CQ: Since we produce too much media for any person to keep up with, are we turning into very shallow people, intellectually?
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Promo: Podiobooks – I just finished Nathan Lowell’s sixth and final book in the Trader’s Tales series, and it was absolutely fantastic! Totally #article37 – all the way!
Promo: Technorama
On the show this week:
- Front Page
- Crap
- Not Crap
- Extras
Full list of 66 articles after the jump!
- Front Page:
- So, at least some of the aflockalypse is man-made.: Yankton Press/Dakotan – Bird Deaths Linked To Poison
- Time is…. everything.: Yahoo! – Couple defies huge odds after all their children born at 7.43
- Matter sizes.: The UK Daily Mail – Scientists find the kilo isn’t pulling its weight: Metal standard has got lighter
- I suspect that this seriously affects your mileage..: Yahoo! – Dance company breaks world record for most people in a BMW MINI
- Also: probably good at fitting more dancers into a Mini..: Wired – Quantum Entanglement Could Stretch Across Time
- I bet what they are really waiting for is sweeps week..: The Examiner – Chinese National TV reporting impending UFO/ET disclosure by Obama government
- (EXTRA) And not paralysed by ecstacy, either..: ABC Australia/AFP – Woman left paralysed by love bite
- Crap:
- Leading the industry by the nose.: AOL – Microsoft VP Thinks Money-Scented Perfume Can Make You Stinking Rich
- Someone just taking the piss out of history..: The Guardian – Urinating on Jorge Luis Borges’s grave was an artistic act, says Chilean writer
- I guess the beach was a dump..: How To Be A Retronaut – Toulouse-Lautrec sh*ts on a beach
- It’s not always art..: CBS – Swedish Man Jailed 8 Months for Pooping on Store Floor
- It’s like old-fashioned dyes, only.. unintentional.: ABC – Mystery Goo Turns Icicles Green and Yellow in Snyder, N.Y.
- Wait.. is that the fine or the prize?: Philly.com/Philidelphia Inquirer – Suit defends ‘$10,000 to take a crap’ signs
- The classic university advice will need to be amended: “Wear sunscreen — just not _that_ much!”: The UK Telegraph – Schoolgirl’s rickets blamed on sunscreen
- (EXTRA) One man’s trash is another fish’s leisure..: CTV/CP – Are Prozac-popping fish present in St. Lawrence River?
- It feels like every time I try to start my car in the Winter..: AOL – Frozen Car: Man Thaws ‘Carsicle’ After Daylong Effort
- Slowest. Villian. Evar.: Discover Magazine – A Creepy Monster of the Forest: The Albino, Vampiric Redwood Tree
- Aside from not having a clue why it works or what’s really going on, they’re rock-solid scientists.: PhysOrg – Italian scientists claim to have demonstrated cold fusion (w/ Video)
- They have, apparently, discovered cold shoulders, however..: io9 – No, Italian scientists have not discovered cold fusion
- (EXTRA) It kinda says: “Hands Off! This bug is MINE!”: BBC – Parasite turns host caterpillars red to warn predators
- Something tells me that stars with movies currently in theatres aren’t to be trusted for hearsay conversations… Still, curious about Lucas’ extended cut remake of the apocalypse, in which God shoots first..: The Toronto Sun – Rogen stunned by Lucas’ 2012 theory
- Space navigation just got really complicated.. Ok, *more* complicated.: Science Daily – Runaway Star Plows Through Space
- It’ll only do that in the Extended Edition of the Universe…: Fox News – Dying Star Betelgeuse Won’t Explode in 2012, Experts Say
- Sure, dead actors are still semi-famous, but the question of whether virtual avatars with AI controllers are property or sentient will be interesting.: The UK Sun – Lucas to put dead actors in a movie
- (EXTRA) If he thinks he looks too much like the Shat, then he’s a worrisomely bad judge of faces..: AOL – Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon Gets Facelift to Avoid Looking Like William Shatner
- (EXTRA) At least, until Lucas is able to Photoshop in some goofy aliens and awesome landscapes.: The UK Telegraph – Alien life deemed impossible by analysis of 500 planets
- (EXTRA) A mind with a hand of its own..: BBC – Alien Hand Syndrome sees woman attacked by her own hand
- Well, that’s *one* way to solve the problem of the human effect on the world, but not exactly a UN initiative..: The UK Daily Mail – Genghis Khan the GREEN: Invader killed so many people that carbon levels plummeted
- (EXTRA) Genius is right next to Madness in the dictionary of Life. (Life can’t spell, apparently..): Yahoo!/AFP – Chopin’s hallucinations caused by epilepsy: scientists
- (EXTRA) Maybe they thought it was the Florida Keys?: The UK Daily Mail – Were they trying to tuna fish? 650lbs grand piano mysteriously appears on Florida sandbar
- (EXTRA) Random Acts of Art.: AOL – Guerrilla Art: A Whodunnit in Colorado
- (EXTRA) Prime real estate, going fast. Location, location, blubblubblub..: The UK Telegraph – The World is sinking: Dubai islands ‘falling into the sea’
- (EXTRA) Nothing says bureaucracy like the sweeping away of the functional but non-standard..: Metro – China closes cave school ‘because it makes nation look like Neanderthals’
- (EXTRA) This is _exactly_ how Davros got started down his evil path..: AOL – Disabled Man Banned From Driving Wheelchair Tank
- (EXTRA) Probably there were drugs involved before there weren’t drugs involved.: WESH/NBC – Deputies: Teens Thought They Stole Drugs, Not Ashes
- (EXTRA) I know that politicians often have powerful backers, but I have a feeling that he’s bluffing this time..: Press of Atlantic City – Mayor Langford: New Jersey’s Atlantic City takeover efforts are a fight against God
- (EXTRA) Some people say that life is undervalued, but lawsuits show us that we really don’t know what life is worth at all.: AOL – Kucinich Says Sandwich the Pits, Sues Restaurant
- (EXTRA) Sometimes, I think we’ll deserve the apocalypse we get..: Chicago Breaking News/AP – Laser pointings soar; O’Hare, LAX top list
- (EXTRA) The price was probably too low..: CBC – N.S. mom horrified baby listed for sale on Kijiji
- Not Crap:
- We’re pretty close to understanding carrier pigeons — how much longer until we understand the Internet?: New Scientist – The right way for pigeons to follow their nose home
- Why do I imagine subtitled prairie dogs to sound alternately like Beavis & Butthead and stoners?: The UK Daily Mail – Prairie dogs have a language all of their own and ‘can describe what humans look like’
- Probably tastes a lot like wild gazelle..: Arizona Daily Start – Boca, gaining a rep for exotic tacos, plans lion-meat offering
- International candies make me happy.: The London Evening Standard – Sweet shop stocks up on strange treats
- (EXTRA) It’s what’s on the inside that counts. Tasty, candy, sugary insides..: Orange UK – Barbara Cartland’s sweeter side
- It’s a kind of virtual tourism, and perhaps a new revolution in the postcard ideas..: Metro – Japanese tourists beat credit crunch by sending cuddly toys away instead
- Some medical studies are, uh, easier than others..: National Post – Not washing jeans for 15 months OK, health-wise at least: study
- I bet the snacks co-sales will be through the roof!: CBS/AP – Medical Marijuana Users Getting Pot Soft Drink
- (EXTRA) It’s when they reach the teen years that they suddenly forget, it seems..: New Scientist – Even young babies know who’s boss
- (EXTRA) It’s a teaching tool, not a real Communist takeover. If it were a takeover, I’d expect all the properties to be distributed according to social class in the opening phase of the game.: Orange UK – Communism takes over Monopoly
- (EXTRA) Somehow, I knew this was coming.: Guardian – Can we feel the future through psi? Don’t rule it out
- I know that grad studies is supposed to be really focussed, but…: The UK Telegraph – First Beatles graduate is announced
- (EXTRA) Showing that humans are, in fact, analog machines, where continuity of experience provides mental stability and enhances self-regenerative abilities. Or something.: AOL – ‘Singing Patient’ Creates Some ‘Sick Music’
- (EXTRA) I dunno, it feels a little less epic when there’s no choice involved. “Hey, I’m in the middle of a vast body of water with no land or ice in sight. What ever shall I do?”: BBC – Polar bear’s epic nine day swim in search of sea ice
- (EXTRA) It’s a little embarassing to discover you missed something in your back yard. Much like when I lose my coffee cup, and I find it’s on my desk. Or when others lose their dignity, and find that it’s gone on Youtube..: Yahoo!/Reuters – Giant crayfish found in Tennessee is new species
- (EXTRA) We’ve seen this in movies so often, it’s almost a surprise when they don’t fly away afterward..: BBC – Argentina woman survives 23-storey hotel fall
- (EXTRA) Now that Jack’s dead, we can all go back to eating refined sugar and lazing about. … Oh, wait: looks like we started early.: AOL – Jack LaLanne’s 10 Strangest Stunts
- (EXTRA) Good dog! Now he’s being taken for a walk..: The UK Daily Mail – 2,000 years of loyalty: Iron age dog unearthed guarding ancient treasure
- (EXTRA) I bet someone said, 7000 years ago or so: “What? This is it? Couldn’t you have finished it?”: DiscoveryOn – Remains of largest Stone Age building discovered in NW China
- I don’t think this Russian plan is going to get off the ground… … Wait a minute..: The Independent – Out of the spaceship — and into a sandpit
- I think we’ll end up with Red Mars after all..: Phenomenica/IANS – Russia plans to send piloted rocket to Mars
- (EXTRA) Life here, began out there. “What, outside the window?” No, outside our solar system!: BBC – ‘Life chemicals’ may have formed around far-flung star
- (EXTRA) That seems kinda petty, as far as alien domination plans go..: Brazil Weird News – The UFOs and dead fishes
- Extras:
- (EXTRA) I don’t know what this story is about; I was staring at the pictures.: Orange UK – Low-cut dentist dresses distract patients
- (EXTRA) Given how many people love virtual reality and fake bodies, this can’t be considered *too* strange..: Metro – Man leaves wife at home to go on holiday with dolls
- (EXTRA) The battle of the sexes in chemical form.: New Scientist – Ma’s gene does different things to pa’s copy
- (EXTRA) Rice paddy farmers are really steamed about this; they want to fry whoever is responsible.: AOL – Crop Circle Found in Indonesia Rice Field
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