TWS138: Gee Is For Germany and Gnomes

On October 17, 2009, in Episodes, by the Encaffeinated ONE

TWS138: Gee Is For Germany and Gnomes


  • 7th Son: Descent, the first book in the gripping techno-thriller 7th Son trilogy by JC Hutchins is coming out in print on October 27. The podiobook version of this book was the first audiobook I really listened to, and while I started later than everyone else, I caught up fast. It was intense, edge-of-your-seat fiction based on a very interesting science-fiction premise: what if you could copy someone’s personality and put it into a clone? I’m really looking forward to the print release, and excited for Hutch.
  • Imagination Lane: Backroads is a place to find the Alley of Horror podcasts for the season. It’s a dark Alley, and bad things are bound to be found there — at least, I hope so! 😉

CQ: If you could go forward in time, just once, to stay, how far forward would you go? 100 years, 1000 years, 10 000 years, a million years? If you could state it as just after some event, what would that event be?

On the show this week:

  • Final Fantasy, part 2012

  • Reality, as we know it, is over-rated

  • Odds ‘n’ Snots

Full list of 67 articles after the jump!


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