TWS103: Filling In Bits Of the Present With The Past

On October 18, 2008, in Episodes, by the Encaffeinated ONE

Show Notes for TWS103: Filling In Bits Of the Present With The Past

Everyone gets busy.. Rather than put nothing at all out this week, I dug into my box of cassettes (!) and pick out a pre-Halloween show from back in 2002. (Sheesh! 2002 is nostalgia now?)

So, grimace at the sound quality and listen to EXPRESSO!, the precursor to The WEIRD Show. I’m joined by sometimes-co-host, Jeremy “The Decaffeinated one”.

For the podcast version I’ve removed the music (aside from teasers), but here’s the full agenda:

  • Painting apples with sunlight; overly large pumpkins lead to firearms
  • Monster Minuet by Bobby “Boris” Picket and The Crypt Kicker 5
  • Promo for Tale Chasing – A podcast for the dark urban fantasy fan and writer, both of which I aspire to be..
  • Dressing up for Halloween
  • Halloween Hootenany by Zacherle from Halloween Hootenany
  • Ghost Riders In The Sky by Dick Dale
  • clowns and spiders
  • scorpion queen, supercroc and radioactive poo
  • Fistful of Terror by The Bomboras
  • art bell retires; electrodes in the brain;electronics under the skin; the universe is middle-aged; companion discovered to Earth; NASA plans moonbase
  • Wolfboy’s Psychotic Drums by Transylvania 500

This week’s Challenge Question:
Will we ever see actual superheroes?
Leave your answer in the comments, send your email to weirdshow[[at]], record your message via the MobaTalk client on the right hand side of Encaffeinated!, leave an answer on Facebook or call in at 206-203-2292.


One Response to TWS103: Filling In Bits Of the Present With The Past

  1. Gus says:

    Hey sir. It was a real treat to hear an old show featuring the Caffeen Duo again. It was always amusing to hear what additional bit of off-kilterness that a little DeCaffeination provided. You two had good on-air chemistry – it sounded very natural and always stayed on-point. After years of listening to Campus radio, I know that is a hard combination to come by.

    Also – I apologize to everyone… I’m part of the reason why there was no new TWS this week. 🙁 mwahaha! 🙂

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