Show Notes for TWS074: Looking from the Inside, In and the Outside, Out
On the show this week:
- Who ya gonna call? Fire-fighters!
- They, Robot
- It’s all in how You See Things
- Underclassifiable (EXTRAS)
This week’s Challenge Question:
Have you, or someone you know, ever had an encounter with a UFO or a ghost? Describe it.
Leave your answer in the comments, send your email to weirdshow[[at]], record your message via the MobaTalk client on the right hand side of Encaffeinated!, leave an answer on Facebook or call in at 206-203-2292.
Full links to all stories covered and many more after the jump!
- Theme Song: Caffeine by Grubspoon from The Podsafe Music Network
- Answers to the Challenge Question from TWS072/073 from Arkle, Jess (?)
- Who ya gonna call? Fire-fighters!
- Another spot on my “UFO world tour” that I will never, ever afford to take. – Ananova: (O) Russia builds £3m UFO centre
- 1st-graders already look up to firefighter (or at least they did, when I was in 1st grade), but what about the humble ufologist? – KNXV-TV: Are Arizona firefighters trained for UFO, alien contact?
- Such easily exposed secrets are either a) unimportant, b) outdated or c) completely faked. I’m still holding some hope for d) holy crap, it’s really friggin’ true, however. – American Chronicle: Special ops manual describes UFO, ET situation
- I thought FSB stood for the Russian (German?) secret police? – The Glaucestershire Gazette: Flying Saucer Bureau reports sightings in the skies
- Any picture that is too-good-to-be-true probably is. But I didn’t say “definitely”. – The Sun: UFO snapped over Thames
- Can it all just be fake? Can all these people either be delusional or gullible? While you can’t prove anything just by consensus, shouldn’t we still consider it seriously? – Mohave Daily News: Abductees share their stories at UFO Congress
- Are they kidding? I mean, if *I* were an alien, *I* wouldn’t want to get involved in US politics! It’s too bizarre/bazaar! – The LA Times: Did aliens — and we do mean aliens — affect the NY primary?
- Taking a look at ourselves through alien eyes. – The Guardian: Is there art on Mars? Barbican show’s alien perspective
- EXTRA: Almost as big as the Great Toilet Paper Drought of 2004, apparently. (Of course, now that I’ve mocked it, it will turn out to be bigger than that.) – National Post/Canwest News Service/Edmonton Journal: Arctic meteor “event of the century”
- They, Robot
- Hmm.. doesn’t the word “killer” kinda suggest “foe”? – MSNBC/Cosmic Log: Killer robots … friend or foe?
- Well, it’s not the flying car, but it’s *something*.. – The Daily Mail: Rise of the machine: Terminator-style robot war ‘could be a reality within 10 years’
- Just how face do robot arms run? *ba-dum-cha!* – New Scientist: ‘Robot arms race’ underway, expert warns
- Scientist: terrorists will use water in future attacks! Ban all water! – Fox/AP: Scientist: Terrorists May Use Robots in Future Attacks
- EXTRA: It was a fierce, fierce car. – Ananova: Man builds cage for car
- EXTRA: The kiss may last a year; the car can last a decade. – Ananova: First car beats first kiss
- We should probably try this on the general public, first… – MSNBC: Teaching a computer to appreciate art
- Hmm.. the first words most kids probably learn are “no” and “food”, perhaps “poop”. I guess the digital baby is going to be binary, then — just “yes” and “no” in its vocabulary (hard to relate to much else).. – Ananova: Baby robot will be taught to talk
- Revealing the true start of the SkyNet anger. – Tamba Bay Online: Toddler’s Elmo Doll Makes Death Threats, Family Says
- It’s all in how You See Things
- EXTRA: Other perspectives help us; now, if I could just find my lost books that way.. – Reuters: Satellites spot lost Guatemala Mayan temples
- EXTRA: Someone seems to have converted the non-believer.. – The UK Telegraph: Fresh tests on Shroud of Turin
- Just look at the flashy-thingy, please. – PhysOrg: Pentagon report investigated lasers that put voices in your head
- … instead of just manipulating the food directly, I guess? – The UK Times: How science could soon be manipulating our choice of food
- EXTRA: Your home is your castle — and it’s under siege. – The Guardian: Who is allowed to break in to your house?
- Again, it’s for the gamer to control the game, not the other way around.. – BBC: Brain control headset for gamers
- Wait.. why does mine just sit there? Oh.. my dreams are dead. 🙁 – Technovelgy: Sleep Waking Robot: Your Dreams Via Interpretive Dance
- EXTRA: You’re never too old to think of goofy-looking ways to avoid the aftermath of too much shopping. – The Daily Mail: An 86-year-old’s belting idea for shoppers… BRACES you can hang your shopping on
- Great! Now we can no longer use the non sequitor: “what colour is orange?”. You BASTARDS! – The UK Times: Colour-blind artist learns to paint by hearing
- They use the BatMagnetDirectionOMaticORang, of course! – ScienceDaily: Bats Use Magnetic Substance As Internal Compass To Help Them Navigate
- EXTRA: Really, it’s the art buyers who are stunning the world. Or were stunned to begin with. – Ananova: (O) ‘Pigcasso’ stuns art world
- Those who live in glass walls are bound to have their visions scratched and then shattered. – The UK Telegraph: Scientists “see” ghosts
- Just because you can explain *some* of it hardly means that you’ve explained *all* of it.. *sigh* Too many people are cutting themselves with Occam’s Razor, not realizing that it cuts both ways.. – icWales/Western Mail: ‘Eye problems may explain ghost sightings’
- Wait.. the stone synonymous with exaggerated falsehood may be exaggeratingly false? Hmm.. – The UK Telegraph: Doubts over Blarney Stone talked down
- Sonic resonance? Energy beams? Laughable, as the “media” approaches it. – Yahoo!/Reuters: Mass trance afflicts Indonesian women, factory workers
- Ships are seen normally at sea — but not usually when the water is frozen over! – Truro Daily News: ‘Phantom Ship’ Spotted By Visitor
- They should have consulted the firefighters… – Ananova: Police blame ghosts for damage
- EXTRA: No matter what he does, he can never forget. DO NOT INTRODUCE THIS GUY TO THE INTERNET! He will be scarred. – CNN/AP: Amazing memory man never forgets
- Underclassifiable (EXTRAS)
- EXTRA: He may have been evil, but he was also (apparently) infinitely fascinating.. – CNN: Treasure hunters dig for Hitler’s gold
- EXTRA: … not only evil and fascinating, but behind Disney? – The UK Telegraph: Did Adolf Hitler draw Disney characters?
- EXTRA: Evil parents or odd people? Would you vote for “Victor Von Hitlor” or “Adolf Ghandi Frankenstein”? – CNN: Hitler, Frankenstein battle for votes in India
- EXTRA: Ok, finally: something Hitler did *not* do.. – ABC Australia/ Discovery News: Cannibalism may have killed Neanderthals
- EXTRA: Combing your part for the environment; or, think globally, disgust locally. – New Scientist: Greasy hair makes for clean air
- EXTRA: “I’m ok, I’m ok: it’s only a flesh wound!” – BBC: Self-healing rubber bounces back
- EXTRA: Suddenly, Cthulhu doesn’t seem so outrageous.. – ScienceDaily: Mysterious Sea Creatures Found In Antarctic Waters
- EXTRA: It’s always messy when you’ve got a croc-fight over some doll.. – Metro: 400 crocodiles fight over sexiest croco-doll
- EXTRA: … discovered outside the pet food store, parked by a hydrant? – CityNews: Dog Steals Owner’s Truck
- EXTRA: Clever little bugs.. – MSNBC/Reuters: Secret of caterpillar’s bird-poop disguise
- EXTRA: This is also the country that has doggie brothers. I’m just sayin’! They love their dogs! (No, not *that* way!) – Yahoo!/AP: German police dogs to wear shoes
- EXTRA: Not so much “saved intentionally” so much as “play, play, play, got food?, play, play, play”. – Dayton Daily News: Woman says dog saved her from choking
- EXTRA: Simian nuptuals. As long as it doesn’t end in divorce.. I mean, you think that normal divorces are ugly? Imagine poo-flinging. – BBC: Crowds flock to monkey ‘wedding’
- EXTRA: Another example of why Cthulhu doesn’t seem so far-fetched… – BBC: Sea reptile is biggest on record
- EXTRA: Oh yeah? Well, dogs trade efficiency for slobber! *thbbpt!* – New Scientist: Cats trade efficiency for stealth
- EXTRA: Kitteh bombs! – Ananova: Fat cat fell on diner
- EXTRA: Y’know, folks… it’s not *really* working for those starving kids in Africa, you realize? – Metro: Parasitic worm slimming aids considered harmful
- EXTRA: He was killed in revenge for stealing all that cake from the fairies. Or maybe just *ate too much*. – The Guardian: Man died after taking part in fairy cake eating competition
- EXTRA: Scriptus Absurditum! Reportaria Foolishax! Stupido Maximus! – MTV: ‘Harry Potter’ Is Addictive, Study Concludes
- EXTRA: Something tells me that the laser removal surgery isn’t quite there… – The Sun: See world’s first eyeball tattoo
- EXTRA: Imagine that — the benefits of a drug have been *over-hyped*! – New Scientist: Prozac does not work in majority of depressed patients
- EXTRA: Prolly doesn’t work for them, either.. How depressing. – Ananova: Prozac for pets
- EXTRA: “Wow! According to this blood test, you are depressed! And your bank account is low! And your car needs the rear driver’s side brake replaced!” – New Scientist: Simple blood test could predict your mood
- EXTRA: Sounds impossible, but it may be real. – Ananova: Teen is allergic to water
- EXTRA: Science Friction, or burning truth? – Ananova: Hot pants
- EXTRA: Okay, maybe the French *are* snobs.. – Ananova: Man quits India trek – at Calais
- EXTRA: He would never have done it if his walker wasn’t attached to the back of the bus.. – Ananova: 104-year-old sprinter
- EXTRA: I don’t understand how the subtitled an English film into English.. and failed! – Ananova: Cod save the Queen?
- EXTRA: What are they worried about? It’s not like their passengers aren’t patient. – The UK Telegraph: Hearse clamped on way to funeral
- EXTRA: No, grabbing *their own* crotches! – Ananova: Italian court bans crotch-grabbing
- EXTRA: I wouldn’t want to be the enforcer for this.. – Ananova: Boss bans smelly undies
- EXTRA: Grr… and I *forgot* to play this week’s lotto! – BBC: Punter wins £1m for 50p horse bet
- EXTRA: Fringe science where you really have to “mean it”. – From the Shadows blog: A Time Traveler’s ‘Dangerous Information’
- EXTRA: What if he just has nothing to say to featherless mammals? – Ananova: ‘Bird boy’ found in Russia
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