Show Notes for TWS068: We Remake Our Food In Our Own Undead Image
On the show this week:
- Big Picture Items
- Inventions, good and bad
- Death Comes For Us All (Some sooner than others)
- Food/Not Food
This week’s Challenge Question:
When do ‘clothes’ become ‘laundry’? Or a man go bald? Or a sky get cloudy? Think of a transitional state and discuss it.
Leave your answer in the comments, send your email to wierdshow[[at]], record your message via the MobaTalk client on the right hand side of Encaffeinated!, leave an answer on Facebook or call in at 206-203-2292.
Full links to all stories covered and many more after the jump!
- Theme Song: Caffeine by Grubspoon from The Podsafe Music Network
- Big Picture Items
- EXTRA: Must be bird flu time of year again.. – New Scientist: Bird flu strikes UK wildlife
- Psychics should have seen this coming, but can they move themselves at a distance to bend for the prize? – Mind-Energy/Parapsychology articles and blog: The JREF Million Dollar challenge to be discontinued
- Anne of Green Gables was not seen anywhere. Coincidence? (Probably..) – The Ottawa Citizen: Experts ‘very puzzled’ by sighting in P.E.I.
- Apparently, the British government were listening to my show.. – The Guardian/The Observer: The truth is out: X-Files go public
- Welcome to the 24th cycle! – New Scientist: ‘Maverick’ sunspot heralds new solar cycle
- How could they miss? Mars is HUGE! – New Scientist: Risk of Mars impact drops to 1 in 10,000
- It’s the black holes that other black holes defer to. – New Scientist: Biggest black hole in the cosmos discovered
- They could be contendahs. – New Scientist: Middleweight black holes roam the galaxy undetected
- EXTRA: Just to be clear, this is nothing like the pyramids in Vegas.. – Orlando Sentinel: Secrets of Miami Circle, known as America’s Stonehenge, lie buried
- EXTRA: Time keeps on slippin’, slippin’, slippin’… Into the future.. – Daily Galaxy: Is Time Literally Slowing Down and Disappearing From the Universe?
- EXTRA: Much like most of education, there is too much focus on the mechanical rather than the mental.. – New Scientist: Physics tool makes students miss the point
- EXTRA: – New Risk to Earth Found in Supernova Explosions
- EXTRA: Wait.. we have *other* planets *besides* Mars? HOLY CRAP! – New Scientist: Probe to fly by Mercury for first time in decades
- EXTRA: Just because you are *above* the clouds, doesn’t mean you are safe! – New Scientist: Could lightning strike in space?
- Inventions, good and bad
- Recycling is also an invention, so recycling inventions is.. – Ananova: Bread bowl invented!
- Poor Sally pressed the “zap” button, thinking it was fast-forward.. – Ananova: Unveiled – the iTaser
- Bob and Doug would be proud, eh. – Ananova: Man found dead mouse in beer
- Surf’s up, Sir Dude. – Ananova: Tower Hamlets to lure surfers?
- It’s like a big hug from a crowd of people you don’t know. I hope they filter the smell. – Yahoo!/AP: Swedes to use body heat to warm offices
- “We remember Larry at this mournful time, and thank him for the heat..” – Ananova: Cremations to warm mourners
- EXTRA: I still can’t see the sailboat. – Discovery Channel: Mirrors Reveal Codes in Da Vinci Art, Book Says
- EXTRA: A perfect example of overengineering.. At least for such a mundane application. – New Scientist: Intelligent foam could keep shop shelves stacked
- EXTRA: Language is an invented tool, teenage girl language, like, doubly-so. – Ananova: Schoolgirl’s guide to teenage slang
- EXTRA: Some people took Orwell as lesson, but not the right way.. – Ananova: Dictionary translates ‘politician speak’
- Death Comes For Us All (Some sooner than others)
- Some mail from the dead letter office. – Ashland Daily Tidings: Season’s greetings from beyond
- Last bill and testament… – The New York Times: Corpse Wheeled to Check-Cashing Store Leads to 2 Arrests
- That’s *not* what was meant by “eternal life”! – Der Speigel: When Bodies No Longer Decay
- EXTRA: Wouldn’t it be ironic that everybody *but* the saint were untainted? – BBC: Plan to dig up Padre Pio attacked
- EXTRA: My new year’s resolutions are all “live longer”. – New Scientist: New Year resolutions could add years to your life
- EXTRA: Acknowledging the forgettable (from a species point of view). – Ananova: Darwin Award winners announced
- EXTRA: It’s not what you think. Well, maybe.. – Star Tribune: Cows are dying, and farmers think they know why
- EXTRA: Where’s the loss here? It’s not like the governments haven’t done worse.. – Mental Floss: 5 Creatures That May Not Exist, But Get Government Protection Anyway
- EXTRA: Just like War of the Worlds.. – PhysOrg: Insect attack may have finished off dinosaurs
- EXTRA: “I do wanna be buried, in a pet sematary, I don’t wanna live my life again..” – Metro: Dog and cat’s friendship continues after death
- Food/Not Food
- Putting the “die” in “diet”. – New Scientist: Sugar-free gum can be a health hazard
- When I was a kid, I ate nothing but hot dogs and macaroni & cheese, although not for any good reason. – Ananova: Girl 15, ate nothing but chips
- She had her cake (and hopefully she was sweeter than it). – Ananova: Bridal sweet
- Surviving the holidays.. barely. – Ananova: Busiest day for divorce
- When you really want to say “I love you”… or “I hate you”? – Ananova: Marmite for Valentine’s Day
- Get your grass in gear. – New Scientist: Prairie grass revives hopes for biofuels
- The documentary exposing the kernals of truth. – KingCorn: King Corn: You Are What You Eat
- I don’t understand.. is there really such a thing as “waste chocolate”? – Ananova: Choc-powered trip to Timbuktu French compressed air car set for take-off in India
- EXTRA: Plants have the stones to save the environment, but do we? – New Scientist: ‘Plantstones’ could help lock away carbon
- EXTRA: Plants hold our future by the short hairs. – New Scientist: Super-hairy plants could battle global warming
- EXTRA: Yeah, but what about the elves and trolls? – The Telegraph: ‘Hobbits’ not a different species, say scientists
- EXTRA: Father Frost fights back. – BBC: Russia prohibits denial of Santa
- EXTRA: Find little gray blips. – Wired: SETI@Home Wants You! More Volunteers Needed to Process New Data
- EXTRA: A long-term devotion that deserves praise. – Yahoo!/AFP: Japan police receive 400th secret pledge to poor after 33 years
- EXTRA: More on “meta-materials”. – New Scientist: Acoustic ‘superlens’ could mean finer ultrasound scans
- EXTRA: Leave them alone! – New Scientist: Autumn leaves cling to their colour change secret
- EXTRA: First came marriage, then comes… – Ananova: Sex with robots by 2050
- EXTRA: Unlike real grandparents, they’re cheep. – MSNBC/LiveScience: Birds act like grandparents
- EXTRA: Cats started the big bang. – Yahoo!/AP: Cat blamed for Idaho blackout
- EXTRA: When fish become mammals.. – BBC: Rare ‘Peter Pan’ axolotl grows up
- EXTRA: Forget fish and frogs.. – Miami Herald: It rains iguanas at Bill Baggs park
- EXTRA: It’s not just for the meat markets and the stock markets.. the animal world is vicious and deceptive. – BBC: Caterpillars con ants with smell
- EXTRA: It’s every chick for themselves when the going get rough. – New Scientist: Begging chicks reveal family ties
- EXTRA: How they can tell what day it is, when I can’t. – New Scientist: What makes the monarch butterfly’s clock tick?
- EXTRA: Survival of the chickest. – Ananova: Chicken survives two days in freezer
- EXTRA: It liked Chairman Meow. – Ananova: Cat ‘speaks Chinese’
- EXTRA: Who thought that elephants were a *good* idea for England? – Ananova: Jumbo pets banned
- EXTRA: Pest control, nature-style – Ananova: Airport recruits eagle
- EXTRA: There are no such things as coincidences in politics, but plenty of devils. – Yahoo!/AFP: Devilish debate on end for Church of England
- EXTRA: If thy hand should offend thee… you need some help. – The Shields Gazette: Man cut off hand bearing ‘number of the beast’
- EXTRA: I hope that Satantown down the highway gets it. – BBC: US town escapes 666 phone prefix
- EXTRA: Dowsing is the subtle art of believing in your senses; explanations are not necessary if it just works. – The Modesto Bee: Witch Upon A Well
- EXTRA: When superstition works for the good guys.. – Yahoo!/AFP: Police cheer as Kenya’s witch-wary looters return war spoils
- EXTRA: Both just ask for directions? – Science Daily: Gay Men Navigate In A Similar Way To Women, Virtual Reality Researchers Find
- EXTRA: If we could tap that energy, we could power.. not much. – New Scientist: The secret energy store of enzymes revealed
- EXTRA: Searching for a solution to the bootstrap problem. – New Scientist: Brain-controlled computer switches on in a heartbeat
- EXTRA: More evidence that no one should have gotten reactively hysterical when stem cell research began. – New Scientist: Stem cell breakthrough leaves embryos unharmed
- EXTRA: The hair of the sun that bit ya. – New Scientist: A little sun might fight cancer
- EXTRA: This explains why airports run so slowly. – Ananova: Man pulls plane with teeth
- EXTRA: A strange protest? A stupid stunt? Or a genuine cry for help? – The Huffington Post: Protesters Ask Clinton to Iron Shirts
- EXTRA: When you gotta go on the go, you gotta. – Metro: Train drivers to get toilets after pooing tragedy
- EXTRA: A point for the smokers? – Yahoo!/Reuters: German boss fires staff for not smoking
- EXTRA: … nope, smacked back down again. – Ananova: Boss sued for sacking non-smokers
- EXTRA: Suddenly, licence plates as unique identifiers seem terribly flawed.. – BBC: Parking fine for vintage tractor
- EXTRA: Literally: “It was there yesterday!” – Metro: One of our bridges is missing
- EXTRA: Yeah, and a pleisiosaur ate my homework! – HeraldNet/Wenatchee World: Man blames car wreck on prehistoric winged reptile
- EXTRA: The sheep are more dangerous. – Stuff/Sunday Star Times: Kiwi criminals no masterminds
- EXTRA: Plotz, Ubu, plotz! – Ananova: Cops learn German for imported dogs
- EXTRA: Design your system like GTA, get hacked. – Ananova: Schoolboy genius hacked into tram network
- EXTRA: “Hotels” and “hospitals” sound alike; (dis)honest mistake.. – Ananova: Con man’s three years in hospitals
- EXTRA: They were concerned with the neck injuries of the male recruits.. – Ananova: Army recruit kicked out over fake boobs
- EXTRA: Like the Crying Game, only less (?) creepy. – Metro: Missing ‘boy’ actually 33-year-old woman
- EXTRA: Apparently, we *can* distinguish between reality and movies.. – Sydney Morning Herald: Knife stuck into violence theory
- EXTRA: And no, she didn’t just sit on it. – The Telegraph: Mother’s extra-large pants prevent house fire
- EXTRA: I actually think this is a good idea; imagine: basic lessons in being nice, well groomed and how to dance. – Ananova: Etiquette lessons for pupils
- EXTRA: You too can make a movie in your shed that is better than Lucas. – Ananova: Return of the Shedi
- EXTRA: Home page of the DIY Star Wars movie makers. – Backyard Productions: The Empire Strikes Backyard
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