TWS137: Things That Go Harumph In The Night
Bumpers: Mainframe
- Imagination Lane presents: Giselle — I had the opportunity to preview the script for this one — when I was asked to play a role in it. I’m not sure if I’m still in the production (I very well could have been reasonably replaced!), but I’m looking forward to hearing how it turned out. Imagination Lane will be running a number of Halloween horror stories all month, and I’m definitely looking forward to that.
- Jonathan McNeill from Trolljammies — I put out a call for TWS bumpers, and Jonathan produced a spectacular one. Just one of people that Twitter has brought into my (binding?) circle..
CQ: What is the purpose of fear, as entertainment? Is it positive or negative?
On the show this week:
- Life is “but” a Dream?
- I’m Seeing Things, Believe Me, That I’ve Never Heard Before
- Those Things What I Should (And Should Not) Have Done
- Mentioned at Warp Speed
Full list of 88 articles after the jump!
- Life is “but” a Dream?:
- Given last week’s ability to control a beetle, this seems a little… ho-hum…: ScienceDaily – Brain-Computer Interface Allows Person-to-person Communication Through Power Of Thought
- Past life experiences which lead to xenoglossy are fascinating challenges to explain.: Michael Prescott’s Blog – The case of Gretchen
- The answer is yes — if you carefully define the question.: Psychology Today – Can We Really Read Minds?
- Proof that HD is mostly in your mind.. Does that make it any less real, tho’?: New Scientist – Think yourself a better picture
- Predictive dreams are hard to prove, given that so many of our dreams *don’t* come true…: The UK Daily Mail – Yes, we do have a sixth sense: The in-depth study of our intriguing dreams that convinced one doctor
- If creativity means “doing things a new way”, how could not seeing the world like others *not* be considered a benefit to creativity?: PhysOrg – Mad genius: Study suggests link between psychosis and creativity
- While the interpretation has changed from hag-on-chest to chemicals-in-brain, the answer is that it’s still all-in-your-head..: The UK Guardian – The waking nightmare of sleep paralysis
- I like things that challenge acception notions of dogma, and since I rarely actually feel all that awake, the distinctness of “waking” and “sleeping” seems all-too-arbitrary..: New Scientist – Are you asleep? Exploring the mind’s twilight zone
- Eventually, we’ll come to realize that “normal” is really wishful thinking and arbitrary..: US News and World Report/HealthDay – Autism May Be More Common Than Thought
- Turns out, we could all use a drink.: Time/CNN – Why Nondrinkers May Be More Depressed
- Considering that almost all kids eat candy, I think that the answer is “yes”, but not in that absolute way..: Time/CNN – Do Candy-Eating Kids Become Criminal Adults?
- We may laugh, but the psychological benefits of such a gesture was the 17th century equivalent of psychotherepy in context..: The UK Telegraph – Archaeologists unearth 17th century bottle used to scare off witches
- Some mysteries are eternal; others are only around for about 60-70 years.: Ananova – Mysteries of modern life revealed
- Oh sure, it *sounds* like fun — but that’s just the brochure..: The Sweden Local – Chinese media tempted by fantasy of women-only Swedish town
- (EXTRA) Must’ve been those medications, the ones designed to “give you a firm head”..: BBC – Man grows new skull after decades
- (EXTRA) It’s not like your ears are shut off when you are in a coma — or even when asleep.: The UK Telegraph – Baby’s voice ‘helped E-coli mother wake from coma’
- (EXTRA) Complain, complain, complain..: The UK Telegraph – Double arm transplant father says new hands are hairier than body
- That’s it: I blame technology and chemistry for my lack of dates!: New Scientist – Has the pill changed the rules of sexual attraction?
- (EXTRA) Immortality is a dream for most; so far, all we’ve managed to do is make better mice..: Brietbart – Scientists find path to fountain of youth
- (EXTRA) Crap! Maybe I have even fewer excuses..: New Scientist – Inferior males get lucky with the birds
- (EXTRA) I wonder if we’ll ever make that an *actual* switch.. A red, candy-coated switch..: DiscoveryOn/Bureau Report – Now, a ‘switch’ to reverse biological clock!
- (EXTRA) While it might be a little ahead of the really dangerous robots, wouldn’t you rather we think about these things now rather than then?: Popular Science – The Dangers of Rogue Household Robots
- (EXTRA) It’s fascinating, but does it have to be so creepy? And, why is it so creepy?: DiscoveryOn/ENDS – Ancient creatures re-discovered thriving in southern New Zealand
- (EXTRA) Is this the first case of really pro-active genetic engineering? Will this break open the field to other types of modification? (I kinda hope so..): Science Daily – Bees Fight Back Against Colony Collapse Disorder: Some Honey Bees Toss Out Varroa Mites
- (EXTRA) There’s a SciFi movie-of-the-week in there (sadly).. Terrorcoons? Raccoon Rage?: WUSA9 – Sheriff Describes Raccoon “Gang Attack” On Woman
- (EXTRA) It begins with a cave and a princess..: LiveScience – Origin of Komodo Dragon Revealed
- (EXTRA) Coming soon: dinosaur omelets on special on the menu!: Astigan – Massive hoard of 65-million-years old dinosaur eggs found in India
- (EXTRA) More details about the new peak of the human family tree..: The UK Guardian – Fossil Ardi reveals the first steps of the human race
- (EXTRA) “And when Heaven is full, the gates of Heaven shall close, and the dead shall.. kinda pile up a bit..”: The Sydney Morning Herald – Glebe full, so corpses sent to closed morgue
- (EXTRA) Hey, ask someone what their dying wish is, and you are bound to be surprised..: Metro – (O) Teen girl rocker’s wish to destroy gnomes with guitar fulfilled
- (EXTRA) I really owe it to myself to crack open “Tales of Mystery and Imagination” again..: USA Today – 160 years late, Poe will get a grand funeral
- (EXTRA) Are aliens, bigfoot and ghosts the modern equivelent of ancient mythology? Does that make them “wrong”?: Intangible Materiality – The Mythologies of The Paranormal
- (EXTRA) I think we should really make a ship to land on Apophis, however, and set up a permanent colony there. Let’s get onna this rock!: BBC – Asteroid collision ‘less likely’
- I’m Seeing Things, Believe Me, That I’ve Never Heard Before:
- But I thought he never drank… wine!?: Astigan – Dracula’s Cellar Found
- If I carve a statue out of rock and you create an identical statue out of powder, you have not proven that I created my statue out of powder..: Yahoo!/Reuters – Italian scientist reproduces Shroud of Turin
- Another case of the Kokomo hum? Is modern life reaching a resonant frequency?: The Edmonton Sun – Calgary’s humdinger
- And why not? The only problem is, being Mozart today isn’t really all that great..: Ananova – Schoolboy compared to Mozart
- Kinda WYGIWYW — what you see is what you want..: The UK Times/io9 – Surgeons offer eyesight tailored to an individual’s life and career
- This would be an amazing addition to a night garden..: ScienceDaily – Seven New Luminescent Mushroom Species Discovered
- Is it beautiful because it is rarely seen? Or is beauty something inherently part of the universe?: The UK Telegraph – Circular rainbow seen from aircraft window
- So I’m not the only one seeing Christmas a little too early.. Or maybe it was a Halloween costume?: Helena IR/Independent Record – Mule deer or Yule deer? Buck draped with decor
- It’s like out-sourcing Big Brother.. Big “Other”?: The UK Daily Mail – Internet game that awards points for people spotting real crimes on CCTV is branded ‘snooper’s paradise’
- This kinda feels like having a pet robotic bird that you can call to tell you if your house is burning down..: BBC – New Yorkers text hi-tech beavers
- (EXTRA) It looks like it broke it’s moorings, because of the ropes dangling.. Or maybe it’s from the past! Steamship ho!: Edmonton Journal/Canwest News Service – Giant white blimp has Kandahar on edge
- Things are only coincidences until they really shouldn’t be, and then they are patterns..: Cryptomondo – More Full Moon Animal Attacks
- (EXTRA) It probably also depends on their wings and feet.: Phenomenica/Bureau Report – Birds’ landing relies on their ability to detect edges
- Again: maybe it’s just in costume! Maybe it’s a zombie clown costume..: MSNBC/AP – Dead deer in clown suit left on Iowa porch
- (EXTRA) True strength comes from within.. Within your muscles, that is..: The UK Telegraph – Arm-wrestling champion is just 3ft 5in tall
- (EXTRA) I would more appreciate it if they had a “creativity” component..: Ananova – Miss Plastic beauty contest
- I recommend that you only look deeply into the eyes of someone you trust..: New Scientist – Look into my eyes: The power of hypnosis
- (EXTRA) I wonder if this will eventually become as standard as Braille and sign language..: BBC – Blind boy uses his ears to ‘see’
- (EXTRA) I bet you no one said that the prresentation was a little short..: Metro – Mexican midgets wow crowds with rodeo show
- (EXTRA) All I know is that there is a natural migration of all my coins to someone else..: ScienceDaily – Buried Coins May Hold Key To Solving Mystery Of Ancient Roman Population
- (EXTRA) This takes the old “baby comes early” story and pretty much ups it six notches..: The UK Telegraph – Newborn baby falls through train toilet onto tracks
- A miraculous event seen by many; optical illusion, hoax, mass hallucination, or something deeper?: Irish Independent – Grotto statue took on human form and wept, say witnesses
- (EXTRA) At the very least, a Ouija board provides an interesting way to reflect your own subconcious. Anything else is strictly gravy. (And its that good gravy, none of that bitter beef stuff..): Deadline Scotland – Victorian ouija board found in college’s secret passageway
- (EXTRA) I wonder if they’ll make the world’s biggest pie out of it?: The UK Telegraph – Ohio teacher sets world record with 1,725-pound giant pumpkin
- (EXTRA) Maybe he was right about putting so much faith in these technological marvels..: Lancashire Evening Post – Darth Vader breaks down on the M1
- (EXTRA) They may have heard “lightsaber battle” and gotten the wrong idea..: Ananova – Police raid ‘Darth Vader porn movie’
- (EXTRA) Beautiful girls and ugly fish, the reality show that finally makes sense.. Maybe..: WonderHowTo – Girls Gone Noodlin’
- (EXTRA) I think the caveat runs something like: “.. or at least not like any ape I know of!”.: The American Stateman – Primatologist: If Bigfoot exists, it’s not an ape
- (EXTRA) Is this just more propoganda, or are the alien intelligences watching to see if we pose a threat to the greater galaxy?: The Sun – UFO tracks Iranian missiles
- (EXTRA) Maybe not..: Herald Tribune/De Void – Iranian UFOs: OK, fine, whatever …
- (EXTRA) Sounds like it would be the ultimate circus ride — until they point out that it would paste just about anyone. Still, safe to lift rocket fuel.. Wha?: New Scientist – Blasted into space from a giant air gun
- (EXTRA) Pretty soon the excuse for not going will be something like: “Well, what’s wrong with staying right here? I like the paint colour, and the neighbours are nice..”: Universe Today – Trips to Mars in 39 Days
- (EXTRA) The best suggestion I’ve heard of so far is “kite”, although it was steadier than I would have expected.: STV – Fife man hopes to unravel ‘UFO’ mystery
- (EXTRA) I’m not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing..: STV – Scotland’s biggest UFO incident to hit the big screen
- (EXTRA) I keep wondering how we keep missing these things.. Oh yeah! We’re not UP THERE..: BBC – New ring detected around Saturn
- Those Things What I Should (And Should Not) Have Done:
- (EXTRA) If it can happen once, it can happen again. Let’s be ready for that, k? Let’s GET OFF THIS ROCK. 😉: ScienceDaily – New Ancient Fungus Finding Suggests World’s Forests Were Wiped Out In Global Catastrophe
- (EXTRA) Next week, they give him fins and a wide flat tail..: Yahoo!/Reuters – Donkeys get dye-job, take on zebra role
- (EXTRA) So really, things won’t move any slower than normal..: Ananova – Maldives to hold underwater cabinet meeting
- (EXTRA) Turns out, 4 hours practice was more than enough for an adept child.: Ananova – Girl, 13, wins ploughing contest
- (EXTRA) The wheels on the cross just sorta scream “hypocrite”, tho’..: KXRO-AM/CBS News/AP – Man Walks From Texas To Wash. With 12-foot Cross
- (EXTRA) Makes you realize that a good collection is really only valuable when either you or it is gone..: The UK Telegraph – Postman died before he could sell 2 million-strong stamp collection
- (EXTRA) It’s ok; we all make mistaeks.: Ananova – Anti-leak document is leaked
- (EXTRA) There’s “having faith”, and then there’s “expecting to be handed everything on a gilded platter”.: BBC – Jail terms for faith healing pair
- (EXTRA) As a fan of the horrifying tales, I worry about the over-reacting conservative reaction to individuals who have gone too far much more than the individuals themselves..: CNN – ‘Horrorcore’ singer suspected in Virginia killings
- (EXTRA) To be clear: he was beaten *until his face was blackened and he collapsed to the ground”. And *then* he’ll be charged.: The Times of India – Man beaten with shoes for raping 13-year-old
- (EXTRA) Well, technically it was *after* he urinated.. Apparently, people get really peeved over pee..: BBC – Indian shot for public urination
- (EXTRA) It’s like a cross between Robin Hood, Hackers, The Fugitive and Catch Me If You Can..: CNN – Police suspect ‘Barefoot Burglar’ is stealing, crashing planes
- (EXTRA) “Attention, ladies and gentlemen: if you could please lighten your loads before getting on the plane…”: Ananova – Airline asks passengers to ‘go’ before flying
- (EXTRA) I’m sure I would have been hesitant about them, too..: Metro – Police: sorry we left hundreds of bottles of urine on your street
- (EXTRA) So much for “don’t screw with Mother Nature”. What if they would have given rise to the red-grey squirrel? One that would defend us from the sea monsters? Hmm? What then?: Ananova – Grey squirrels to be put on the pill
- (EXTRA) Hmm.. no mention of red noses, oversized shoes, bright colours and facepaint..: The German Local – Police find 10 people stuffed into small car on autobahn
- (EXTRA) I think they are just doing it to fool the state and grab the prize..: The UK Telegraph – Britain’s oldest newly-weds have combined age of 181
- Mentioned at Warp Speed:
- The term “liberal arts” is pretty much equated with “communist” or “namby-pamby” to some people. Those people are dumb. Thbbbpppt!: ABC Australia – Schools ‘too focused’ on literacy, numeracy
- Soon, they’ll discover Redhenge and Greenhenge, and the whole thing will transform into a large robot, and..: The UK Daily Mail – Bluehenge unearthed: Prehistoric site that could be famous stone circle’s little sister
- They’re too careful: they can’t even make a bang when they want to..: New Scientist – NASA puzzles over ‘invisible’ moon impact
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