On the show this week:
- Front Page
- Woo F’n Oohs
- Cryptoboology
- It’s All In Our Mind
- Extras
CQ: Biological parts wear out, and humans are living longer and longer — perhaps “long enough to live forever”. Will organ and limb replacements become as common as eyeglasses?
Bumper: Mainframe
Promo: Milk Carton TV
Promo: Podiobooks
Full list of 68 articles after the jump!
- Front Page:
- One can only come to the conclusion: stupidity is a vast, right-wing conspiracy..: The UK Guardian/@arkle – The World Cup and the vast left-wing conspiracy
- It’s enough to set (some) tongue wagging!: LiveScience – Why Some People Crave More Salt
- And yet, not obvious connection to Penny Arcade.. ?: AOL News – Cardboard Fighting League Not Just for Cut-Ups
- The League itself; it seems remarkably organized.. Must suggest a chapter in my area..: Cardboard Tube Fighting League – Cardboard Tube Fighting League
- A rise in medieval arts is something I can really get behind.. I’m waiting for the start of the “World Wenching League”.: BBC – Wiltshire vicar revives ancient archery law
- I’ll not work there, not by the beard of my chinny-chin-chin!: Metro – City defends ban on beards
- Next: “Turns out, the moon is actually made of water suspended in a spongy organic matter, aged for several years with space bacteria, and rather good on crackers.”: BBC – ‘Much more water’ found in lunar rocks
- (EXTRA) Apparently, these sightings are not being attributed to angels, as they might have been in medieval times..: OpenMinds – UFO filmed over the Vatican by U.S. ambassador security guards
- At first, just an article about how Bigelow Enterprises will create the future life in space..: The New York Times – In New Space Race, Enter the Entrepreneurs
- One reaction: Meh.: Herald-Tribune/De Void – Shrugging off Bigelow’s killer UFOs
- Another reaction: OHMIGODWEREGONNADIE: American Chronicle – Bigelow Aerospace, lethal extraterrestrial UFOs, and alien battle tales revealed
- Another reaction: he said WHA?: American Chronicle – Billionaire Aerospace Entrepreneur tells NY Times about killer UFOs
- Woo F’n Oohs:
- Cryptoboology:
- The question is asked: *can* you get in trouble for shooting a cryptid? Since they aren’t protected, probably not..: AOL News – Man Claims Close Encounter With Blond Bigfoot
- Mountain man meets Norwegian bigfoot in North Carolina.. It wasn’t exactly a country-folk friendly encounter.: Charlotte Observer – Cleveland County man reports encounter with Bigfoot
- The story keeps evolving: now he’s getting a camera! But wait! Does his remote home have power to recharge? Or an internet connection to post his pics and Youtube videos.: ABC News – Bigfoot discovered? Virginia Man Says He’s on Verge of Bigfoot Discovery
- Once again, Knobby was mentioned.. Wasn’t that from Harry Potter?: The Shelby Star – Bigfoot afoot? Local legend resurfaces after reported sighting near Casar
- Awesome piece of art — or channeling the spirit of Knobby?: AOL News – Coat-Hanger King Kong Drives Art Lovers Bananas
- Owls, bears or bigfoot? Or maybe someone with a deer caller?: The Red Deer Advocate – Mystery sounds unsettling to Sunchild Reserve residents
- We live in a sonically overloaded world, and when you can’t identify the source, it will drive you mad!: Web Urbanist – Signal or Noise: 8 Mysterious Unsolved Sounds
- (EXTRA) Tales of the creatures that emerge when we change the environment.. Makes you want to dry up a few rivers..: The Kansan – The Legend of Sink Hole Sam
- (EXTRA) I saw even less than something useful in the photograph.. Let’s all agree to a) upgrade our cameras and b) take more pictures!: India Talkies/ANI – “Loch Ness monster’s Aussie cousin exists”
- (EXTRA) These have turned up numerous times over the last few years; maybe it’s a new evolutionary niche? Soon to be seen in future politicians..: The Charleston Gazette – Twin-faced kitten puzzles veterinarian
- (EXTRA) And the conclusion is: pretty much the same as now. LET DOWN!: BBC – Prehistoric mammal hair found in Cretaceous amber
- (EXTRA) Even more of the same lack of change.: BBC – Ancient fossils show fig wasps remain unchanged
- So, cryptids can’t get protection if they *aren’t* found and once found, aren’t therefore “extinct”? Just can’t win!: The Spokesman-Review/AP – Appeals court denies giant Palouse earthworm protection
- Earthworms and bigfoot look on with envy..: KGUN9 – 9OYS WTK: $400,000 to build bridges – for squirrels?
- He’s defeating them.. WITH SCIENCE!: AOL News – NYC Vows to Use Science Against Subway Rats
- Ah, but did they get to skip the ads?: Orange News – Scientists: ‘Monkeys like TV’
- An interview with Loren Coleman, in which plainly states that cryptozoology *is* science. Excellent!: The New York Review of Ideas – Deciphering Cryptozoology
- It’s life, Jim, but not as we know it! (Sorry, I had to get that line out of my head somehow..): New Scientist – If there’s life on Mars, it could be right-handed
- It’s All In Our Mind:
- (EXTRA) Art made from the ashes of the dead: well, at least they aren’t totally wasting good raw materials..: designboom – wieki somers: consume or conserve
- We live in truly hard times..: AOL News – Man Returns iPad Because He Missed Being Bored
- (EXTRA) Even if no apocalypse is going to happen, should we just live cautiously as if it was, in any case?: AOL News – 2012: Psychology of the Apocalypse (Part 1)
- (EXTRA) Is the apocalyptic vision of today fueled by information overload? SAVE US, LIBRARIANS!: AOL News – 2012: Psychology of the Apocalypse (Part 2)
- (EXTRA) Occasionally, apocalypsii happen..: The UK Telegraph – Nasa warns solar flares from ‘huge space storm’ will cause devastation
- It seems strange to be able to “sell” stunts, but these have considerable builds to their trickery.: AOL News – For Sale: ‘Frozen Alive’ and Other Burial Stunts
- Not a stunt! This may lead to long-term cold storage for spaceflight, organ transplant and time travel (into the future only). : The Register – Suspended-animation cold sleep achieved in lab
- (EXTRA) Some people are out to make a point; others are out just to make a buck.: AOL News – Psychic Entertainers Know What You Like
- (EXTRA) No, no: the mark of the devil is money, and you’re all already duped! Wahahaha!: sify news – Fear of the Devil holding up census in Mizoram
- (EXTRA) Is it merely a case of imaginary friends being confused for dead people?: AOL News – What to Do If Your Child Really Does See Dead People
- (EXTRA) And yet, they can probably hold a religious ceremony there, like bowling..: Kent News – Council attacked over medium ‘who can see spirits’
- (EXTRA) I don’t know if she hates books or condiments more… Probably books.: AOL News – Woman Accused of Dumping Mayo on Library Books
- (EXTRA) I suspect this is a particularly embarrassing problem when you are single..: The UK Telegraph – ‘Sexsomnia’: more people suffering from ‘sex while sleeping disorder’, study claims
- (EXTRA) Ah, kids just don’t seem to be kids anymore.. No — really!: The UK Daily Mail – Tara was just seven when puberty struck – shockingly, cases like hers are becoming all too common – so what’s to blame?
- (EXTRA) Talk about “spooky action at a distance”.. If your first reaction is to scoff or say that isn’t possible, you have fallen into the skeptic trap… 😉: Los Angeles Time – Dodgers tap into ‘V energy’
- (EXTRA) If there ever was a need for a money laundering..: AOL News – Man Finds $58 in Dog Doo
- (EXTRA) Everyone sees with their minds, not their eyes. We truly do project our own images out onto the world, as was once the theory of vision..: SWNS – Couple find face of baby Jesus in wallpaper while decorating their kitchen
- (EXTRA) One could read a lot into this, but mostly, the message is simply: “Don’t build metal sculptures in lightning country, dumbass”.: Dayton Daily News – Jesus statue fire damages estimated at $700,000
- (EXTRA) How does a doll damage anything real? Isn’t it interesting when the virtual reality of semantics is embodied in plastic stunt products?: Orange News – Royals not amused by Princess Barbie
- (EXTRA) The secret to saving a *lot* of people is probably to talk in a friendly manner, and smile..: Gawker/AP – Meet the Australian Who’s Saved 160 People from Suicide
- (EXTRA) Is the web a representation of a higher life-form containing millions of minds? (Geez.. I hope not; that’s a lot of porn for one mind..): Mysterious Universe – Sentient Mechanics: The Web Like You’ve Never Known
- I physically like DEVO’s music, but also feel like I’m being mocked. But if cat’s liked it..: AOL News – DEVO’s New Album Is the Cat’s Meow
- (EXTRA) Someday, such resourcefulness will be considered quaint, as we replace our limbs with superstrong artificial upgrades. : AOL News – Threading a Needle No Problem for China’s Armless Wonder
- Turns out, it was probably just a misplaced decimal point. Oops.: The UK Telegraph – Dark energy may not exist in space, scientists claim
- What we really need to do is form a legion of Crusader-Scientists, to bring the Word of Science to the Unwashed, Uneducated Masses..: New Scientist – Scientists on soapboxes: Taking it to the people
- Fools! Don’t confuse them with “facts”!: New Scientist – How to turn politicians on to science
- It’s really a proper tradition going back to when coffee houses were centres of culture. My only objection might be that they limit it to “science”..: Cafe Scientifique – Cafe Scientifique
- (EXTRA) I call foul! No where there do I see “a pony” or “a unicorn”..: New Scientist – Top scientists show us their wish lists
- I love the folly of pronouncing that there will always be things outside of the grasp of understanding.. How do you understand that?: The Sunday Times – D’oh, we may never decode the universe
- (EXTRA) The only way for skeptics to truly understand the esoteric things they ridicule is by seeing the evidence for themselves, right? Wait.. They haven’t done that yet? They how do they claim negation?: Paranormalia – Eusapia Palladino online
- Extras:
- (EXTRA) I wonder if he’ll get off with “community service time served”..: The UK Telegraph – Burglar did washing up at country homes he raided
- (EXTRA) Plastic-man is born!: Yahoo!/7News – Baby survives being thrown out window on motorway
- (EXTRA) Banned if you do, banned if you don’t..: AOL/AP – Bra causes headache for lawyer visiting Miami jail
- (EXTRA) This will be made into a movie.. Only in the movie, he’ll be successful.: The UK Telegraph – Californian builder’s one-man mission to decapitate Osama bin Laden
- (EXTRA) I’d recommend not getting one unless you already have skill with the Force.: Yahoo!/SKY News – Deadly ‘Star Wars’ Lightsabre Sells On Web
- (EXTRA) It’s that he tried 3 times that seems to be the important part of the story.: BBC – Smash and grab raid fails as burglar hit by own rock
- (EXTRA) Assault by cuddly force?: The UK Telegraph – German throws puppy at Hells Angels bikers then flees on bulldozer
- (EXTRA) Just think: he was about to test the old theory about not wandering when he can get his milk at home..: Jakarta Globe – Teenager Passes Out Marrying Cow He Had Sex With
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