Show Notes for TWS059: Between Reality and Illusion Lies Halloween
On the show this week:
- In the Spirit of the Season
- Boldly Having New Old Visions Of The Future
- It’s All In Your Mind
- Trick or Treats!
This week’s Challenge Question:
Send in your suggestions for questions!
. Leave your answer in the comments, send your email to encaf1[[at]], record your message via the MobaTalk client on the right hand side of Encaffeinated!, leave an answer on Facebook or call in at 206-203-2292.
Full links to all stories covered and many more after the jump!
- Theme Song: Caffeine by Grubspoon from The Podsafe Music Network
- Zombie Survival Links:
- Consider building one of these for yourself.. after all, you never know when it could happen to you! – Craftster: Emergency Zombie Defense Station
- Literature that will tell you the things you need to know. – Chapters: Zombie Survival Guide
- In the Spirit of the Season
- Yeah, but who wants to hollow out a turnip and put it on their head? – BBC: Pumpkin ban in Halloween protest
- What? Brooms are very Halloween-ish.. – Ananova: New brooms sweep clean
- Nevermind.. I think this kid’s next costume will involve turnips.. – Ananov: Boy freed from ‘wizard’ hat
- All the Chinese goths are in virtual heaven… Wait.. are there any Chinese goths? – Yahoo!/Reuters: (O) HK “death” exhibition challenges Chinese taboo
- Bury me with my computer — and don’t forget the Internet access! – (O) Bury me naked, with my mobile phone
- The question I have is: was his phone unlocked? – Ananova: Hitch hits mobile phone funeral
- The 99 bpm of Hell? – Ananova: (O) Disco inferno
- EXTRA: A horror movie just waiting to be rapidly written and crapped out by the Sci Fi network.. – The Daily Telegraph: Russian cockroach gives birth after conceiving in space
- Boldly Having New Old Visions Of The Future
- Someday, we’ll say: “You never truly know a humanoid until you see a standard distance unit in standard space with their eyes.” – The Daily Express: Scientists ‘Could Grow Eyes In Lab’
- Someone has been reading their HG Wells again.. – Daily Mail: Human race will ‘split into two different species’
- We’re still to blame — no getting out of it that easy, by blaming something insubstantial and impersonal such as “modern life”. That’s almost as bad as starting a war on an idea like “terror”.. – New Scientist: Modern life is making us fat
- Shake, rattle your rolls! – New Scientist: Vibrating mice may hold obesity clue
- Some legends are true.. This one, for example. Baked potatoes, for another… – Associated Content: Minerals from French Clay Cure Deadly Drug-Resistant Bacteria
- When recycling isn’t “green”. Or, humanity pulls a d’oh! – New Scientist: Gadget recycling boosts dioxins in mothers’ milk
- More old news: apparently, only 1.5 earths, not 5 earths are necessary for humanity. Can’t feel much like celebrating, however. – New Scientist: Unsustainable development ‘puts humanity at risk’
- EXTRA: It will only be interesting if they build a base there (especially if there is a death ray involved). – CNN/AP: Chinese rocket blasts off to moon
- EXTRA: Since pure idealism can’t pay the bills for frontier science, let’s see if commercialism and big cash prizes are more inspirational. – New Scientist: Bigelow Aerospace to offer $760 million for spaceship
- EXTRA: Rocket to the skies! With a balloon! – New Scientist: Giant balloon to loft world’s largest solar telescope
- EXTRA: Feeling the buzz in Washington. Soon: War on Information, as robots become possible as practical spies. – Washington Post: Dragonfly or Insect Spy? Scientists at Work on Robobugs.
- EXTRA: It still doesn’t make my days last any longer.. – New Scientist: How El Niño slows the Earth’s spin
- EXTRA: The flying car is still fiction — for me, anyway. – Ananova: Is it a it a plane?
- EXTRA: You’re probably still better off using folk remedies for most weather predition.. – New Scientist: Climate is too complex for accurate predictions
- EXTRA: Mood lighting makes a return! – New Scientist: ‘Smart’ lamp offers true mood lighting
- It’s All In Your Mind
- If it is easy to imagine what they have done, is it really an illusion? – Man levitates outside the White House
- Ghosly haunting? Can it be? – Ananova: Haunted swing baffles boffins
- Plans to suppress this spot already under way by [fill in favourite conspiracy master here]. – New Scientist: Source of “optimism” found in the brain
- It’s like using your graphics processor to do math — which is what the new SETI@Home and Folding@Home projects tend to do. – New Scientist: Blind people tap unused brain to hear better
- We may or may not have consciousness, but only perceiving it will tell us for certain. Or: Shrodinger’s Soul? – New Scientist: Could quantum effects explain consciousness?
- Trick or Treat!
- EXTRA: We officially have enough people, if someone can look this closely at something so… unessential. Either that, or we’re too distracted. – LiveScience: 25 Secrets of Mona Lisa Revealed
- EXTRA: Dick Cheney unavailable for comment. – The Independent: A 3,000-year-old mystery is finally solved: Tutankhamun died in a hunting accident
- EXTRA: If you were an alien, who would you vote for? – The Naughty American: Democratic President Could Mean No Martians Left Behind
- EXTRA: This sounds like a horror story — which it is — but it is also apparently true. – The Telegraph: Falsely accused woman freed after 70 years
- EXTRA: When fish climb trees, we’re in for some serious wierd changes, – The Daily Mail: The fish that can survive for months in a tree
- EXTRA: Probably these are trees the fish should stay out of.. – New India Press: ‘Cow-eating’ trees of Padrame
- EXTRA: Another view on the carnivourous arbor.. – Cryptomundo: India’s Cow-Eating Trees
- EXTRA: Old joke: should’ve seen it coming. – BBC: Crystal ball sets fire to house
- EXTRA: Just try returning it.. – Ananova: Olympic size wedding dress
- EXTRA: For the honeymoon? Or the stag party? – Ananova: Diamond bra for sale
- EXTRA: It’s a long way to get to the chapel.. – Ananova: 6,000-mile trek in tuxedos
- EXTRA: If you can’t read it yourself, you shouldn’t have it tattooed on your body. – Ananova: Tattoo spells out Coca-Cola
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