TWS147: The Future Started Yesterday, Will be Outdated by Tomorrow

On January 16, 2010, in Episodes, by the Encaffeinated ONE

TWS147: The Future Started Yesterday, Will be Outdated by Tomorrow

Bumper: Arkle of Geek of All Trades

Promo: Digital Magic by Pip Ballantine

Promo: Technorama

CQ: The future came upon us pretty fast; when I was a kid, flying cars, robots and transmat beams were all the rage, but the Internet was not part of the picture.. Describe something that kids growing up today will have as their futuristic dream — or tell me why kids today don’t look to the future with stars in their eyes, like previous generations did.

On the show this week:

  • “Future”, spelled P-A-S-T
  • Prey for a Future
  • Retroactive Future Leftovers

Full list of 40 articles after the jump!


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