TWS090: Water, Water, Anywhere, and Not A Spot To Think
On June 21, 2008,
in Episodes,
by the Encaffeinated ONE
Show Notes for TWS090: Water, water, Anywhere, But Not A Lot To Think
On the show this week:
- Unidentified Floating Objects
- Man’s Best Friend Leave; Man Needs Hug; Monkey Give Hug
- News From The Future: Water Found!
- Sounds Excellent At The Time
- Flotsam and Jetsam (EXTRAs)
This week’s Challenge Question:
What do you think deserves a monument, and why? What would the monument look like? Where would it be? Or, should we bother with monuments?
Leave your answer in the comments, send your email to weirdshow[[at]], record your message via the MobaTalk client on the right hand side of Encaffeinated!, leave an answer on Facebook or call in at 206-203-2292.
Full links to all stories covered and many more after the jump!
- Theme Song: Caffeine by Grubspoon from The Podsafe Music Network
- Responses
- Thanks to: OgreKev, Arkle, Vik, Ray and FuffyFrog
- Promo: Bells in the Batfry — A hilarious comedy skit show featuring the many voices of John Bell, John Bell and John Bell (and a few of his friends).
- Unidentified Floating Objects
- Foot fetish gone wrong? Message from the mob? Creepy! – Vancouver Sun: Sixth human foot found in Campbell River
- Fake foot found floating? Forfend frivolity for future friendliness. – CBC: ‘Foot’ hoax on B.C. south coast despicable: police
- From the number of reports of sightings, *something* is going on. It isn’t necessarily aliens — but it shouldn’t hidden either.. – This is Hampshire: UFO mystery deepens with more sightings
- Personally, SETI was never quite in the crowd I would refer to as “ET Hunters”… Backhanded remarks from uninformed journalists, perhaps? – Arizona Daily Star: E.T. hunters join forces with Mars lander crew
- Oh, and they found ice on Mars. Move along. Nothing to dwell on here. No story, just ice on Mars. Yup. Doo doo doo, nothing at all… (woohoo?) – New Scientist: Phoenix lander uncovers ice on Mars
- Well, we are all stardust, but they’re thinking a little more directly here… – Brietbart/AFP: We may all be space aliens: study
- Just as video technology is starting to become ubiquitous and powerful, someday we may not be outrun by unidentified craft; we might still be outsmarted, however.. – Ananova: Police chopper chases UFO
- Earthly UFO #1: the hover-bag. Well, it’s not really a bag, but it would only carry a payload comparable to a fanny pack.. – ScienceDaily: Professor Designs Plasma-propelled Flying Saucer
- Earthly UFO #2: because gas-guzzling penis extensions *need* to fly! (Wait, wasn’t that the story about someone crashing that Russian speech a while back?) – The Register: ‘Humvee of the Skies’ robot air-car design unveiled
- Earthly UFO #3: blame it on the Chinese! Although if current news blitzes are to be believed (and they might well not be), it would be made out of cheap material and float on a wave of out-of-control Olympic patriotism and pollution.. – Breitbart/AFP: Chinese company develops ‘UFO’: report
- They’re talking as if there is no “next” shuttle program or any launch facilities whatsoever — and that *can’t* be right, can it? – New Scientist: NASA under pressure to extend space shuttle’s life
- Man’s Best Friend Leave; Man Needs Hug; Monkey Give Hug
- You spin me right round, doggie, like a record, doggie, right round, right round.. – CBS2 Chicago: Dog Survives Toto Impression During Tornado
- Damn dirty dog shoudln’t have been on the street! Oh, wait.. – BBC: Street sweep truck sucks up dog
- Run! Flee! Bounce for your life! Go join a circus! – Ananova: Trampolining dog bounces off
- EXTRA: Some dogs have it rough: losing several milion dollars, for example. I mean, a measly $1 million? That’s barely enough to keep you kibble. Kibble made from THE GROUND BONES OF POOR FARMERS, YOU UNGRATEFUL MUTT. A-hem.. – Ananova: It’s a dog’s life
- Don’t you hate it when your work invades your home life? – The UK Telegraph: Pigeon’s epic journey back to her owner
- I don’t think that getting birds to sing “Waterloo” by Abba is all that funny. (Well, actually, it is.) – Lancashire Evening Post: Orphaned birds given karaoke lessons
- “Hold me,” asks the giant, hairy, smelly ape. The chimp looks at him and says “you first”. – New Scientist: Stressed chimps like a cuddle as much as we do
- “Okay, once I’ve got the banana open, I can eat it. Oh, drat! I’ve just eaten it! Oh well.. I wonder if he’s going to try for checkmate in 100 moves..” – Yahoo!/LiveScience: Like Humans, Other Apes Plan Ahead
- EXTRA: Yeti another sasquatch-like creature. – BBC: On the trail of the ‘Indian yeti’
- EXTRA: Just because it can be reversed doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t think a little more about the procedure in the first place.. – Yahoo!/AP: Zoo performs first reverse vasectomy on horse
- EXTRA: The answer is: not enough. I didn’t remember to put this article in the show, oddly enough.. – BBC: What do you remember?
- News From The Future: Water Found!
- Sounds Excellent At The Time
- What doesn’t kill you, gives you one hell of a buzz.. – New Scientist: Guzzling coffee may cut heart disease
- Turns out, the reason that we sleep (and more importantly, dream) might be because we think too much. – New Scientist: Why brainy animals need more REM sleep after all
- How do you get people to take their pills? Bribe ’em. Are we such labrats? What about all the bribes we get every day? (“Eat this and grow thin!”, “Take this for imaginary diseases!”, “Buy a house and look just as happy as these folks!”) Feh.. more “lies-to-children”.. – New Scientist: Free phone calls could help TB patients pop their pills
- What we have here is a failure to communicate. Or a lack of understanding of algebra. (Frankly, I’m thinking we make smarter people rather than a simpler world..) – New Scientist: Scrapping ‘mpg’ could boost sales of greener cars
- I’m sure they thought very long and hard about this. In a group. And then they went totally frickin’ nuts. – Ananova: Council bans ‘brainstorming’
- I still think it was some sort of clever scheme to explain line items in the lab budget.. – New Scientist: Tequila is surprise raw material for diamond films
- EXTRA: What could *possibly* go wrong? Oh yeah… lawyers.. – The Daily Mail: Jurassic Park comes true: How scientists are bringing dinosaurs back to life with the help of the humble chicken
- Now is *not* the appropriate time to add the post-fortune cookie addition of “in my pants!”. Trust me on this. (Still.. woo!) – Fox News/The Times: Scientists Find Microbes That Eat Garbage, Excrete Crude Oil
- EXTRA: Oil does *not* come from dinosaurs! That’s one of those “lies-to-children” we were talking about… – LiveScience: (VVO) The Mysterious Origin and Supply of Oil
- Also, when you drive the engine, butterflies are created. Evil butterflies — but, still… (woo!) – Frank Warren’s Blog: New Fuel Cell System ‘Generates Electricity with Only Water, Air’
- When this is unveiled to the public, they’ll have nothing to say about it. – BBC: Experts unveil ‘cloak of silence’
- EXTRA: Wasn’t this in an Eddie Murphy movie? “The Golden Child” anyone? – New Kerala/ANI: Ancient Hindu temples had musical pillars
- EXTRA: Bring it on! Oh, wait.. are they offering to do studies, or just award someone a pittance for performing truly hideously expensive trials out-of-pocket on things which have at least some anecdotal evidence (you know, much the same evidence as collected via large studies, only codified more and with lots of brakcets)? – New Scientist: Competition puts homeopathy on trial
- EXTRA: It’s not quantity, it’s quality — right? (Although us nice guys would like to get at least one of the girls.. :() – New Scientist: Bad guys really do get the most girls
- EXTRA: Much speculation and collected “wisdom” about the end of the world on December 21, 2012. – LA City Beat: The Fat Lady’s Aria? Humanity’s Last Stand? Or Just Another Apocalypse Soon?
- EXTRA: What a *brilliant* way to solve the energy crisis! – Ananova: Woman’s £90m electricity bill
- EXTRA: “Forgive me, Father, for we have sinned. Just now. Here.” – Yahoo!/Reuters: They had sex WHERE?
- EXTRA: They were too clucking loud. – Metro: Chickens spark noise pollution complaints
- EXTRA: Hey, this is *Romania* we’re talking about.. undead mayjors might be par for the course.. – Reuters: Village re-elects dead mayor
- EXTRA: So much for the celebrated democracy. Granted, half of the population can fit in a minivan. – Ananova: Whole town forgot to vote
- EXTRA: I once went 7 years between haircuts. If only I had known that 3 more years was necessary for infamy.. – Ananova: Ten years without a haircut
- EXTRA: If there is truly no such thing as bad publicity, then calling attention to desperate times this way might just be legitimate. Unfortunate, but legitimate. – Ananova: Teen strips for quake
- EXTRA: Then again, cheese spends most of its life sitting and molding.. – Ananova: Gregorian chants help cheese mature
- Challenge Question
- What are those wacky Russians up to? – Metro: Enema monument is unveiled
- What do you think deserves a monument, and why? What would the monument look like? Where would it be? Or, should we bother with monuments?
- Flotsam and Jetsam (EXTRAs)
- EXTRA: Back then, they couldn’t even add, just subtract. (No, seriously — read the article!) – New Scientist: Ancestor of modern computers turns 60
- EXTRA: According to a formula which ignores all the real things in your life… – Ananova: The happiest day of the year
- EXTRA: Nature is apparently better at making war than the British.. – The Boston Globe/AP: Explorers find 1780 British warship in Lake Ontario
- EXTRA: It’s more like blurry snapshots of ink stains rather than a photo album.. – Tampa Bay Times: A scientist’s brain scans produce a photo album of the soul
- EXTRA: We are the MacDonalds of the oceon.. – New Scientist: Marine life on ‘junk food’ diet – and we’re to blame
- EXTRA: Ghost a la carte.. Or is this ghost hostess (ghostess?)? – The Press and Journal: Hotelier hopes to serve up Maggies spirit
- EXTRA: Personally, I think that thinking in general is a pretty untapped ability o the brain.. – The Guelph Mercury: Exploring untapped abilities
- EXTRA: Damn commercials take *forever*.. – The Daily Record: Woman sat dead in front of TV for 42 years.
- EXTRA: It gained ten pounds before it was even launched. That can’t be good.. – Ananova: £95 burger launched
- EXTRA: Last week, it was one woman in a closet. Now a family in an attack. Soon, someone’s basement will be declared an embassy, if trends follow. – The Register: Bloke finds illegal immigrants living in loft
- EXTRA: “Tash” is apparently a less-racy synonym for “stash”, which is short for “mustache” which is short for “fuzzy unsightly facial hair” according to the US military.. – The Register: Biggles battles Yanks for right to sport tash
- EXTRA: Not so lucky: she won $20. She should have been more specific in her Faustian deal. – MSNBC/AP: ‘Lucky’ girl hit by lightning, then wins lottery
- EXTRA: It really did help lift and separate — from the hole she’d fell into. – Ananova: Bra gives support to lost hiker
- EXTRA: How Liz Got Her Groove On. (She’s so vain, I bet she thinks that song is about her..) – Ananova: Dancing Queen
- EXTRA: A grandmother showing that you can still be capable of amazing things later in life. Great.. now the bar is lifted higher for the rest of us. – Ananova: Round-the-world gran
- EXTRA: Being annoying is never a really good way of getting revenge. It’s more like spite, like when you agree to hand over the house and light it on fire. Foolish and wasteful. – Ananova: Gran trips over skipping revenge plan
- EXTRA: Note to self: if you meet the girl of your dreams, GET HER NAME AND NUMBER IMMEDIATELY. Otherwise, it will cost you loads in advertising.. – Ananova: Commuter’s love mission
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