Show Notes for TWS065: Enjoy Your Blinking Lights
On the show this week:
- Do you See What I Hear?
- Lights In The Sky, Guiding Us To… ?
- Gristmiss
- Overstuffing (extras)
This week’s Challenge Question:
What New Year’s resolution would you want the whole world to make? Or, what one are you making for yourself?
. Leave your answer in the comments, send your email to wierdshow[[at]], record your message via the MobaTalk client on the right hand side of Encaffeinated!, leave an answer on Facebook or call in at 206-203-2292.
Full links to all stories covered and many more after the jump!
- Theme Song: Caffeine by Grubspoon from The Podsafe Music Network
- Do you See What I Hear?
- On Dasher, on Dancer, and Prancer and Uni… – The Buffalo News: (O) Hunter’s camera captures images of a “unicorn deer”
- Once upon a time, Santa was an Atlantean.. – Yahoo!/AP: Whales may be related to deer-like beast
- EXTRA: Hey… *Santa* is a mammal, too.. Hmm.. – LiveScience: Why Deep-Diving Mammals Don’t Black Out
- EXTRA: Maybe ‘roos also evolved from the sea — and want to return? – BBC: Shark ‘kills swimming kangaroo’
- “Meow,” said the rat. – CNN/AP: Giant rat found in ‘lost world’
- EXTRA: Man Bites Dog? It really *does* happen! – Novosti: Indian villager in hospital after biting rabid dog
- I’m sure he wolfed it down, too. *groan* – Novosti: Wolf served hamburger in Italian bar
- EXTRA: Maybe the locals should have served them hamburgers? – MSNBC/LiveScience: Alien ants devour locals, then go vegetarian
- “Planet of the Apes” is a documentary — from the future! – A Human Ancestor for the Apes?
- It’s not just our fashionable hairstyles that distinguish us.. – New Scientist: Menopause sets humans apart from chimps
- The dolphins are laughing at you. In front of your back. – New Scientist: Dolphins speak a contextual language
- Blue Man Group refugee? – kval: Blue man leaves Oregon in search of acceptance
- Putting the ‘f’ in ‘humanity’.. – New Scientist: The science of swearing
- Pimp my vocabulary. – Ananova: Facebook added to dictionary
- News From The Future #15
- Lights In The Sky, Guiding Us To… ?
- No wise men spotted, but there might have been shepherds.. – Bangor Daily News: Mainers report strange lights in the sky
- Well, now that we’ve cleared that up.. – Reuters: Japan government spokesman says UFOs do exist
- Let’s hope they are no worse than we are. Or maybe, let’s hope they’re better. – The Times: Don’t call the aliens, they might not be friendly
- *yawn* Another fundamental math problem? Puh-lease! What is this, 1st grade? – New Scientist: ET too bored by Earth transmissions to respond
- EXTRA: Maybe we *don’t* want to contact them.. – New Scientist: Galaxy fires powerful particle beam at neighbour
- You’re looking good, Moon… Have you lost weight? – New Scientist: Moon is younger and more Earth-like than thought
- The problem with space is.. it’s so big. You could lose your keys in there! – Star Bulletin: Missing comet baffles scientists
- Maybe Mars is some sort of latter-modern museum of art? Or is the universe just fundamentally really pretty? – Strange Shapes Seen on Mars
- Uh.. *where* did you say you left the celestial body? – New Scientist: Space probe targets third comet after second vanishes
- EXTRA: This might be what happened the *last* time we lost a comet.. – Sandia National Laboratories: Sandia supercomputers offer new explanation of Tunguska disaster
- EXTRA: I wonder if they will make it launch with “Danger! Danger Will Robinson! Danger!” – New Scientist: Uncrewed Orion could find astronauts lost in space
- If I could store time in a bottle… it would be more interesting that this! – RSC: Scientists trap light in nano-soup
- Transparent carbon. Eat your heart out, Scottie! – New Scientist: Carbon electrodes could slash cost of solar panels
- It’s stories like these which make the jokes sound bad. – Ananova: MPs’ guide to change lightbulbs
- Clip from Save Xmas Now!
- Gristmiss
- EXTRA: Give the gift that keeps on giving: DNA samples for cloning the future humanity. The Lennon Army will march! – Ananova: (ho)(O) Lock of Lennon’s hair sells for £24,000
- Even the Grinch wasn’t this pedantic! – Ananova: (HO)(VO) Santa ‘sacked for saying ho, ho, ho’
- Give the guy a break! He’s “jolly”, not “obese”… – Ananova: Slim Santa won’t wear padding
- Santa 007: Licence to Ho. – Ananova: (HO)(VO) Santa needs a licence
- Well, he has to live somewhere now that the North Pole has melted.. – Ananova: (HO)(VO) Is Santa Borat’s neighbour?
- I want a mountain named after me.. Or maybe I’ll just claim “Mt Coffee” or something. – BBC: Kyrgyz to name peak after Santa
- It’s not for the cold in Manila, so it must for be for Christmas. – Ananova: (HO)(O) Police don Santa hats for Christmas
- Someone is being naughty this year, and will likely only get the sack… – Yahoo!/Reuters: Author of nasty letters from Santa sought
- “Dear Santa: I would like a pony, a GI Joe.. and a new car!” – Ananova: (HO)(O) Letter to Santa pays off for police
- Trailer Park Boys is a Documentary. – Ananova: (HO)(O) Man thanks judge for Xmas jail term
- EXTRA: Trypto-fun! – Ananova: (HO)(VO) Yule by asleep by 4.22pm
- The nuts crackers suite. – Ananova: Britain’s worst Xmas cracker joke
- EXTRA: The second act. – Ananova: (HO)(O) Bomb squad’s new job is crackers
- When one person’s problem becomes everyone’s problem, it’s hardly fair. – Ananova: (HO)(VO) School bans mince pies
- “Dear friend: please send me the 2 cents you owe me. I need to pay rent desperately. If I don’t hear back from you, I will presume that you no longer wish to hear from me.” – CNN/AP: Christmas card arrives 93 years late
- Cheapskates or sentimental — or both? – Ananova: (HO) Same Xmas card for 29 years
- Some things are traditional, and others out of habit.. – Ananova: 74-year-old Xmas tree
- EXTRA: I wonder if it’s kosher? – Yahoo!/AP: (HO)(O) Store goofs; Offers ham as Hanukkah food
- EXTRA: At least it was in the sky.. – Stuff/The Press: (HO)(O) Well, sleigh me if that’s not Rudolph
- EXTRA: Found in the automotive section.. – Ananova: (ho)(VO) Good dad guide
- EXTRA: Only good taste — and not regulations — should stop her. – Ananova: (HO)(O) Lollipop lady’s fancy dress ban
- EXTRA: You can’t wipe your.. uh.. “hands” of this tissue. Er.. issue.. – Ananova: (HO)(O) Xmas loo roll sparks row
- EXTRA: One gift you can’t regift. – Ananova: (ho)(O) World’s most expensive cocktail
- Overstuffing (extras)
- EXTRA: Take that, you softie vegetarians! Trees have emotions! – New Scientist: (ho) Family trees: The social life of plants
- EXTRA: Fake snow for real pregnancy tests. – Ananova: All that glitters are not diamonds
- EXTRA: I think this story is just a bit of idol speculation. Bah-dump BAH! – Novosti: Russian sect prays to Putin icons, claims he is the ‘chosen one’
- EXTRA: Out, out, holy ghost! – Novosti: Poland opens first exorcism center
- EXTRA: Also can prevent lost kittehs.. – The Telegraph: Glow-in-the-dark cat could help cut disease
- EXTRA: The tramp. – Ananova: (O) Paddington the illegal immigrant?
- EXTRA: I guess they didn’t pay the protection fee.. – Ananova: Entire beach stolen
- EXTRA: There’s a joke about narrow-mindedness and religion here somewhere.. – Ananova: Bible on a pinhead
- EXTRA: Found: one boat. Slightly used. – Yahoo!/AP: Kidd’s ship found off Dominican island
- EXTRA: Hey! It’s not their fault that they ran out of paint! – NSBC/LiveScience: Ancient sculptures coated in blood
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