TWS135: The Cheese On The Moon Is Sweating

On September 26, 2009, in Episodes, by the Encaffeinated ONE

TWS135: The Cheese On The Moon Is Sweating

CQ: Can you ever envision a day when computers integrated into human bodies becomes commonplace?

On the show this week:

  • This Space For Rant
  • Zoofological
  • Life is a Game
  • The things I forgot to say (EXTRA)

Full list of 55 articles after the jump!

  • Comedy4Cast — I had the opportunity to see Clinton perform Comedy4Cast live at Dragon*Con, which he just released into his feed. I am pleased to say that he’s just as clever and witty in person as he is in his podcast, which you should be listening to already..
  • The House of Grey — The last few chapters of this Parsec-nominated free audiobook are coming out, and it is paying off big time, with excitement and tragedy, action and mystery. I had the wonderful opportunity to sit down a couple of times with Colin Earl (the writer) and Chris Snelgrove (the reader/performer) at Dragon*Con. Go ahead and start listening to the book, and hold on for the ride!


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