TWS148: Life, when you think about it, is Fundamentally Twisted

On January 30, 2010, in Episodes, by the Encaffeinated ONE

TWS148: Life, when you think about it, is Fundamentally Twisted

Bumper: Jim Ryan from Every World News

Promo: Every World News
Promo: Technorama

CQ: Human lives are largely structured as follows: you learn when you are young and then you do when you are old. We abandon most structured learning once we hit the workforce, only occasionally returning to it from time to time. Should we try to structure our lives so that periodically — say, every decade or so — we re-enter a structured learning environment for a year?

On the show this week:

  • The Front Page
  • Twisted Body of Work
  • Body of Twisted Work
  • Body Work of Twisted Extras

Full list of 75 articles after the jump!


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