TWS165: Mononomenclaturatility
CQ: Singularity?
BUMPER: Jonathan McNeill
PROMO: Gilmore Girls rewatch
PROMO: All Games Considered
On the show this week:
- Front
- Critters
- Mind
- Tech
- Extras
Full list of 51 articles after the jump!
- Front:
- As long as its not one a recipe-of-the-month calendar..: Orange – Roadkill calendar a surprise hit
- Cheesecake, however, is only for bribes..: AOL News – Pumpkin Pie: Delicious and Good for Facials
- Ein kleine peelmusik.: Orange – Fruit company plays Mozart to bananas
- Europe is such a vastly different world..: Metro – School principal defends naked student farm video
- Sure, that’s what they said about the Arctic. And the deep sea. And New York City.: New Scientist – There’s oxygen on Rhea, but aliens? Don’t hold your breath
- Critters:
- Hmm.. just in time for the new Loch Ness Tourist Centre and Happy Meal*. (I may have made up the Happy Meal part.): STV – Loch Ness monster: new pictures and sighting of Nessie
- A cautiously-optimistic take on Nessie’s brief emergence.: Cryptomundo – Breaking News: New Photo of Loch Ness Monster
- What: you thought I was kidding?: STV – New Nessie visitor centre plans revealed
- Results from hair analysis suggest a little of column A, a little of column UGH.: Shuker Nature – ORANG PENDEK – AN APE-HAIRED HOMINID?
- A new Cobra assault vehicle? Funny, I don’t remember that character in GI Joe..: The Washington Post – DOD tries to uncover secret of flying snakes
- Well, maybe – but they *so* lack decorum and grace..: The UK Telegraph – Dogs are ‘smarter than cats’
- Guaranteed to make your dog less smart than the daquiri-sipping cat in the corner..: Orange – New beer is ‘hair of the dog’
- Yet another Cthulhu-spawn gains attention.: The Guardian UK – ‘Squid worm’ emerges from the deep
- Because sometimes, mythical creatures get lost, too. And then we all lose.: LA Times – L.A. Unleashed
- It’s rather too bad that we can’t engineer *ourselves* to do the same thing!: The UK Daily Mail – The glue made from genetically-modified bacteria that can knit cracks in concrete back together
- Yeah, but they get to cheat..: New Scientist – Problem-solving bacteria crack sudoku
- There’s something delightfully science-fiction about the idea, and sadly we’re too conservative/cheap/restricted from every achieving it.: New Scientist – Glowing trees could light up city streets
- (EXTRA) Someday, the latest technology will be based on the oldest genes. : Science Daily – Researchers Kick-Start Ancient DNA
- (EXTRA) As men have known for, well, /ever/: there are smaller cod pieces in the cold.: BBC – Fish shrink during harsh winters
- (EXTRA) Not all fish shrink, apparently.: Metro – Novice angler catches monster halibut worth L25,000
- (EXTRA) I sincerely hope that megafauna will re-emerge on this planet once more..: – 8m crocodile lurks in river in Normanton, pastor says
- (EXTRA) And I thought *we* had housing problems..: KTVU – San Jose Pet Store Looks To Find Homes For Over 1,000 Rats
- Mind:
- (EXTRA) If telepathy is “mind at a distance”, and “epi-” is the near opposite of “tele-“, is this “epipathy”? Which is really January 6th, the 12th day of Christmas?: The UK Daily Mail – Doctors stunned by the twins who share the same brain, can hear each other’s thoughts and see through each other’s eyes
- Perhaps this is all training in preparation of becoming part of the collective conciousness that is the singularity?: New Scientist – Smartphone app monitors your every move
- Turns out, caring can be both turned off and on, and be faked. And it matters.: The UK Daily Mail – Why the rich are no good at empathy … they don’t need to be
- “Thou shalt not let others get away with it.” – 11th commandment?: New Scientist – Thoughts of religion prompt acts of punishment
- (EXTRA) The question is: what carrier does God sign up with, and what kind of rates on texting does he get?: Dutch News – New angel has mobile phone with direct line to God
- (EXTRA) All punishment should be meted out with a pretty smile and a rose, really..: Orange – ‘Pretty’ officers hand out roses
- (EXTRA) It’s not what you think: they’re actually /evil/..: AOL News – Bikini Cheerleaders Made Us Lose, Claims Volleyballer
- Tech:
- Basically, the universe was an indistinguishable goo filled with potential and hope*. (*Hope optional.): The UK Telegraph – How the universe evolved from a liquid
- (EXTRA) I would be rather saddened if we have managed to finally answer such a big question while still sitting on this little wet rock called Earth..: io9 – Have we found the universe that existed before the Big Bang?
- Wait – we hadn’t thought of this before?: AOL News – Did Stonehenge’s Builders Use Ball Bearings?
- More details: apparently, it takes massive amounts of money to reproduce what the ancient druids did for virtually free.: The UK Daily Mail – Stonehenge builders ‘used ball bearings to move giant slabs of stone into position’
- (EXTRA) I think science fiction films have finally gotten the message across: hard robots = BAD; soft robots = GOOD. It just means that our robotic overlords will snuggle us to death..: New Scientist – Robotic elephant trunk could hang with humans
- (EXTRA) Makes you really question love. And robotics engineers.: Programmatica/ANI – A robot that can fall in love!
- (EXTRA) Apparently, it was all fake, for advertising. That would be the most BRILLIANT way to invade, however.: Metro – Cybermen stage takeover of Tube
- (EXTRA) We’ve been joking about it for years, but the sculptural potential is fascinating when the boundaries come off..: Orange – Beauty contest for the artificially enhanced
- (EXTRA) One /could/ call this a piercing, or maybe body enhancement, but… probably not.: WYFF – Open Safety Pin In Girl’s Sinus Cavity For Years
- (EXTRA) Ah, back when they weaved both the tales of great sea voyages *and* the boat they sailed them on..: The Local Sweden/TT/AFP – Mystery shipwreck found in central Stockholm
- Extras:
- (EXTRA) That’s almost as bad as “swamp gas”..: STV – Claims UFO incident could be result of poison berries … and Dr Who
- (EXTRA) I’m wondering what his dream was like.. On second thought: I don’t want to know!: AOL News – Naked Sleepwalker Wins Record $14M Libel Award
- (EXTRA) It’s the extreme version of painting yourself in a corner. Kinda painting yourself to the coroner, really..: The Local Germany/APF/dw – Pensioner builds brick wall and traps himself in basement
- (EXTRA) Always keep a phone in the bathroom! And a kitchen.: BBC – Paris woman trapped for 20 days in bathroom
- (EXTRA) You’d think they’d have a home inspector in, or something..: Fox News/AP – Florida Man Possibly Finds Former Owner’s Body in Foreclosed Home
- (EXTRA) Well, the Roman empire *was* kinda big..: The UK Telegraph – Chinese villagers ‘descended from Roman soldiers’
- (EXTRA) Whew! It could have been another boring normal family tree! Lucky guy..: The UK Daily Mail – Long-lost son finds out, after 33 years apart, his mother is a bearded hermaphrodite who used to be a hit at the circus… thanks to George the Giant
- (EXTRA) Inside, they probably store the UFO plans.. Or the brooms. OooOOooOooOoooo… Brooms!: The Times of India – Secret chamber in National Library
- (EXTRA) Obviously, they want to find the guy who duped this guy and make him work for a telemarketer. Or the IRS.: MSNBC/WBII12 – Next up: Expedition to free Prince Albert from can
- (EXTRA) It’s kinda like Trick or Treating, for adults.: BBC – Taliban impostor ‘dupes Afghans and vanishes with cash’
- (EXTRA) There is such a vast gulf of difference between “what we see” and “what is” — so big, in fact, that we can’t see it.: Intangible Materiality – Simulations of An Unknown Orientation by Daylight Phantoms
- (EXTRA) No, I really haven’t been able to read all of this, but I know its important, somehow..: Intangible Materiality – The Proxies of Manifestation
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