TWS136: The All-Too-Real Scary Edition

On October 3, 2009, in Episodes, by the Encaffeinated ONE

TWS136: The All-Too-Real Scary Edition

CQ: Which is more horrifying: a world in which irrational powers like telepathy and ghosts exist, or a meat-machine world in which they don’t?
Promos played:

  • Halloween Haunt — one of my perennial treats for the Halloween season, a collection of stories, history tales, and other things related to Halloween and all things scary.
  • The House of Grey podiobook — The final few chapters of this wonderful YA book are coming in, so if you wanted to wait until it was done before jumping in, you might as well start right away.
  • Movie Mantras — As much as admire the written word, movies have a lot to do with the way we think about the season. Let’s celebrate the wisdom with a podcast that shaves as close as a blade, yet leaves you smelling as sweet as a horse. (Or, uh, something like that..)

On the show this week:

  • Electronic Animaloids
  • Mind is so over Matter
  • Extremely Interesting

Full list of 62 articles after the jump!


2 Responses to TWS136: The All-Too-Real Scary Edition

  1. Thank you very much for playing my promo and putting it on the shownotes…. I have a Twitter page and Facebook page that I will be sure to mention your show on….

  2. the Encaffeinated ONE says:

    My absolute pleasure! I only regret not having played it sooner. I love the Halloween season, and your show is a great companion to it.

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