Show Notes for TWS063: I Believe, The Future Stinks
On the show this week:
- If you Believe this, I’ve got some Moonlight in Arizona to sell ya..
- Animals will outsmart us all
- The future stinks
- The Important Stuff (Extras)
This week’s Challenge Question:
Do you think that you will need to make great sacrifices in your life in order to save the environment? Or, is this not an immediate problem?
. Leave your answer in the comments, send your email to encaf1[[at]], record your message via the MobaTalk client on the right hand side of Encaffeinated!, leave an answer on Facebook or call in at 206-203-2292.
Full links to all stories covered and many more after the jump!
- Theme Song: Caffeine by Grubspoon from The Podsafe Music Network
- If you Believe this, I’ve got some Moonlight in Arizona to sell ya..
- They even believed this story. – Herald Sun Australia: Americans believe in pretty much everything
- sUbliminaL presentatiOns VerifiEd to Modify attitudE? – New Scientist: Subliminal flag-waving discourages extreme ideas
- Too much green tea. – Ananova: Doctors baffled by green sweat
- These people might be lune’y, or simple outta this world. – Yahoo!/Reuters: Moonstruck flock to Arizona light collector
- Touch the chair, get lucky? Oh wait.. couples only.. – Yahoo!/Reuters: Naples “miracle chair” draws childless couples
- As long as it wasn’t his wife doing the shooting… – Metro: Man blocks bullet with wedding ring
- EXTRA: Great way to make your kids paranoid, rather than just cautious.. – Yahoo!/AFP: Catholic coloring book warns US kids of pedophile priests
- EXTRA: The plaintiffs? Garfield, Charlie Brown and Shrek. – Yahoo!/AP: Tweety, Donald Duck summoned to court
- EXTRA: “Our planes are so tough, they don’t need no stinkin’ extra parts!” – MSNBC/AP: Chunk of wing found on Indonesian runway
- EXTRA: Don’t lose your head. You’ll turn to stone. – BBC: Mystery over ceramic head finds
- News From the Future #13
- Animals will outsmart us all
- More on the footprints. – Reuters: Footprints seen around Mt.Everest stoke Yeti mystery
- Trying to clarify the fuzzy footprints.. – Cryptomundo: Exclusive from Josh Gates on Yeti Tracks
- Next: Sasquatch in Starbucks. – The Southeast Sun/Zwire: The search for Big Foot is on in Coffee County
- Don’t fear the robots; fear the simian remembers.. – BBC: Chimps beat humans in memory test
- In the future: “elevated” elephants as party planners. – New Scientist: Elephants use mental maps to track family members
- EXTRA: Still waiting for Great Cthulhu to be discovered… – MSNBC/AP: Prehistoric sea “monster” discovered
- EXTRA: No, not an actual mummy. Now, go away, you silly people! – BBC: Amazing find of dinosaur ‘mummy’
- The future stinks
- We’re all better off if we stick together; particularly if you two stick together. – New Scientist: For the environment’s sake, don’t get divorced
- Soon is the winter of our discontent. – New Scientist: Winter storms are now double the trouble
- Of course, we should always discount what economists say by 10%. – New Scientist: Economics says we should act on climate change
- Woo! Roo poots good! – Ananova: Kangaroo farts can save the world
- One of those good answers to the complaint “but most of the time, it’s just sitting there!” – New Scientist: Electric cars could act as batteries for the energy grid
- EXTRA: And thus, our modern Rome burns.. – Metro: Robot learns to play the violin
- EXTRA: Don’t go poking the scared animal; it is likely to lash out and take away the last of our freedoms and airflight privileges. – Ananova: Journalists in Al Qaeda Airlines hoax
- The Important Stuff (Extras)
- EXTRA: Something tells me that the world isn’t nearly as big as people think.. – Yahoo!/Reuters: Map that named America is a puzzle for researchers
- EXTRA: I keep wondering if the days of losing things like cities are gone, with everything going online. – Mathaba/ Xinhua: Remains of ancient city discovered in east China
- EXTRA: To quote Picard: “There. Are. FOUR. LIGHTS!” – South Devon Herald Express/This is South Devon: MYSTERY OF LIGHTS IN THE SKY
- EXTRA: Whoops!: “The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not ‘Eureka!’ (I found it!) but ‘That’s funny …'” — Isaac Asimov – New Scientist: Mystery mechanism heals high-tech composite
- EXTRA: Whoops #2!: God may not play dice with the universe, but experimental scientists certainly do. – New Scientist: ‘Scrambled’ polymers kill drug-resistant bacteria
- EXTRA: Death: it’s a growth industry. – Ananova: Sex sells – coffins!
- EXTRA: Reuniting those Left behind. – Ananova: Website for lost gloves
- Holiday Crackers
- EXTRA: Merry Litigation-mas! – Ananova: Santa ‘sacked for saying ho, ho, ho’
- EXTRA: Can you parallel park a sleigh? – Ananova: Santa needs a licence
- EXTRA: Silly! That’s Santa’s *summer home*! – Ananova: Is Santa Borat’s neighbour?
- EXTRA: “Ho ho hold it, dirtbag!” – Ananova: Police don Santa hats for Christmas
- EXTRA: “Dear Zombie Santa: Send more cops! – Ananova: Letter to Santa pays off for police
- EXTRA: Next: ban common sense. Whoops — too late! – Ananova: School bans mince pies
- EXTRA: A subtle hint for Christmas. Plus, you can learn how to change the oil on your kids. – Ananova: Good dad guide
- EXTRA: Tryptophantastic! – Ananova: Yule by asleep by 4.22pm
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