TWS128: Mind, Body & Snack

On May 30, 2009, in Episodes, by the Encaffeinated ONE

Show Notes for TWS128: Mind, Body & Snack

On the show this week:

  • Brothers In Harms
  • When Your Mind Is Not On Sex
  • Broken Rules Will One Day Fly (EXTRA)

This week’s Challenge Question:
When the aliens come down, bent on destorying humanity, and they turn to you to represent humanity well… What joke will you tell?
Leave your answer in the comments, send your email to
weirdshow[[at]], leave a comment or record your message via the
MobaTalk client on the right hand side of The WEIRD Show, follow me on Twitter or call in at 1-206-203-2292.

(I originally asked this question for George Hrab’s live version of The Geologic Podcast. Listen to his show for comedy, music, stories and a heapin’ helpin’ of skepticism. Not for everyone, but definitely for someone. 😉

Win some original artwork for subscribing or getting others to subscribe! My good friend Nuchtchas is running a little contest: if you started listening to TWS recently, or you turned someone else to listening to TWS, Tweet @nuchtchas or send her an email. Go to and click on “Contest” for more details.

Oh, and tell her she’s awesome for doing this, would ya?

Full links to all stories covered and many more after the jump!

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