TWS138: Gee Is For Germany and Gnomes
- 7th Son: Descent, the first book in the gripping techno-thriller 7th Son trilogy by JC Hutchins is coming out in print on October 27. The podiobook version of this book was the first audiobook I really listened to, and while I started later than everyone else, I caught up fast. It was intense, edge-of-your-seat fiction based on a very interesting science-fiction premise: what if you could copy someone’s personality and put it into a clone? I’m really looking forward to the print release, and excited for Hutch.
- Imagination Lane: Backroads is a place to find the Alley of Horror podcasts for the season. It’s a dark Alley, and bad things are bound to be found there — at least, I hope so! 😉
CQ: If you could go forward in time, just once, to stay, how far forward would you go? 100 years, 1000 years, 10 000 years, a million years? If you could state it as just after some event, what would that event be?
On the show this week:
- Final Fantasy, part 2012
- Reality, as we know it, is over-rated
- Odds ‘n’ Snots
Full list of 67 articles after the jump!
- Final Fantasy, part 2012:
- Well, the gnomes had to get there *somehow*..: The German Local DPA – Multiple witnesses spot UFO in northern Germany
- Fortunately, it was only a small volley.. Or maybe something from our friends on Mars?: Dutch Daily News – Meteor Fireball Explodes Over Netherlands
- They say it’s for “art”, but remember: Hitler painted, too..: ABC Australia – Hitler gnomes to invade German town
- Rock on, defender of Earth! Off to Germany with you!: Metro – (O) Teen girl rocker’s wish to destroy gnomes with guitar fulfilled
- Of course, this may only work when the original pain itself is perhaps imagined..: BBC – Children can ‘imagine away’ pain
- Is the only thing that the future can do is prevent itself from getting screwed? And is that a bad thing?: The New York Times – The Collider, the Particle and a Theory About Fate
- I think Buffy The Vampire Slayer predicted an Internet-wide magical action a few years ago..: The UK Telegraph – Tweance, the Twitter seance, aims to contact Michael Jackson
- Now I’m imagining Bill Clinton as Fred in a new cartoon of Scooby Doo..: The UK Guardian – Former Japanese PM Junichiro Koizumi returns as Ultraman King
- It’s not so much an accent as it is an attempt not to be understood..: The UK Telegraph – A translation company seeking Glaswegian interpreters said that it had been swamped with applications.
- It’s kinda like LARP IRL.: Metro – ‘Fantasist Army doctor’ who treated troops is jailed
- Is this another one of those features that I can’t get on my mobile plan? Sheesh.. I suppose “there’s an app for that”..: MSNBC/ – Philadelphians Choose Texts Over Sex
- From the title, you would think that brain fatality causes tongue studs.. Hmm..: BBC – Tongue stud ‘brain fatality risk’
- RUN! IT’S A TRASHALANCHE!: Yahoo!/AP – Woman found in Fla. home under 8 feet of trash
- Soon, it will be known as “The United Snakes of America”.: STV/Reuters – Invading giant snakes threaten U.S. wilderness areas
- This might invalidate the art experiment, unless it’s a solo affair..: New Scientist – Approaching footsteps boost seeing in the dark
- Somehow, I don’t think their concerns over it costing too much are really warrented..: Ananova – Art lovers in the dark
- How much of what we think we see is because we think we will see it? And how much of what we actually do see is because we think we might see it?: Intangible Materiality – The Unresolved Nature of Intention and Anticipation In The Paranormal
- (EXTRA) Ptearing a hole in theories of missing links..: BBC – New flying reptile fossils found
- The answer lies not in evolution’s restrictions, but in it’s ability to ignore things that don’t really matter. Evolution does not care that you look silly, only that you are effective enough when you do.: ABC – Bizarre Dinosaurs: Why Were Some So Strange?
- (EXTRA) A bestiary from Canada’s island nation..: The Telegram of Newfoundland and Labrador/CP – Newfoundland and Labrador sea monsters
- It’s a harsh world out there, post-collapse.. Wait.. this is *now*?!?: Scientific American – Burning bunnies for biofuel?
- (EXTRA) Note to self: never put my hands in concrete. Ever.: STV/Reuters – School fined as girl loses fingers in art lesson
- (EXTRA) What if “satyrs” were just an extension of the Bigfoot idea? Fascinating notion..: Cryptomundo – Goatmen and Satyrs
- (EXTRA) It’s a remake of Hitchcock’s “The Birds”, only on a really tight budget.: The UK Telegraph – Jackdaw causes havoc in quiet Nottinghamshire village
- (EXTRA) It figures: root has access to the system keys..: ScieceDaily – Plants Recognize Siblings: ID System In Roots
- Sure: blame the victim! It’s not like the weather wasn’t to blame! Or the Earth! Oh, yeah..: Terra Daily – The Fall Of The Maya: “They Did It To Themselves”
- I treat 2012 much like Halloween or Santa Claus: to some degree, it really doesn’t matter if it is actually *right* or not.: Yahoo!/AP – 2012 isn’t the end of the world, Mayans insist
- (EXTRA) Let’s be clear: it’s not just the Halloween fake spiders, but *any* fake spiders.. They just happen to have a prominent season..: The UK Telegraph – Halloween fake spiders ‘could scare arachnophobic man to death’
- Reality, as we know it, is over-rated:
- This is more an abuse and statement on bureaucracy than it is anything to do with hypnotherapy.. Although after staring into the cat’s eyes I feel sleepy..: BBC – Cat registered as hypnotherapist
- If they claim it’s through staring at boobs, I may just have to try it out on some “willing victims”..: Ananova – Hypnotist claims to boost bust size
- It’s not like the other “experts” have been doing much better..: AZ Central/The Arizona Republic – More turning to psychics for economic advice
- At least, it increases the brain power needed to juggle..: BBC – Juggling increases brain power
- This is one of those definitions of “IQ” that eludes me.: The UK Telegraph – Two-year-old with same IQ as Einstein
- (EXTRA) Sounds more like it’s just another long-hand on the watch of life.: ScienceDaily – Biological Clocks Discovery Overturns Long-held Theory
- An incredible prediction? Or an example of how imprecise our historical knowledge really is?: Technology Review – The Puzzle of Brueghel’s Paintings of Telescopes
- (EXTRA) The problem with zero tolerance policies is that you aren’t even *allowed* to think, because thinking is *bad*..: Ananova – Boy, 6, suspended over camping cutlery
- (EXTRA) She protected him, kept him inside and didn’t let him have any fun.. If they’re not careful, half of the kids around will start lawsuits.: The UK Independent – Italian mamma charged with mollycoddling schoolboy son
- Pretty soon, we’ll find out that he beat puppies and juggled geese..: Yahoo!/AP – A darker side of Columbus emerges in US classrooms
- It’s one of those “you see an old woman, I see a young woman” type of things..: The UK Telegraph – God is not the Creator, claims academic
- At any given time, I would estimate that about 50% of what we know is wrong — including this statement.: National Geographic – A Third of Dinosaur Species Never Existed?
- (EXTRA) Every time a story about a washed up island comes up, someone has to point out that it might be Atlantis, ignoring, of course, that Atlantis has its *own* story..: LiveScience – Real Tsunami May Have Inspired Legend of Atlantis
- (EXTRA) There’s a sucker born every minute. Unfortunately, there’s a cynical manipulator with their own goals out to exploit them born every 10 seconds..: The UK Guardian – Starsuckers celebrity hoax dupes tabloids
- (EXTRA) Well, it’s better than “bumfights”, although not much better morally perhaps..: Ananova – Miss Homeless contest slammed
- Some people don’t appreciate Halloween like I do. Or, at all.: BBC – Hallowe’en carnival ‘curses city’
- (EXTRA) I know they want to get more parishners, but do dogs even pray to God? I suppose they all go to heaven (even if they shouldn’t)..: CBC – Montreal-area church embarks on dog service
- (EXTRA) If we are still using the same style of computer in 75 years, I’ll be amazed. That is, if *I’m* still running in 75 years!: LiveScience – Computers Faster Only for 75 More Years
- (EXTRA) If we look closely, this case is udderly convincing..: Inexplicata – Argentina: Cow Abducted by UFO – An Analysis
- (EXTRA) Always blame the squirrels. Damn commie squirrels. They’re nuts.: Seacost Online – Squirrels suspected after flags go missing from veterans’ graves in Hampton
- (EXTRA) Well, the ex-wife always gets the dog, too..: Ananova – Woman chooses croc over husband
- Odds ‘n’ Snots:
- Really, I think it’s some sort of repository for the inevitable abandonment of Earth. Or at least, it’ll be useful for it. But, does it seem also like putting all your eggs in one basket?: New Scientist – Kew seed bank has 10% of all plants — and counting
- Funny, I always pictured Cthulhic creatures as being less blobby, more spiney..: National Geographic – Giant, Mucus-Like Sea Blobs on the Rise, Pose Danger
- Looks like trouble’s a brewin’! I’ll get the salt, you get the gasoline ‘n’ holy water..: Wired – Weather Geeks Champion New Armageddon-Worthy Cloud
- It’s like the Men In Black, only even more stylish..: From The Shadows blog – The Hat Man in Brazil
- (EXTRA) Of course, it could *also* be a 19th century coachman with a stovepipe hat.. : Phantoms & Monsters – Tall Dark ‘Mothman’ Type Entity Reported – Stow, Ohio
- (EXTRA) This is one guy who’s “Go, GO, GO!”: Yahoo!/AP – Man, 81, finishes race after borrowing a catheter
- (EXTRA) Given the number of times I’ve seen this in TV shows, I’m surprised that this is a first.: STV – Healthy baby born in Germany to woman in coma
- (EXTRA) Before cloning was a possibility, I would not have understood this.. And now, I’m still not sure I do.: The UK Telegraph – Elvis Presley’s hair to be auctioned
- (EXTRA) There should be a service, a time capsule service to delay mail on purpose. Oh wait: there is!: The UK Telegraph – Postcard delivered after 40 years
- (EXTRA) I’m sure that any crop-circle aliens would be rather impressed, but confused by the message we’re sending..: The UK Telegraph – Family Guy maze cut into corn field at farm
- (EXTRA) Yep, this is the guy that’s prevent 50 other people from gainful long-term employment. He’s nothing but a quitter! 😉: Ananova – Man gets 50 jobs in 50 states in 50 weeks
- (EXTRA) I’m more confused by why a subordinate was making his supper than anything else..: Ananova – Boss eats humble pie
- (EXTRA) Ok, *this* time, I gotta point out how this could possibly be a bad thing..: The UK Telegraph – ‘Spider pill’ offers new way to scan for diseases including colon cancer
- (EXTRA) A case of sever mis-identification. Someone is going to propose branding or having a scannable bar tattoo to prevent this, I’m sure..: STV – Man to sue police and court over car crushing
- (EXTRA) They make it sound so.. nasty!: New Scientist – Butterfly is pupae-sniffing cradle-snatcher
- (EXTRA) Is it just me, or does it not really look that tall? Maybe it’s beside a 20-foot woman..: The UK Telegraph – World’s tallest cat
- (EXTRA) It was promptly eaten by a larger, non-vegetarian spider..: LiveScience – Rare Vegetarian Spider Discovered
- (EXTRA) It’s kinda like getting “volunteers” for the cake committee..: ScienceDaily – Chimpanzees Help Each Other On Request But Not Voluntarily
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