTRA) Potato power!: AOL – Mystery of 200 Dead Cows in Wisconsin Solved
- (EXTRA) It’s a tuber tumour.: AOL – Fla. Battles Yet Another Invasive Species at Annual Air Potato Roundup
- After a certain point, do scientists just hate machines and want to go green?: Wired/Danger Room – Grow Your Own Security: Prof Breeds Bomb-Spotting Plants
- No cats (or cheese!) will ever sneak through again.: The UK Telegraph – Mice trained for airport security
- (EXTRA) I believe mine runs slow.: Science Daily – Ancient Body Clock Discovered That Helps Keep All Living Things on Time
- Surprisingly, not being done for a reality TV show..: AOL – Donna D’Errico to Climb Mount Ararat in Search of Noah’s Ark
- More cases of canine nose best.: BBC – Early bowel cancer detected by dogs in Japan
- (EXTRA) Cuz they can.: AOL – Study: Why Seahorses Look Like Horses
- (EXTRA) Turns out, they didn’t take the scenic route.: Discovery On – Modern humans reached Arabia earlier than previously believed
- (EXTRA) Rumours of their deaths were greatly exaggerated.: Discovery On – Dinos were alive for ‘700,000 yrs after the mass extinction’
- (EXTRA) Now it’s just a “stone”.: STV – Prehistoric standing stone falls over
- (EXTRA) Because if we didn’t, we’d never get time off.: PhysOrg – Why do we sleep?
- Very Special:
- Very glad to have this clarified; changing plans now.: CBC/CP/AP – South Africa’s governing party declares sushi-on-models dish politically incorrect
- (EXTRA) It’s all gobbledygook to me.: BBC – Toddler helps translate Jonathan Swift love letters
- (EXTRA) The lightbulb: it’s not just a metaphor for ideas.: New Scientist – Zapping the brain sparks bright ideas
- (EXTRA) Next: the cult of the hair bob, the cult of the bandana, the cult of the stripey socks, the cult of the blue sweather..: The Australian – Cult of the mask grips Japan
- (EXTRA) “And when the cat came back, it was a little gone-r..”: AP – Missing pedigreed cat turns up _ neutered
- These people need a better hobby..: BBC – Jumping rabbits in Harrogate for ‘grand national’ event
- (EXTRA) And yet, my class ring is still missing…: The Daily Comet – Ring travels 33 years in cross-country journey
- (EXTRA) Ah, another demonstration that people really don’t understand what “evolve” means..: BBC – Frogs re-evolved lost lower teeth
- (EXTRA) Bad birds being bound? Rascally rooster round-up? : Bay News 8 – Lakeland calls in chicken chaser team to rid the city of feral fowls
- (EXTRA) Sounds sinister.: BBC – Parrots prefer ‘left handedness’
- Next: automatic pistols for those with uncapped tempers.: The Sun Journal – Bill seeks to let one-armed people use switchblades
- (EXTRA) I wonder how much they got for him on “Celebrity Poker: High Stakes”?: Orange – Thieves steal body of Italian Brucie
- (EXTRA) Ah, the pristine halls of higher urinating..: AOL – College Professor Accused of Urinating on Colleague’s Door
- (EXTRA) I’d like to believe that we once didn’t do stupid things that machines told us, but rather did them all on our own.: The Sacremento Bee – ‘Death by GPS’ in desert
- Maybe they were aiming at lost tourists?: AOL – Soldiers Seize Drug Slingshot on US-Mexico Border
- (EXTRA) Um.. At what point do you decide that you have too many kids to try again?: BBC – Kenyan mother ‘cursed’ with six sets of twins
- (EXTRA) You know, it is really a question of whether alMighty makes Rite..: LA Times – ‘The Rite’ is based on a real priest trained in exorcism
- (EXTRA) Um, I think that “the kid is screaming inside” is meant as a metaphor?: The Scotsman – ‘Telepathy’ of child used as evidence in abuse case
- (EXTRA) Saved by spam?: The UK Telegraph – Black Widow attempted New Year Moscow attack but blew herself up by mistake
- (EXTRA) I guess his Chill Pills were inside..?: This Is Devon/Herald Express – Furious driver who failed to remove wheel clamp with axe set fire to his car, court told
- (EXTRA) Ah, the dangers of assumptions. “I though _you_ trained him!?”: The UK Telegraph – Wikileaks: Libyan ‘frogman’ sent to train in Rome couldn’t swim
- I would imagine that it gets rather spinny.: The UK Standard/This Is London – London gets the world’s smallest velodrome
- Extras:
- (EXTRA) Back when graffitti required a trained sculptor, tools and several weeks.: The UK Telegraph – Shepherd’s Monument ‘code’ was 19th century graffiti
- (EXTRA) Someday, when we make sentient horses, we’ll have a lot of confused laws to deal with..: The UK Telegraph – Man escapes jail after admitting having sex with horse
- (EXTRA) They say love is not a sprint, but they may be half-wrong.: AOL – Love on the Run: Couple Weds During Houston Marathon
- (EXTRA) After all, why else would she be persecuted for her 100+ dead cats?: LaCrosse Tribune – Woman claims literal witch hunt in dead cats case
- (EXTRA) I wonder if that’s part of the Molly Maid service..: Yahoo!/AFP – Philippines catches fake nuns going to Lebanon
- (EXTRA) Mona Lisa was apparently everything except what she appears to be..: AOL – Was the Model for Mona Lisa a Man?
- (EXTRA) Where COD could have stood for “Corpse Of Doggie”..: Star Tribune – If not for postal clerks, puppy would have been DOA
- (EXTRA) Soon, they will name a weapon the Tom Cruise Missile..: BBC – China TV ‘substitutes Top Gun for air force footage’
- (EXTRA) Apparently, Nabakov had a thing for precious little things..: The New York Times – Nonfiction: Nabokov Theory on Butterfly Evolution Is Vindicated
- (EXTRA) Wait.. aren’t all mosquitos wild?: Popular Science – Malaysia Releases 6,000 Genetically Modified Mosquitoes into the Wild
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