TWS147: The Future Started Yesterday, Will be Outdated by Tomorrow
Bumper: Arkle of Geek of All Trades
Promo: Digital Magic by Pip Ballantine
Promo: Technorama
CQ: The future came upon us pretty fast; when I was a kid, flying cars, robots and transmat beams were all the rage, but the Internet was not part of the picture.. Describe something that kids growing up today will have as their futuristic dream — or tell me why kids today don’t look to the future with stars in their eyes, like previous generations did.
On the show this week:
- “Future”, spelled P-A-S-T
- Prey for a Future
- Retroactive Future Leftovers
Full list of 40 articles after the jump!
- “Future”, spelled P-A-S-T:
- I think only Shrodinger can address this question..: STV – Is the Loch Ness Monster dead?
- No, the slaves built the spaceships..: BBC – Egypt tombs suggest free men built pyramids, not slaves
- Tribal knowledge, spiritual wisdom or merely a fluke?: Cosmos – Aboriginal folklore leads to meteorite crater
- Kinda shows just how primitive makeup really is..: BBC – Neanderthal ‘make-up’ containers discovered
- Next: ancient hominids also had satellite and Skittles..: ScienceNews – Ancient hominids may have been seafarers
- I feel kinda oogly right down in my cells over this.. Ew…: Yahoo!/AFP – Viral phenomenon: Ancient microbe invaded human DNA
- Maybe Da Vinci just Photoshopped her?: BBC – The medical secret behind Mona Lisa’s smile?
- You mean this spaghetti-head might actually be full of wormholes?: New Scientist – Brain ‘entanglement’ could explain memories
- I feel special now, because we get new ones every year around here..: Metro – Snowball kept in freezer for 33 years by US woman
- (EXTRA) Someday, all battles will be fought with graphing calculators, in a series of predictions proving futility before any shots are fired..: Discovery News – Fog of War Demystified by Financial ‘Power Law’
- Prey for a Future:
- Turns out: evolution hates gated communities of rich white dudes..: NPR – Autism ‘Clusters’ Linked To Parents’ Education
- I also nominate “oogly”..: New Scientist – Five emotions you never knew you had
- The incorrect association between “more evolved’ and “better” is embarrassing. You’d do better by suggesting that men are changing desperately to try to keep up with women..: Yahoo!/AP – Men more evolved? Y chromosome study stirs debate
- This might be one of those random mutations intended to improve long-term survivability of sheep..: The UK Daily Telegraph – Sheep gives birth to human-faced lamb
- Is there anything not true in this? Other than the presumed cannibalistic nature of our space brethren?: The UK Telegraph – Gym advert warned ‘fatties’ would be eaten by aliens
- I think he put the media into a trance, because we’re covering this story..: The UK Telegraph – Trainee hypnotist puts himself in trance using mirror
- I like big butts, and I’ll tell you why: they’re healthy! Yay!: BBC – Having a big bum, hips and thighs ‘is healthy’
- If you are fat and your name starts with a D, you’re *really* screwed..: AOL Health – If Your Name Begins With “D,” You May Die Younger
- I believe we should all salute our future overlords!: LiveScience – Surprising Sea Slug Is Half-plant, Half-animal
- (EXTRA) Kinda makes God sound like a “marital aid” or over-the-counter cream..: New Scientist – Anxious or sexually competitive? Try God
- This is not encouraging: even if I lower my standards, the numbers don’t go up!: New Scientist – ET equation estimates number of potential girlfriends
- I’m not entirely sure this is a good day for robotics.. But: does she have a built in Roomba?: ABC Australia/AFP – Meet Roxxxy the robotic girlfriend
- (EXTRA) Hooray! We can now blame nature for fires!: LiveScience – Water Drops Magnify Sunlight and Burn Leaves
- (EXTRA) Environmental collapse makes for stunned behaviour — from turtles as well..: Yahoo!/AP – Fla.’s big chill: Manatees huddle, turtles stunned
- (EXTRA) For his next trick, he’ll turn them all into fish.: Metro – Crucifixion portrait is bread of heaven
- (EXTRA) Well, he used fancier words, but essentially.. Seems to me that only *bad* marriages (especially those held together strictly for religious reasons) are bad for creation.. Or does he mean baby-making creation? (I think we’ll have plenty.): Yahoo!/Reuters – Pope says gay marriage threat to creation
- (EXTRA) It’s one of those “progressive/regressive” things..: True Slant – Israeli rabbi conducts exorcism via Skype
- (EXTRA) I always thought the Internet was the real Time Hole Leak..: Pakistan Daily – Norway Time Hole “Leak” Plunges Northern Hemisphere Into Chaos
- (EXTRA) It figures: they do spend all that time in schools..: LiveScience – Fish Punish Fish For Bad Manners
- (EXTRA) What they really mean is: “here’s a way we can poke fun at the Warcraft players, because we are ignorant and reserved old people..”: News Service/AFP – Police use ‘witches,’ ‘warlocks’ to track U.S. fugitive to Ottawa
- (EXTRA) No, it turns out you collect more security forces with honey; and when the left hand doesn’t talk to the right hand, both should probably be headed for handcuffs..: San Francisco Chronicle – Suspicious luggage at 2 US airports delays flights
- Retroactive Future Leftovers:
- (EXTRA) Yeah, that would be what we term in the computing world a “SNAFU”. (Oh, sure, the military will claim the term, but “To err is human. To really screw up, you need a computer.”): CBS/AP – Funeral Homes Sued Over Brain in Bag
- (EXTRA) The fact that their height difference is more than I am tall is astounding..: Metro – New world’s tallest man meets current world’s shortest man
- (EXTRA) Ah, the old “fame vs. life” debate..: Metro – Big decision for world’s smallest man: should he stay or should he grow?
- (EXTRA) I guess the thinnest house is really phat..: Metro – ‘Thinnest house’ sells for ?1.3million
- (EXTRA) Ok, can we please not declare everything to be “tool use”? It’s getting to be like new parents, excitedly declaring every poo their little angel does to be magnificently on par with Michaelangeo’s Cistine Chapel..: BBC – Clever stingray fish use tools to solve problems
- (EXTRA) If you take it seriously, no one takes you seriously; if you take it lightly, everyone popularizes it.: Chris Holly’s Paranormal World – The Paradox of Contemporary Paranormal Research
- (EXTRA) To really be taken seriously in your message, dressing up like a Bigfoot in a park may not do it..: CBS/AP/The Keene Sentinel – NH Artist Protests Halt To Bigfoot Project
- (EXTRA) Why not? If anyone deserved contact with intelligent beings, it was Tesla — particularly after dealing with Edison.: UFO Digest – Was Nikola Tesla A UFO Contactee?
- (EXTRA) Who says that porn can’t be good for you? Without it, this porn-snitch dude wouldn’t have gone to college (or failed out).: BBC – China rewards online porn surfer
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