Show Notes for TWS096: Don’t Worry, There Really Weren’t Any Rules
On the show this week:
- Bigfoot or Bigfool?
- Breaking the Laws
- DNAgent In Control
- Colourful Stories Outside My Lines (EXTRA)
This week’s Challenge Question:
How can we assume personal responsibility if we are just biochemical machines?
Leave your answer in the comments, send your email to weirdshow[[at]], record your message via the MobaTalk client on the right hand side of Encaffeinated!, leave an answer on Facebook or call in at 206-203-2292.
Full links to all stories covered and many more after the jump!
- Theme Song: Caffeine by Grubspoon from The Podsafe Music Network
- Promo: 12 Volt Theatre — Home of the phenomenal, creepy, mysterious choose-your-own-adventure style story, Down The Road by Jack Jaffee. If you like weird, you should definitely check this out.
- Bigfoot or Bigfool?
- Guilt by association or desperate debunking? – NewsDay: Was Montauk Monster a film hoax?
- EXTRA: Let’s not forget that the Yeti/Sasquatch is also a *cultural* artifact and transcends actual existence. – Yahoo!/AP: Losing the yeti in forgotten nation of Bhutan
- The Fox teaser. – Beyond Reality Radio: Video About Georgia Bigfoot
- Analyzing the claims that will be explained. – Cryptomundo: Bigfoot Body: “Georgia Gorilla” Will Shock The World
- Cryptomundo got crushed not long after they got this photo up. It was rushed up after someone else leaked the photo. – Cryptomundo: Georgia Gorilla: Bigfoot Body’s First Photo!
- Let’s not jump to conclusions — either way. – Cryptomundo: Georgia Gorilla, Skeptically Yours
- Another copy of the Fox teaser, but appended with Bascardi pics, information from the pre-release, and some analysis. – Cryptomundo: Bigfoot Body Video
- They practically play Mark Snow’s X-Files theme in the background of this article — but they do mention Bascardi’s previous 2005 bigfoot shenanigans.. UPDATE: apparently the DNA evidence shows that it was an opossum — worrying! – LiveScience: Proof or Hoax? Bigfoot Said Found in Georgia
- An interesting analysis comparing the Bigfoot costume with the pic of the freezer-borne body. – Where Light Meets Dark: Georgia Rickmatt Bigfoot
- A roundup of some of the criticisms. – Phantoms and Monsters: Skepticism Mounting Since the Georgia Bigfoot Corpse Press Release
- A no-holds-barred declaration: this is a hoax. – BFRO: The Georgia “Bigfoot Body” story is a hoax
- An early article which mentions the headaches for the chief of the discoverers’ precinct. Mentions that they did see a village of Bigfeet. – The Atlanta Journal-Constitution: Policeman’s claim of Bigfoot sighting a headache for boss
- Looking at the warning signs, cautioning us all. – Cryptomundo: “Bigfoot Body” Has Red Flags
- In other places, like Japan, it’s bigfoot research as normal. – Cyrptomundo: New Japanese Yeti Expedition Departs
- Another Bigfoot figure suggests that it might just be too good to be true. – Cryptomundo: Skunk Ape “Expert” Checks In
- The article that may have gotten Cryptomundo hacked: it describes Bascardi’s last attempt to show off a Bigfoot. – Cryptomundo: Biscardi’s C2C Legacy: “I-Was-Hoodwinked”
- A copy of an ABC article in which multiple cryptozoologists are interviewed. – Cryptomundo/ABC News: Meldrum-Radford-Coleman on Georgia “Find”
- In the same week that hopes grew and died about seeing a Bigfoot corpse, I learned yet another new term for the creature: Mande Buruna. – The Independent: In the footsteps of the yeti: the hunt for Mande Burung
- A strange, dog-like creature (although the head is massive) gets lost in the shadow of Bigfoot.. – Cryptomundo: Cuero Chupacabras Caught on Dashcam
- EXTRA: The guy seemed to be possessed by something, but it may be disturbing to find out it was predicted (in a way). – cnews/The Edmonton Sun/Sun Media: Bus beheading similar to Windigo phenomenon
- EXTRA: Another Bigfoot candidate is our cousins, so it’s cool that we have DNA to compare new samples to. – New Scientist: First Neanderthal genome completed
- EXTRA: A giant bird which probably led to the Thunderbird was actually found and verified, and then it died. – The Sun Herald: Chasing Jaribu? Bring Seymour
- Breaking the Laws
- It’s really just an extension of research we’ve discussed before, but nonetheless fantastic. – The UK Times: Science close to unveiling invisible man
- A shorter, more digestible version. (Everything is still there, it’s just invisible.) – Ananova: Invisibility cloak ‘step closer’
- Rubber electronics. The possibilities are twisted. – NewsDaily/Reuters: Material bends, stretches and conducts electricity?
- Sometimes, the most amazing things can be found in your freezer. Also, some of the scariest things. – ScienceDaily: Meta-materials Mimic Ice And Illuminate Why Water-ice Doesn’t Fully Conform To Third Law Of Thermodynamics
- How fast is instant? – nature: Testing the speed of ‘spooky action at a distance’
- The possibilities really go far with this technology. – New Scientist: Quantum strangeness breaks the light barrier
- I always thought that the internal combustion engine was efficient. Eye opener! – Yahoo!/AP: Researchers work to turn car’s exhaust into power
- I’m trying to remember the name David Cronenberg.. – ScienceDaily: Electronic Tongue Tastes Wine Variety, Vintage
- They actually mention how they needed a clean room, as they had killed previous samples with dirty fingers. – Discovery Channel/AFP: ‘Frankenrobot’ Has Biological Brain
- Includes a neat little video of it dodging walls. I always knew rats was smart. – New Scientist: Rise of the rat-brained robots
- Nothing like weirdness in my backyard. The amazing part was that it was stable for 40 years. – CBC: Smoking steps mystery at UNB prompts evacuation
- First sign of alien invasion? – New Scientist: Robotic observatory in Antarctica shuts down
- EXTRA: You might say that it is cruel to glue stuff to seals’ heads, but I say make the cute buggers work for a living! – New Scientist: Elephant seals deployed to monitor Antarctic seas
- Maybe they’ll be able to make vague queries turn into relevant research. – New Scientist: Search engines could be lubricated by quantum maths
- EXTRA: The loss of the world’s first UFO-only TV station. – The Herald Tribune: Gravity strikes again
- EXTRA: While UFOlogists would like to believe that they will be the pressure, it’s the curious masses that will turn the tides.. – American Chronicle: Will Ufology Pressure the Scientific Community for Recognition?
- EXTRA: Again with the Goldilocks theory of life.. – Space Daily: Computer Simulations Show How Special The Solar System Is
- IMPORTANT: Will this be considered a new WOW! signal? – The Witness: Anyone out there? DUT students detect alien source
- EXTRA: Nothing like cutting edge technology in the space program like… springs. – New Scientist: Springs to dampen NASA rocket’s vibrations
- DNAgent In Control
- Your genetics will tell you what you like or dislike.. – The UK Telegraph: Horror film gene that makes some scream while others laugh
- Your genetics can be fooled by just a description. Words have power. – New Scientist: Why real and imagined disgust have the same effect
- It’s not that you see them as prettier, I suspect: it’s that your standards lower.. – New Scientist: ‘Beer goggles’ are real – it’s official
- See? I think a positive spin is possible: we can’t help but appreciate beauty. – New Scientist: Humans are biased towards the beautiful
- Everything can be traced back to something that happened before. (Duh!) – New Scientist: Craving fatty food? Blame it on childhood illness
- Live may not have begun as we thought — there is still room for debate. – New Scientist: Arsenic-eating bacteria rewrite evolutionary history
- EXTRA: Coincidentally, they were also born with 8 fingers (and two thumbs) each. – Yahoo!/AP: Babies born 8/8/08 at 8:08; 8 pounds, 8 ounces
- Life exists on Mars now, but it’s being covered up by politicians. – NDTV/Indo-Asian News Service: Scientist claims Mars has ‘contemporary’ life
- EXTRA: It’s all in watching the wrist. – New Scientist: Basketball pros read pinkies to call shots
- EXTRA: Gordon will have bones and muscle now. – New Scientist: Lab-grown tendons gradually fade to bone
- EXTRA: Nothing says success like “woohoo!”. – New Scientist: Triumph displays may be hard-wired
- Colourful Stories Outside My Lines (EXTRA)
- EXTRA: And, beneath that, they found a statue to Mu. (speculation) – BBC: Roman temple found under church
- EXTRA: I’m confused.. Is it because he is a UFO spotter or a chicken farmer that offends them the most – The Age/AAP: NT power to rest on UFO-sighting chook farmer?
- EXTRA: Oops. We did it again. – BBC: Extinction ‘by man not climate’
- EXTRA: Well, neither are the engines, so fair is fair. – New Scientist: 80% of British biofuels are unsustainable
- EXTRA: Celebrating the fact that we have better sniper weapons makes m sad. – New Scientist: US boasts of laser weapon’s ‘plausible deniability’
- EXTRA: I wonder how well it perceives the world.. And do fish normally swim upside-down occasonally? – Metro: Upside down fish a pub legend
- EXTRA: She sees creepy old men everywhere. Eww.. – The UK Gazette: The Thorntree girl with ‘The Sixth Sense’
- EXTRA: I <3 Japan. Must. Go. There. – The Japan Times: It’s ghost season in Japan… who you gonna call?
- EXTRA: Don’t worry, it’s “only” inflatable poop. Eww. – ABC/AFP: House-sized dog poo causes chaos at museum
- EXTRA: Um.. ow. – The UK Telegraph: Man ‘who had sex with park bench’ cut free
- EXTRA: “Can anyone provide a reason why these two should not be married?” “How about the fact that she has a restraining order on him?” “Yeah, that’s a good one..” – KNOE News8/AP: Groom charged with being too near bride at wedding
- EXTRA: As if cloned dog Boogers wasn’t bad enough — the story gets really weird.. – The International Herald Tribune/AP: Cloned puppies may have exposed 31-year mystery
- EXTRA: It’s impressive, but you could just put a CD on “repeat”. – Yahoo!/IANS/Weird India Blog: Singing the name of the Lord, for 44 years
- EXTRA: Gnomes on the run: this story has lost its legs. – The UK Daily Mail: Gnome at last: Stolen garden elf is returned after a 7-month adventure around the world
- EXTRA: Don’t like your money? DIY! – Sydney Morning Herald/Reuters: Cheeky carver coins Homer euro
- EXTRA: Nothing like putting out flyers of the wrong city to celebrate frugality and efficiency. – Ananova: Council admits photo cock-up
- EXTRA: “Wait — it’s *not* for a toy train? Oh, crap!” – Ananova: Builders bungle train tunnel
- EXTRA: Who knew that cards was so dangerous? – Ananova: Don’t take the risk with whist
- EXTRA: That’s almost as bad as one of those ugly couches.. – Ananova: Buy flat, get step-dad free
- EXTRA: “Room for rent. Fits one. Barely.” – Ananova: Man lives in train locker
- EXTRA: Nothing like sitting in a sauna as a competition. – Ananova: Finns dominate sauna championship
- EXTRA: Static electricity may be fun, but it’s not your friend. – Ananova: Crocs banned from hospital
- EXTRA: Movies without popcorn is like chocolate without the peanut butter.. – Ananova: Popcorn branded chavvy
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