Show Notes for TWS105: *foop* pumpkin
On the show this week:
- Severed Limbs
- Costumes
- The Thin, Red Love Line
- Playing With Your Mind
- Splayed Innards (EXTRA)
This week’s Challenge Question:
Will we ever see actual supervillians?
Leave your answer in the comments, send your email to weirdshow[[at]], record your message via the MobaTalk client on the right hand side of Encaffeinated!, leave an answer on Facebook or call in at 206-203-2292.
Full links to all stories covered and many more after the jump!
- Theme Song: Caffeine by Grubspoon from The Podsafe Music Network
- Promo: Bells In The Batfry — A brilliant nearly-one-man comedy show features more characters than actors. Hilarious, short and very well performed.
- Promo: Tale Chasing — A podcast for writers and readers of dark, supernatural fiction. Besides: I’m turning into a were-cat, so I appreciated the promo even more. ];*)
- Severed Limbs
- See?!? The world *needed* Indiana Jones! – The UK Telegraph: Nazis hoped to found empire in Amazonian rainforest
- I’m gonna miss my Twitter buddy.. Sleep well, slumbering robot. Maybe someday we’ll come in person to visit ya. – New Scientist: Mars lander’s heaters to be turned off
- While it may seem the old astronaut version of “Get off my lawn!”, they really have a point.. – News24/SA/AFP: ‘If you go to Mars, stay there!’
- Yay! Oh, wait, the bad news: “We’ll all be dead by then.” Crap. Bummer. – New Scientist/Reuters: World can halt fossil fuel use by 2090
- Note to self: don’t line up with the cows in a thunderstorm.. – The UK Telegraph: Fifty-two cows are killed after lightning hits a wire fence
- If it means nothing to you, *I’ll* take it! – Ananova: ‘$1m a year won’t change my life’
- Practical advice for the would-be investigator to allow them to survive (and possibly get something good). – Haunted America Tours: Season of the Spontaneous Investigator: “How to Stay Safe and Still Have Fun Ghost Hunting This Halloween Season”
- I can agree with the idea of a posthumous pardon, so long as there aren’t strings attached. Long, sinewy strings attached on the other end to creepy dolls or cauldrons or such. – BBC: Witches pardon petition launched
- A peculiar case of a form of biological hierloom. I say: pass it on again! – MSNBC/Reuters: Transplanted cornea still sees after 123 years
- Someone wants to justify a large budget and a smelly office, perhaps? – LiveScience: The Stink in Farts Controls Blood Pressure
- EXTRA: I thought we knew there was water on Mars! Are we getting all cautionary now? – New Scientist: Opal hints at persistence of water on Mars
- EXTRA: Somehow, the idea of building a bus is different when they put it i space… – New Scientist: No spacesuits needed in new lunar rover
- EXTRA: Turns out, they made it perfect — except for that whole “falls over in a breeze” problem. *sigh* Just build another shuttle, will ya? – New Scientist: Problems mount for NASA’s Ares rocket
- EXTRA: Don’t get too excited: the force works over really, *really* small distances.. – New Scientist: Artificial gravity could keep space pendulums swinging
- EXTRA: Any sufficiently build computer interface is indistinguishable from magic. Also: fun! – New Scientist: Virtual touchpad lets you scroll in thin air
- Costumes
- Turns out the answer was, “just ‘cuz”. – New Scientist: Why did Neanderthals have such big noses?
- Also: they were totally not into axes and runes. Really, it was bling and roses.. – The UK Telegraph: Vikings preferred male grooming to pillaging
- Well…. they found an ancient coin and a toilet. Maybe it’s just the outhouse? – News14: Divers reveal Blackbeard treasures
- It’s funny to watch the over-cautionary scientific world shift from “there are probably no planets out there that are habitable, and we’ll never find them anyway” to “oh, yeah.. there are all kinds of planets everywhere, once we start looking for them”. *sigh* – Ananova: Spock’s planet may exist
- Poor kittie will have to work even hard to catch mice. – The Today Show/MSNBC: Me-yow! This cat has a glow — for a good cause
- I dunno.. Maybe the idea of a disembodied robotic head that make funny faces *should* be disturbing to me.. – New Scientist: Mummy, that robot is making faces at me
- We can rebuild them. We have the technology! Honey? Check! Combs? Check! Stingers? Check! Supersonic boosters? Um.. wrong list. – ScienceDaily: Building A Better Bee
- I vant to suck your blood.. And hang around this light. – National Geographic: Vampire Moth Discovered — Evolution at Work
- It runs at night. (WARNING: You have just encountered an OBSCURE REFERENCE. If you understood it, step back 3 paces and congratulate yourself.) – The Alien Seeker News: Beware of the Black Dog
- Bees 1. Dogs 0. – WPBFTV/ABC: 2 Dogs Killed When Hundreds Of Bees Attack
- Hey, the markets are crashing every day. Too soon? – Ananova: Row over hanging dummy
- I prefer to think of him as one of the dedicated LARPers.. – The UK Daily Mail: Pictured: The tattooed Leopard Man of Skye trades his island lair for a comfy retirement home
- EXTRA: If they are put on Death Row, what do you think their last meal will be? – THe Moscow Times: 3 Men Arrested in Cannibalism Case
- Someone must have stabbed the doll in the lawyer.. – Ananova: Sarkozy loses voodoo doll case
- Um… that’s the *point*, right? – Ananova: Halloween decorations ‘too scary’
- EXTRA: Why do I hear “Woop woop woop” and “Nyuk Nyuk NyuK” in my head? – Ananova: Cop shoots colleague’s leg
- EXTRA: Surreal and playful ways to paint yer face. – Metro: World’s most amazing face paintings
- The Thin, Red Love Line
- It’s like psychedelic drugs all over again.. Soon, governments will band magnets. – New Scientist: Magnet triggers colours in ‘blind’ man’s brain
- EXTRA: Turns out, plants are a bit more group-oriented rather than monogomous.. Well, what do you expect from beings which wave their privates in the wind? – ScienceDaily: Biologists Discover Gene Behind ‘Plant Sex Mystery’
- EXTRA: It’s an entirely new form of life, altogether. (CROWD: “It’s a new form of life.”) – ScienceDaily: ‘Magnetic Death Star’ Fossils: Earlier Global Warming Produced A Whole New Form Of Life
- EXTRA: It’s not just a *role* change, it’s a *biological* change… – Metro: Sex-change hen ruling the roost
- EXTRA: It’s actually quite romantic (well, except for the murder), which pretty much means it’s probably a cover story.. – Novosti: Russian killer confesses after falling in love with detective
- EXTRA: I hope he had a minimum price.. – Ananova: Man puts wife up for sale
- At least dividing up the assets in case of divorce can be done on the block level.. – Ananova: Lego fanatic finds love
- It seems suspicious.. Are these being released by giant babies or aliens? Or advertisers? – The UK Telegraph: Giant lego man appears on Brighton beach
- EXTRA: So much of life is fiction — why not this? – Japanese man petitions to marry comic book wife
- Playing With Your Mind
- “You’re getting sleepy, very sleep.. And now, when you awake: sevens will be red.” No, really: that’s what they did! – Medical News Today: Hypnosis Can Induce ‘Synesthetic’ Experiences – Where 1 Sense Triggers The Involuntary Use Of Another – Within An Average Brain
- You really *can* judge a book by it’s cover! Or interpret the “I could take you down” look.. – ScienceDaily: Physical Strength, Fighting Ability Revealed In Human Faces
- Biological support for what was once just considered “fashion”. – Stuff: Experts identify transsexual gene
- EXTRA: So, let’s get this straight: problems with your brain might affect your mood.. Hmm…. And? – BBC: Suicide linked to brain changes
- Hmm.. so several thousand years of culture *isn’t* wrong? Amazing! Also: obvious! – Stuff: Women in red drive men crazy
- And dirty blondes are *just right*, I guess.. – Metro: Men want blondes ‘just for fun’
- You gotta hate the ones you love.. No, wait.. that’s not right.. – News24/SA/AP: Thin line between love and hate
- Red lights; they drive a body wild, keep you young. – New Scientist: Red LEDs could make anti-ageing device
- EXTRA: Turns out, you can revitalize old men with hormone treatments; there’s a horror story for Steven King featuring murderous old people there.. – New Scientist: ‘Menopausal’ men could get sexual boost from HRT
- Unfortunately, it comes from practice. You can’t cheat a cheater.. – New Scientist: Men have a sharper eye for a love cheat
- EXTRA: I’m not convinced, and neither is my mother.. – New Scientist: An iron will runs in the family
- EXTRA: Well, if you’re going to pick one, I suppose that a pretty good choice.. What’s yours? – Yahoo1/MRIB: The only voice she knows: Sean Connery
- EXTRA: You might argue that they are now primed to see more — which would be the perfect cover. “Hide in plain sight,” indeed. – WFAA-TV: Stephenville residents report more UFO sightings
- EXTRA: Not inclued: politics. – New Scientist: Seven of the greatest scientific hoaxes
- EXTRA: I can hear the marching orders now: “North, north, north, north, north, …”. – ScienceDaily: Protein Compass Guides Amoebas Toward Their Prey
- EXTRA: Smarts from nothing, just like high school.. – New Scientist: Smart amoebas reveal origins of primitive intelligence
- EXTRA: They’ve got a list, and they’re checking it twice… Wait.. Santa and Nixon have something in common with apes? – New Scientist: Chimps compile Nixon-style ‘enemies list’
- EXTRA: Great: now even scientists are using notions of affecting causality by wishful thinking.. – Scientific American: Ghost Lusters: If You Want to See a Specter Badly Enough, Will You?
- EXTRA: Well, at least meet *some* real Ghostbusters.. *sigh* Let’s not compete over who’s got branding and who doesn’t.. – Cape Cod Times: Meet the real ghostbusters
- Splayed Innards (EXTRA)
- EXTRA: I’d only object if squirrel tastes bad. – Ananova: Chef puts squirrel kebabs on menu
- EXTRA: “You must be *this* wide to ride.” Who’s going to be pulling people over and pulling out measuring tapes? – News24/SA/AP: Small drivers may be banned
- EXTRA: Attack of the (cancer) Killer tomatoes! – NewsDaily: Scientists develop cancer fighting tomato
- EXTRA: I’m thinking secrets like “just how did Thomas Magnum get that sweet living arrangement complete with Ferrari”, but they are really talking about “how did people live here before and after Western contact”. – Yahoo!/LiveScience: Hawaiian Cave Reveals Ancient Secrets
- EXTRA: Too bad they had to wait so long for other essentials, like sugar and water.. – Discovery Channel: World’s Oldest Cooked Cereal Was Instant
- EXTRA: This was for the oatmeal.. – Reuters: Humans made fire 790,000 years ago
- EXTRA: Don’t believe it; most of us haven’t mastered fire *today*… – New Scientist: Proto-humans mastered fire 790,000 years ago
- EXTRA: I thought we cleared this up: “King Solomon’s *Wines*”! 😉 – New Scientist: Biblical ‘Solomon’s mines’ confirmed by dating
- EXTRA: Another random sighting, although this one has characteristics of a meteorite.. – The UK Evening Gazette: “UFOs” spotted in the skies over Teesside
- EXTRA: It’s the scale of these thigns which really needs to be seen. It’s like visiting another world. – The UK Daily Mail: Pictured: The Cave of Crystals discovered 1,000ft below a Mexican desert
- EXTRA: These actually make it to the ground so infrequently, it would be quite a find. Especially on Halloween. Invasion! 😉 – ScienceDaily: Cameras Capture ‘Fireball’ In The Sky: Meteor May Have Crashed In Ontario
- EXTRA: Maybe he’s just got a car now.. – Paranormala: Is the Jersey Devil’s range increasing?
- EXTRA: They’re using live chickens and dead meat. I guess they would use live cows if they weren’t so heavy. (Chickens 0; Cows 1) – Famagusta Gazette: Cyprus officials search for mystery ‘monster’
- EXTRA: Is he the frog-whisperer? – Ananova: Attenborough plays cupid for frogs
- EXTRA: E Coli, round XII? – New Scientist: Toxic bug has meat-eaters in its sights
- EXTRA: He’s a fisherman; this might be the most exciting thing he does. (Although it didn’t look that dangerous from the picture..) – Ananova: Daredevil fisherman
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