Show Notes for TWS075: A Climate of Change in the Space Between My Years
On the show this week:
- Lots and lots of feedback! Whee!
- Just talkin’ ’bout Space, Man.
- Please Pal – Can You Spare Us Some Climate Change?
- Old News is Good News
- Extratopical Solutions (EXTRA)
This week’s Challenge Question: (repeat)
What non-emergency phone service you like to exist?
Leave your answer in the comments, send your email to weirdshow[[at]], record your message via the MobaTalk client on the right hand side of Encaffeinated!, leave an answer on Facebook or call in at 206-203-2292.
Full links to all stories covered and many more after the jump!
- Theme Song: Caffeine by Grubspoon from The Podsafe Music Network
- Lots and lots of feedback! Whee!
- Thanks to: Zaphod, anim5, Arkle, jus(?) Mike and Scott
- Just talkin’ ’bout Space, Man.
- Usually when the officials say “Nothing to see here, move along” there is something to see.. – Your Local Guardian: WOODFORD GREEN: MoD appeals for calm after UFO sighting
- Are the people at the very top of global politics talking about UFOs? *Shouldn’t* they be doing so? – OpEdNews: French Expert Publicly Emerges to Confirm Secret United Nations Meeting on UFO’s
- EXTRA: Where’s the scandal? It’s not like most top politicians haven’t sought out all manner of guidance, both rational and irrational.. – Yahoo!/AP: UK enlisted astrologer to fight Hitler
- Ufologists take their turn to debunk something about UFOs.. Good, bad, or fair? – Strange Attractor: Dissecting UN UFO rumours
- Whew! It’s not like the governments have covered up UFO knowledge before! Oh, wait.. – BBC: MoD releases secret files on UFOs
- Yeah.. but did her insurance cover it? – Hartlepool Mail: Alien doctors treated my cystisis
- Somebody just launch a bottle of water to Mars already, so we can at *least* say that there is water on Mars *now*!?! – Arizona Daily Star: UA findings dispute Martian ‘water’ discovery
- EXTRA: Imagine that: one swipe of its massive Neutralization Ray and we could be wiped away. Boy, wouldn’t *that* be a pathetic way to go!?! – Cosmos: Binary ‘deathstar’ has Earth in its sights
- EXTRA: Darth Vaders just playin’. – Space: NASA Baffled by Unexplained Force Acting on Space Probes
- EXTRA: Planet X returns! (No.. *Really*!) Are giant robos going to stop it? – Yahoo!/AFP: Japanese scientists eye new planet
- EXTRA: Just like so many things, the best evidence comes when you turn the lights off. – New Scientist: Lunar eclipse may shed light on climate change
- EXTRA: Well, at least *something* is flowing on Mars.. – New Scientist: Avalanches caught flowing on Mars
- Sign me up! – Universe Today: A One-Way, One-Person Mission to Mars
- Not only water, but habitable.. Did they play hockey there, too? – New Scientist: Mars crater’s ancient lakes may have been habitable
- EXTRA: You’d think they’d have accounted for that.. – New Scientist: Earth’s rotation may account for wayward spacecraft
- No water on Mars.. but the whole universe is soaked. – New Scientist: Has ‘dark fluid’ saved Earth from oblivion?
- Please Pal – Can You Spare Us Some Climate Change?
- The time to act is NOW! – New Scientist: No time to lose in cutting CO2 emissions
- On second thought, let’s no go to Mars.. I’d hate to see what we’d do to the place.. – New Scientist: Dusty Wild West blamed on early settlers
- EXTRA: … because some predators might see faces and get turned on, we must *all* not see faces. This is some kind of logic I’m not familiar with, except in brain-dead sea-slugs carved out of wood. – Ananova: Smiley happy faces
- You think *you’ve* got it *bad*, sonny? Well, let grampa T. Rex tell ya about *bad*.. – New Scientist: Dinosaurs were no strangers to climate change
- EXTRA: Figuring out the handedness of DNA. Of course, DNA doesn’t have hands — that might be the first problem.. – ScienceDaily: Key To Life Before Its Origin On Earth May Have Been Discovered
- Go Speed Battery, Go! – New Scientist: Souped-up battery prepares to slay the gas guzzlers
- Maybe the Martian electric cars were responsible for the lack of lakes? – New Scientist: ‘Thirsty’ electric cars threaten water resources
- Does it come in *energizing* colours? Does it light up a room? – New Scientist: Solar-power paint lets you generate as you decorate
- EXTRA: Imagine the games! – New Scientist: Levitating joystick improves computer feedback
- EXTRA: Now, if they could only make this levitate.. – PhysOrg: Laser remote makes watching TV even lazier
- EXTRA: Forget the new math.. this is the new physics! – PhysOrg: Move over Galileo, it’s Science 2.0
- Old News is Good News
- This must be some definition of “104-year-old” I’m not familiar with.. Either that, or… ALIEN! – Ananova: (O) 104-year-old sprinter
- In case of alien invasion — find the old folk’s home and start recruiting! – Ananova: Woman, 100, is top hunter
- What’s with all the running? What are they running from? – Ananova: Man, 101, to run marathon
- Love is forever; she might have though that the engagement was taking forever, too. – Ananova: Slow burner
- Extratopical Solutions (EXTRA)
- Who ya gonna call? – The New Zealand Herald: Police needled at 111 call to help with sewing
- EXTRA: Nom, nom, nom.. *croak* – ABC Australia/Discover: Cannibalism may have killed Neanderthals
- EXTRA: Apparently, there has been ice forming there.. But it’s getting *warmer*. – ScienceDaily: Has The Mystery Of The Antarctic Ice Sheet Been Solved?
- EXTRA: “Whoa, Moses.. I don’t think you should have eaten that, man..” – The Sydney Morning Herald/AFP: Was Moses high on psychedelic drugs?
- EXTRA: Deformed humans or cuddly, hungry not-so-Tolkein-esque cave dwellers? The debate rages on into elevenses.. – BBC: New twist in Hobbit-human debate
- EXTRA: The dreaded creature what chews up cars.. Huh? – WIS10: “Lizard Man” returns?
- EXTRA: No pizza involved. – News24/SA: It’s turtle power!
- EXTRA: Not feeling so special as a species, suddenly.. – LiveScience: Chimps think like us, too
- EXTRA: Take that Columbus and the Vikings! – LiveScience: Pint-Sized Primates Were First in North America
- Musicians and performers enhanced by substances which can ultimately kill them? Never heard of *that* before… – LiveScience: Pollution Helps Birds Sing Better
- EXTRA: Nana nana nana nana, nana nana na–urk! – Reformer: Scientists baffled by mysterious bat deaths in Northeast
- EXTRA: Mega-Bat! – ScienceDaily: Giant Fossil Bats Out Of Africa, 35 Million Years Old
- EXTRA: The answer is Kansas. No, maybe Katmandu. – LiveScience: The Real Question: Where Did the Chicken Come From?
- When weeds stop feeling the need to spread, have we lost the battle? – New Scientist: Urban weed seeds stay close to home
- EXTRA: Why do the fish sleep like bears? – BBC: Antarctic fish’s winter ‘sleep’
- EXTRA: An analysis of a 9-frame capture of a Bigfoot. – Blogsquatching: Watch this video now! Unusual footage caught on stealth cam
- EXTRA: A 9-frame dubious capture of a bigfoot. – BBC: Plea for ‘witches’ to be pardoned
- EXTRA: I sense.. a full wallet. – NewsMonster: Buyer beware: fake psychic readings
- EXTRA: Keep him away from me! My computers, my precious —sNNXXRK! – engadget: 12-year-old “Magneto Man” breaks every computer he touches
- EXTRA: See the video — apparently, he doesnt’ affect video cameras.. – ScieCentral/ Syracuse Post-Standard: Magneto Boy
- EXTRA: Ghosts that like winter, I guess. – National Post: Ghosts Of Winnipeg
- EXTRA: This sounds like a limerick. – Yahoo!/AFP: Blind Irishman sees with the aid of son’s tooth in his eye
- EXTRA: If your family has a history of suddenly dropping dead, it would be hard to sleep at night. – Globe and Mail: Science lifts veil on deadly Nfld. curse
- EXTRA: Oh, irony — you are sooo deadly! – The Sweden Local: Woman strangled on safety device
- EXTRA: Giving birth to a baby *more than half your height* has got to be a record.. – The UK Telegraph: Tiny woman may be world’s smallest mother
- EXTRA: Indigestion or prescience? – Science Blog: Go with your gut — intuition more than just a hunch, says research
- EXTRA: An ancient remedy for being a slim mistress. What’s the formula for having a mistress in the first place? – The Mail on Sunday: How the herb Charles II used to keep royal mistresses in shape could help fight today’s obesity epidemic
- EXTRA: Warning: it’s probably best to not eat the food in the first place, rather than having something else eat you. – Metro: (O) Parasitic worm slimming aids considered harmful
- EXTRA: Why donuts are glorious and all-knowing. – PhysOrg: Your brain on Krispy Kremes
- EXTRA: It does, however, make you “stinky” (to put it technically). – PhysOrg: Smoking doesn’t make you happy
- EXTRA: Genetic therapy for the age-challenged, here we come! – New Scientist: ‘Long-life’ genes found in 100-year-old humans
- EXTRA: Why do I immediately think of someone using this in a business to prevent people from surfing for porn or comics or news? – New Scientist: Mind-reading machine knows what the eye can see
- EXTRA: I think that gets a failing grade.. – Ananova: Anger management homework used as weapon
- EXTRA: .. After bankruptcy, he finally divorced her.. ? – Ananova: Miser ordered to buy wife 124,000 roses
- EXTRA: I wonder if he means “powerless” or, well.. y’know.. – Ananova: ‘Wife’s nagging left me impotent’
- EXTRA: She was unavailable for telephone contact for a followup.. – Metro: Angry wife burns 400 mobile phones
- EXTRA: Sometimes, people aren’t meant to be together (see above) and could use some help. – Ananova: Cupid in reverse
- EXTRA: “What does it mean when the number rolls over? Twice? *HIC*” – Metro: Beer counting bottle opener tells you how bad you are
- EXTRA: I *hate* these people.. mostly because they thought of it first.. – Ananova: Student gets rich staying in bed
- EXTRA: Local celebrity or international hero? Is this a Jaynestown-type issue? – Ananova: Lineker vs Gandhi
- EXTRA: Pigasso has a rival.. – Ananova: Tony Blair the rat launches art career
- EXTRA: I forget.. is that a red card, or a play-through penalty? – BBC: Ice block drops on football pitch
- EXTRA: I’m all for recycling, *but*… – Yahoo!/Reuters: Stolen tombstones in Crete walkway reveal names
- EXTRA: Hey! We should be *honoured* when a food-maker really gets *into* their work! Although a blood test might be included in the nutritional information.. – The UK Telegraph: Airmen made sausages from their blood
- EXTRA: When you take the evidence by hand, it easy to see that it just doesn’t weigh for guilt. – Metro: Japanese model gets off thanks to large breasts
- EXTRA: When the dead outnumber the living.. it’s time to move. – Reuters: Cemetery full, mayor tells locals not to die
- EXTRA: Remember: you are a product of your environment, as much as you are of your genes… – New Scientist: Cops can read the watermark in your hair
- EXTRA: A criminal escalation of response. – Ananova: Woman jailed over late library books
- EXTRA: I hereby declare allegience and worship to my coffee pot. – Ananova: Woman jailed for tea-pot worshipping
- EXTRA: Man see monkey; man fling poo. – Metro: Man installs anti-intruder catapult
- EXTRA: Precocious kids these days! – Yahoo/AAP: Boy, eight, aces Brazil law school exam
- EXTRA: Public humiliation for public transportation. – BBC: Indonesia spray paints commuters
- EXTRA: Oh, *that* old story? – Milford Daily News/GHX: Milford man drinks gas, screams at cars, police say
- EXTRA: Hmm.. For 1000 hungry snakes? (From the centre of the earth!?!) – The UK Times: Kremlin hawks feed conspiracy theories with 3,200 white mice
- EXTRA: Everybody’s said “oh, just shoot me”.. Maybe he was joking? – The UK Telegraph: Man asks friend to shoot him to avoid work
- EXTRA: The mainstream is handling this story, really. Gotta hand it to them, they’ve got people hopping about it. – The New York Times: In an Answerless Canadian Inquiry, 3 Bodyless Feet
- EXTRA: Learning should be like a gameshow? Only when *real life* is like a game show.. – New Scientist: ‘Millionaire’ tests help kids learn
- EXTRA: Apparently, you have to be able to put yourself in their shoes. – New Scientist: Imagination is the key to vocal mimicry
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