Show Notes for TWS054: When we have left this planet, the robots, aliens and gerbils will take over.
On the show this week:
- What is Health?
- Invasion… with OUTER SPACE!
- Rules, Rules, Everywhere the Rules
This week’s Challenge Question:
What rule that exists is either overused or should never be enforced? Why? What rule doesn’t exist but should?
. Leave your answer in the comments, send your email to encaf1[[at]], record your message via the MobaTalk client on the right hand side of Encaffeinated!, leave an answer on Facebook or call in at 206-203-2292.
Full links to all stories covered and many more after the jump!
- Theme Song: Caffeine by Grubspoon from The Podsafe Music Network
- Answers to last week’s Challenge Question
- What is Health?
- It’s a conspiracy by the apple industry, I bet… – New Scientist: A hundred apples a day keep the doctor away
- Best cure for SAD? Move to Florida! – New Scientist: Chemical clue sheds light on winter depression
- The “smoke ’em if you got ’em” theory of healthcare. – Ananova: Dying patients return home to smoke
- Brain trauma causes English!? That explains the accent… 😛 – Ananova: (O) Czech out the new lingo
- More proof! Or does this mean that accents might be transferable by pill? – This Is London: The accent transplant: Brain surgery leaves Yorkshire boy speaking like the Queen
- How old is “old” these days? Makes the comtempt by the <25 crowd seem rather pathetic.. Or rather, more pathetic. – Ananova: World’s oldest man is 112
- Oh great.. is this the War on Aging? Or the War on Time? – Yahoo!/Reuters: U.S. study finds potential new ways to fight aging
- News From The Future #3
- Invasion… From OUTER SPACE!
- Funny, no mention of little green-coated men… – The Irish Times: Irish UFOs blast into the light after 37 years in twilight zone
- Aliens have been running politics for years; it’s the only logical explanation. – The Washington Post: There’s the Red Vote, the Blue Vote . . . and the Little Green Vote
- I, for one, welcome our new robot overlords (because they will protect us from the aliens). – The Star/Reuters: How to prepare for alien invasion
- Just like us, aliens may be primative despite their advanced technology. – The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Life elsewhere is likely. But visits? No
- Reminder: most of our politicians spend significant portions in Ontario. Coincidence? I think not! – The Ottawa Citizen: Ontario is the new hotspot for UFO sightings: investigator
- Hmm… the original David vs Goliath story? – The Prague Post: Dino-killing meteorite identified
- Can we really say that because they didn’t have cancer, they weren’t irradiated? – New Scientist: Radiation in the clear over dinosaur deaths
- EXTRA: Like turkeys, except they go GOBBLE, GOBBLE, CHOMP! – Ananova: Jurassic Park monsters were ‘more like turkeys’
- Doesn’t it just sound groovy to say “mysterious Peruvian meteorite”? – The Adelaide Advertiser: Meteorite makes villagers ill Scientists Doubt Meteorite Sickened Peruvians
- Not a meteorite! Yes, it is! Not! Is! Is, but not sickening! Not! – The New York Times: In Peru, a Crater and Questions
- I, for one, welcome our gerbil space brothers. – BBC: Russia blasts gerbils into space
- EXTRA: In the face of new truths and activities, old traditions must accomodate or move out of the way. – PhysOrg/AFP: Malaysian Islamic body rules on how to pray, wash and die in space
- EXTRA: – New Scientist: Lava may have buried signs of Mars water
- Interstitial: Did he say “badgers”?
- Cruel Rules?
- Cranky old man or idiot child? – Ananova: Store refused to sell wine to OAP
- How to save money: don’t do something. – Ananova: Council to turn off street lights at night
- Psychological torture is alive and well.. – Ananova: Manilow forced on noisy neighbours
- Fangs are out over this one! – BBC: Legal row over ‘Dracula’ castle
- EXTRA:I’m expecting a no-show. – Ananova: Politician sues God
- Dangling Dipthongs
- EXTRA: They were hiding it. – BBC: (O) Viking ship ‘buried beneath pub’
- EXTRA: By destroying history, are we doomed to repeat it? – The Independent: It is the death of history
- EXTRA: A museum inherently takes the things it studies out of it’s natural environment; is that wrong? – Yahoo!/AP: Yale to return Machu Picchu artifacts
- EXTRA: Feh, I knew that. They have a DEX bonux and a STR penalty, and they don’t give that to regional variances, only to different races. – New Scientist: ‘Hobbit’ wrist bones suggest a distinct species
- EXTRA: Awwwww… crap! – Reuters: Mammoth dung, prehistoric goo may speed warming
- EXTRA:🙂 – The Houston Chronicle/AP: Electronic messages were never the same
- EXTRA:Smart paper, silly humans. – New Scientist: ‘Pulp-based computing’ makes normal paper smart
- EXTRA:Not from Mars. Although they *could* be. – New Scientist: Tripedal robot swings itself into action
- EXTRA:More evidence of big hairy creatures stalking the wilderness that are not bears or woodsman. – Cryptomundo: Expedition: New Orang Pendek Discovery
- EXTRA:Metacryptocryptozoology? – Cryptomundo: Cryptozoology’s Subdivisions
- EXTRA:Just what *was* Holmes smoking? – The Times: The spirited beginning of Sherlock Holmes
- EXTRA:Coming soon: the Home(land) game! – Wired: The Weird Russian Mind-Control Research Behind a DHS Contract
- EXTRA:Plants are just animals with roots. Therefore, by eating meat, I *am* a vegetarian! No, wait… that doesn’t work.. – New Scientist: Plants’ lifespans follow the animal rule
- EXTRA:Why hasn’t this been more well known? – Ananova: Grass found growing on baby’s lung
- EXTRA:The amazing ankle that allows the amazing race. – The Age/The Guardian: How we got the groove
- EXTRA:Not the first time I’ve heard of a “magnetic personality”. – Ananova: Glued to the telly
- EXTRA: Geez.. when I was a kid all I had to do was walk 50 miles uphill (both ways) through a blizzard with broken glass for shoes.. – Ananova: Death defying school run
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