TWS135: The Cheese On The Moon Is Sweating
CQ: Can you ever envision a day when computers integrated into human bodies becomes commonplace?
On the show this week:
- This Space For Rant
- Zoofological
- Life is a Game
- The things I forgot to say (EXTRA)
Full list of 55 articles after the jump!
- Comedy4Cast — I had the opportunity to see Clinton perform Comedy4Cast live at Dragon*Con, which he just released into his feed. I am pleased to say that he’s just as clever and witty in person as he is in his podcast, which you should be listening to already..
- The House of Grey — The last few chapters of this Parsec-nominated free audiobook are coming out, and it is paying off big time, with excitement and tragedy, action and mystery. I had the wonderful opportunity to sit down a couple of times with Colin Earl (the writer) and Chris Snelgrove (the reader/performer) at Dragon*Con. Go ahead and start listening to the book, and hold on for the ride!
- This Space For Rant:
- They will also find little green men on Mars, soon..: NASA – Water Molecules Found on the Moon
- Finally! Someone is figuring out that we can’t return to the completely ignorant past and just “hope” the rocks won’t crush us..: New Scientist – Asteroid attack: Putting Earth’s defences to the test
- Turns out: far enough that we won’t be able to make it back. That kinda sucks.: New Scientist – How far could you travel in a spaceship?
- Sometimes, it’s hard to see the universe despite your nose; imagination is required.: Wired – The Hunt for Extraterrestrial Life Gets Weird
- We may not agree if UFOs exist, but maybe we can agree we should figure out what we should do if they are..: The Herald Tribune/De Void – Something we can all agree on
- (EXTRA) Soon, the moonwater farmers will start.: New Scientist – Widespread water may cling to moon’s surface
- It’s sad that the astronaut with the most hours is made of plastic..: Ananova – To infinity and beyond
- Zoofological:
- Turns out, it was likely a sloth -a very creepy, blobby, hairless sloth. And this somehow makes it *less* scary?: Inexplicata – Strange Panamanian Creature is a Sloth
- Apparently, the recent crytozoological trip may have turned up a glimpse of one of bigfoot’s cousins.: Cryptomundo – Breaking News: Orang Pendek Sighted
- The best way to discredit something is to adopt it and represent it badly, it seems..: Cryptomundo – DT Trips Over Aluxob
- The beginning of the search for the Cameron Lake monster..: CBC/CP – Research team launches search for serpent-like Vancouver Island lake creature
- … and the end of the search, with one weak photo and something that went “ping!”.: Cryptomundo – Photo of Cameron Lake Monster?
- Seeing sea creatures.: The North-West Evening Mail – Mythical beast is ‘spotted’ in Windermere
- Or maybe it was: the octoshark attack!: MSNBC/Discover News – Sharks swarmed on ancient sea monster
- These really need to star in their own movies..: The Gralien – The Most Horrific Cryptids You’d Never Want to Meet
- “Die They Must Die, The Pandas Must Die!” — Corky and the Juicepigs: MSNBC/Reuters – Let pandas die out, says noted naturalist
- And yet: still no octoshark..: MSNBC/Discovery News – Coyote + wolf = new breed of predator
- Warning: not a ghost, nor a shark..: ScienceDaily – Ancient And Bizarre Fish Discovered: New Species Of Ghostshark From California And Baja California
- Proof that the brain-computer can function after the body-power-supply dies, or how statistics can be abused for fun(ding) and games?: New Scientist/Short Sharp Science – Dead salmon ‘responds’ to portraits of people
- Well, they had to start *somewhere*..: BBC – Dinosaurs had ‘earliest feathers’
- (EXTRA) I hear they get 4 bits/hoof as their dialup rate.: Phenomenica/ANI – How elephants ‘talk’ to each other through the ground
- Life is a Game:
- Now this might be the ultimate underachiever.. Or maybe it really *is* all about nurture..: New Scientist – Gene for memory and IQ gives students low grades
- (EXTRA) I guess this means that “devolution” isn’t really a thing to worry about..: New Scientist – For proteins, evolution can’t go backwards
- Proof that the medical systems are underfunded and under-technologized.: Time – How Xbox Can Help Fight Heart Disease
- Someday, these evolutionary false-starts may lead us to having armour plates. Just sayin’…: The UK Telegraph – New tree man: coral man has ‘shells’ cut from his body
- Yes, please! Oh crap: pricetag..: Ananova – Chance to be a jetpack test pilot
- An excellent example of poor causality and demonstrating that science is far from perfect.: New Scientist – Smacking hits kids’ IQ
- Let the machine revolution begin! I have seen the future!: Wired – Microchip in the Eye Seeks to Restore Vision
- (EXTRA) That’s just not going to be fun..: ABC – Arkansas Pregnant Woman Is Pregnant Again
- It’s kinda like what I want, only expensive, poorly operating and handheld..: New Scientist – Augmented reality gets off to a wobbly start
- Free will is only an illusion if you choose it to be.. No, that can’t be right..: New Scientist – Free will is not an illusion after all
- Most (oink!) likely.: Yahoo!/HealthDay – Could Swine Flu Panic Be Worse Than Outbreak Itself?
- (EXTRA) Yes, this would be a problem with hot boobs.: The Sweden Local – ‘Flammable’ bras hold back Swedish female conscripts
- (EXTRA) There’s something all technomagi about this…: ScienceDaily – Using Magnetism To Turn Drugs On And Off
- (EXTRA) This story is filled with equal parts “duh!” and “Ow!”..: Daily Pilot – Resident’s member is saved from ring
- (EXTRA) Sometimes, it’s not a good thing to win..: Ananova – Gurning title at last for Gordon
- What living “down under” *really* means..: The Sun – Lost Vegas
- (EXTRA) I concur: “They should probably watch out for burrdocks.” Ouch!: Metro – Nude hiking trail for German naturists
- (EXTRA) He should also avoid the nude hiking trail.. And plastic surgery..: Ananova – World’s hairiest man to undergo surgery
- (EXTRA) There’s stupidly enforcing rules, and enforcing stupid rules. I can’t decide where this fits..: BBC – Iran police ‘target mannequins’
- (EXTRA) I’ve heard that it is hard to catch a taxi in NY, so…: Ananova – Drunk Boris tried to hail taxi in his underpants
- (EXTRA) People have married for less, sadly.: Ananova – Girl sells herself to save classmate
- (EXTRA) I’ve heard of this problem in other places, and it saddens me for humanity’s future..: Ananova – Prisoners drunk on hand gel
- (EXTRA) Because everyone knows that if they don’t carefully secure the bodies, they’ll just walk out on their own. (Sometimes, the world is just far too pedantic.): Sydney Morning Herald – Open-door morgue leaves bodies up for grabs
- (EXTRA) I’m not sure that fish is entirely random.: Ananova – Fish to choose who wins house
- (EXTRA) Apparently, not everyone believes that first impressions are all that important.: BBC – Love-struck Taiwan thief arrested
- (EXTRA) Another sports myth busted!: Ananova – Cricket team told to bowl a maiden over
- (EXTRA) It would have been more embarassing if they had been twins and hadn’t noticed.: MSNBC – Coworkers Find They’re Long Lost Brothers
- (EXTRA) Just what did Freud put in *his* dream journal?: The New York Times – The Holy Grail of the Unconscious
- (EXTRA) There’s a certain sciece to sainthood..: My Central – Vatican probe next after Diocese of Metuchen reviews possible miracle
- (EXTRA) It seems petty… Granted, anyone who puts $4000 on his ears doesn’t get much sympathy from me..: BBC – Police seize Maradona’s earrings
- The things I forgot to say (EXTRA):
- (EXTRA) What a horrible waste of bacon! And a harsh treatment for a book!: Metro – WWII book has bacon bookmark
- (EXTRA) Strangely, most of them are round. Coincidence?: World Around Us – The 10 Most Puzzling Ancient Artifacts
- (EXTRA) And yet, I don’t have an airship!: Popular Science – U.S. Army Plans to Send Giant Spy Blimp to Afghanistan
- (EXTRA) You could say, he saw the dare and took the plunge! Heh..: The UK Telegraph – Plumber builds world’s longest motorbike
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