(This episode is a little late; hated the original mix, remixed it today, then re-encoded it as mono 96kbps to make it smaller than normal. Let me know if the quality is messed up. Sounds good to me! — encaf1)
Show Notes for TWS064: Making Slow Time With Bigfoot
On the show this week:
- It’s (Not) (Not) All In (Not) Your (Not) Mind (Not)
- Bigfoot and Time are both Fleeting
- The Stuff Beyond Time (EXTRAS)
This week’s Challenge Question:
Is the Christmas Holiday a good thing or a bad thing? Should we eliminate Santa, the reindeer, the tree, the lights — all these irrational symbols that are weighed down by religious history?
. Leave your answer in the comments, send your email to wierdshow[[at]]gmail.com, record your message via the MobaTalk client on the right hand side of Encaffeinated!, leave an answer on Facebook or call in at 206-203-2292.
Full links to all stories covered and many more after the jump!
- Theme Song: Caffeine by Grubspoon from The Podsafe Music Network
- It’s (Not) (Not) All In (Not) Your (Not) Mind (Not)
- A release about HAARP; however, it could be manipulating your mind. – Wired/Danger Room: New Document Reveals Military Mystery’s Powers
- EXTRA: My general rule: If you have to call someone — don’t eat it! – New Scientist: Cellphone takes the confusion out of foreign menus
- Murder or butter? And which has more energy? – Pure Energy Systems Network: Free-Energy Battery Inventor Killed at Airport?
- The only laws you can break and you might win an award for it. – ScienceAlert: Physics laws flawed
- “Sorry, I wasn’t listening. It’s not my fault! My brain decided you were irrelevant.” – BBC: Brain ‘irrelevance filter’ found
- No, it slows down when you are bored and can’t get away to a less boring place. The universe tortures us. – Eurekalert/Baylor College of Medicine: Does time slow in crisis?
- Oh wait.. *That’s* why we have children.. – BBC: Human evolution is ‘speeding up’
- I wanted to get more into this story, but I put it off too long. – New Scientist: Procrastination: The thief of time
- EXTRA: Is China just trying to prove that one *can* fake a moon landing? – MSNBC Cosmic Log: Moon photo mystery solved
- EXTRA: Looking for the chocolate filled center.. – New Scientist: NASA spacecraft to study Moon’s lumpy interior
- EXTRA: Worth more per gram than moonrock or cocaine, I’m sure.. Of course, if we import Martian microbes, we’re doomed. Cool! 🙂 – New Scientist: Global group aims to return Martian soil to Earth
- EXTRA: I’m wondering if they are training dogs to watch those boring security tapes. – New Scientist: Picture-sorting dogs show human-like thought
- Bigfoot and Time are both Fleeting
- Like a beauty contest for large, hairy cryptids. – Cryptomundo: Top Ten Bigfoot Stories of 2007
- EXTRA: I think some of these things fail the drug test, however. – New Scientist: Micro-robot Olympics reveal champion swimmer
- EXTRA: Horny deer don’t only come out in mating season. – The Buffalo News: Hunter’s camera captures images of a “unicorn deer”
- Finally, something I want to see go the wide world have… Eventually, no mice! And a lot of fat cats.. – Ananova: GM mice don’t fear cats
- I thought only Dungeons and Dragons allowed you to summon a god.. – The Telegraph: Hindu gods get court summons
- Also targetted: extravagant weddings and funeral. My advice: don’t wave the bling in Tajikistan. – Yahoo!/Reuters: Tajikistan launches campaign against witchcraft
- A wiccan manages to rise in power within the overwhelmingly Christian country.. and seems to have blown a gasket. – The Guardian/Reuters/Boing Boing: US Iraq watchdog agency under investigation-report
- EXTRA: Paranoia inspiration as marketing technique. Oh wait.. that’s already been done. It’s call “the war on terror”. – AdvertisingAge: Hear Voices? It May Be an Ad
- If only he could touch his own leg, he’d be healed! – Ananova: Thieves steal holy man’s leg
- EXTRA: Hint: no one can tell you all the answers to your own questions. – New Scientist: Why books don’t reveal the secrets of success
- EXTRA: Apparently, men and women are different! Who knew?!? – New Scientist: Why pregnant women don’t fall over
- EXTRA: Aliens hurtled rocks at dinosaurs. Looks like they won. – BBC: Great beasts peppered from space
- EXTRA: Hope for the ugly among us. Well… the ugly of the beautiful, at least. – Ananova: Is it love for ugly swan?
- The Stuff Beyond Time (EXTRAS)
- EXTRA: Look! A pile of rocks! – The Local: Ancient stone circle found in Skåne
- EXTRA: Aw, nuts.. They aren’t going to find the cache of ancient wisdom beneath it. – MSNBC/Reuters: Britain drops plan for Stonehenge tunnel
- EXTRA: Really, they just drained the water — it’s not like it came out Godzilla style and ate a barn. – Science Daily: Prehistoric Forest Emerges From Farmer’s Pond
- EXTRA: Is a star still a star if it does not shine? – New Scientist: (O) Universe’s first stars may have been dark
- EXTRA: Turning manufacturing over to nature. Seems like a circle closing, doesn’t it? – ScienceDaily: Nanotube-producing Bacteria Show Manufacturing Promise
- EXTRA: Polly want a parking spot? – BBC: Greek parrot in parking fine row
- EXTRA: The most amazing part is how utterly uninteresting most of these are.. – Yahoo!/LiveScience: Incredible Batch of Rare and New Species Discovered
- EXTRA: The irrationalists, on the other hand, had this to say: “Woogle woogle bradyblat!” – The Times of India: Haunted house stumps rationalists
- EXTRA: Where guests check in… and don’t check out! No.. wait.. – Ananova: Woman opens death-themed hotel
- EXTRA: Ever wonder what happens to the discarded materials from spy stories? – Yahoo!/Reuters: German hairdresser finds Bundesbank plans in bin
- EXTRA: Some things from the movies really *do* happen… – Ananova: F1 star takes wheel from cabbie
- EXTRA: In real life, quest-givers have invisible exclamation points hovering over their heads. – Wired Game|Life: Boy Survives Moose Attack Thanks To World Of Warcraft
- EXTRA: Apparently, they spent so much time building it, they forgot to make it *fun*. – BBC: The Bard helps digital experiment
- EXTRA, FOLLOWUP: Apparently, you are allowed to curse out faulty plumming. Another victory in the war against the war on terror.. – Metro: Americans – you may now swear at your toilets
- EXTRA: The first air-fish contest? – Metro: Fish-chucking competition goes fishless
- EXTRA: Good advice. Should have a sub-label: “Does not apply to idiots”. – Metro: Warning label advises avoiding death
- EXTRA: Proof that the entire world isn’t as obsessed with tearing down politicians for really harmless fun.. Oh, and: good advice! – Ananova: MP’s advice: ‘Wear clean undies!’
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