Here are all the questions I’ve asked on TWS, located in one place for convenience.
- Is the rise of the Internet and global, nearly instantaneous communications the downfall of urban legends and mysticism, or are they the windfall of the same? Are they going to cause them to go away — or create even more? (ep50)
- What new device will be created into the future that initially will seem like a dumb idea yet turn into a widely used, must-have thing? Or what device will be just dumb? (ep51)
- If you were to get a scientific, sci-fi or generally geeky tattoo, what would it be? And, if you like, where would it be? (ep52)
- What has been the most influential food in your life — and why? (ep53)
- What rule that exists is either overused or should never be enforced? Why? What rule doesn’t exist but should? (ep54)
- What is the most EXTREEM thing you have ever done — or plan to do? (ep55)
- What traditions do you still honour? What traditions have fallen by the wayside or you never honoured, but you’d like to? (ep56)
- Do you think that a truly robotic human will emerge in the next 50 years? Why or why not? How about a robot on par with a 10 year old? (ep57)
- What is your best advice for the coming Zombie uprising? (ep58)
- Send in your suggestions for questions! (ep59)
- Is there a place for faith and religion in the future? Are they eventually going to be phased out? Does removing such irrationalities mean the death of art and imagination? (ep60)
- Is there such a thing as a Bigfoot, a Yeti, a Skunk Ape, a Wildman? No, really — not just mistaken identity or falsehood, the real thing!? (ep61)
- Do you believe that we should all be observed, at practically all times, for our own good? Is a watched society a safe society? (ep62)
- Do you think that you will need to make great sacrifices in your life in order to save the environment? Or, is this not an immediate problem? (ep63)
- Is the Christmas Holiday a good thing or a bad thing? Should we eliminate Santa, the reindeer, the tree, the lights — all these irrational symbols that are weighed down by religious history? (ep64)
- What New Year’s resolution would you want the whole world to make? Or, what one are you making for yourself? (ep65 and ep66)
- Have you ever had a lucid dream – a dream in which you take control of it? Tell me about it. (ep67)
- When do ‘clothes’ become ‘laundry’? Or a man go bald? Or a sky get cloudy? Think of a transitional state and discuss it. (ep68)
- What is an essential skill that people should know — but they (generally) don’t? (ep69)
- Should we attempt to save all endangered species — or let “nature” take its course? (ep70)
- If you were to use genetic engineering to create one thing, one change, what would it be? (ep71)
- What is a current technology or way of doing things that we should we should revert to an older way of doing things? (ep72)
- What is a current technology or way of doing things that we should revert to an older way of doing? (ep73)
- Have you, or someone you know, ever had an encounter with a UFO or a ghost? Describe it. (ep74)
- What non-emergency phone service you like to exist? (ep75)
- The Moon, Mars or something Else? Where should the next manned space mission be? (ep76)
- Where did life on Earth come from? Panspermia, spontaneous chemical reaction, God, aliens.. Make it funny, make it clever or make it serious. (ep77)
- Is domesticating animals keeping them down – or lifting them up? Will we “uplift” any other animals – through affection, genetics, robotics, cybernetics, etc? Or what *should* we uplift and for what purpose? (ep78)
- The destruction of the current way of life seems inevitable. How soon will it be unrecognizeable to us living today? 10 years? 50? 100? What will it look like? (ep79)
- Do you believe there was a somewhat advanced ancient island civilization (e.g. Mu, Atlantis, Rly’eh) that was swept away into the sea? (ep81)
- Can you truly have mind over matter? Or do you really just shut off senses? (ep82)
- What one things are you going to do to change the future for the better? (ep83)
- Are digital memories really our selves? Are we nothing more than the sum of our memories? Is a soul destroyed when you reprogram someone’s memories? (ep84)
- What childhood dream invention came true — or you think will come true? Or, what dream invention of today’s kids will come true? (ep85)
- What’s the societal “things” humanity no longer needs and should get rid of? What’s our vestigial societal norm? (ep86)
- What outrageous everyday fashion are you going to adopt? Is fashion dead to the t-shirt? (ep87)
- When we can simply “upload” to our brains, what will be the best/worst use of this? What unexpected problems or benefits might arise? (ep88)
- What are your favourite/worst/most memorable “lies-to-children”? Are they good, in general? Bad? Important? Unimportant? (ep89)
- What do you think deserves a monument, and why? What would the monument look like? Where would it be? Or, should we bother with monuments? (ep90)
- Do you think that a world-changing invention could come from an independent, small-time innovator any more? (ep91)
- Can the Earth, as a whole, be considered a “being”? Or is that just over-anthropormorphizing it? (ep92)
- Can “ufologist” or “ghost hunter” be considered legitimate professions — or only hobbies? (ep93)
- When you have died, what should happen your stuff — how much of you should be remembered and kept? (ep94)
- We are more connected as humans than ever more — but are those connections stronger or weaker? Are we better connected, but the connections are less meaningful? (ep95)
- How can we assume personal responsibility if we are just biochemical machines? (ep96)
- What’s the one place you’d like to visit, and why? And, why aren’t you going? (ep97)
- Are things like the elf-friendly opera house just wastes of money, time and energy? What about “frivolous” PhD’s? (ep98)
- Are we (humanity) genetically (or otherwise) destined to be on top on this planet? Do we have to struggle to stay on top? (ep99)
- What do you want to see more of different in the next 100 episodes of TWS?
- Is science too pedantic? Do we focus too much on the tried-and-true? Where is the adventurous scientist — or is that not possible? (ep100)
- Do we spend too much time just amusing ourselves? Beyond work, should we do something “useful”? (ep101)
- Will we ever see actual superheroes? (ep102 and ep103)
- What is the scariest movie, book, short story or music that you’ve ever experienced? Why is it scary? (ep104)
- Will we ever see actual supervillians? (ep105)
- What is your plan or vision for a long-term plan for you, your country, the world or the human race? (ep106)
- Should alternative, “fringe” ideas ever be covered seriously by mainstream media — or are they just “slow news day” items? (ep107)
- What is your favourite/most important TWS-style story for 2008? (ep113)
- What is your “bathroom book”, your “throne text”, your “pausing perusing”? Or what *should* be? (ep114)
- What is your swan song, memorial, legacy, remembrance? (ep115)
- Is Humanity is a rut? (ep116)
- Should love be eliminated in a totally rational world? (ep117)
- Given that human perception is apparently limited to what we need to survive — no X-ray vision, no infrared, no ultraviolet, no sound visualization (although you might argue that’s what our ear does..) and no radiation vision — but the universe has more beyond what we can see, does the universe hold surprises that we just don’t perceive? And will we ever perceive the rest of the universe? (ep119)
- What “absolutely true” thing do you and everyone know that has never been scientifically proven (as far as you know)? (ep118)
- Can we be plugged in too much? Or is that just old-fashioned, pre-telecom-ubiquity thinking? (ep120)
- Will we eliminate death as a certain, inevitable faite for mankind? Will it be possible for a human to live forever? Is that good — or bad? (ep121)
- On one level, everything around us is just things – including us. But there is another layer, a semantic layer, a layer of what things mean, an invisible layer right on top. Is that layer as real as the other layer – or maybe even more real? (ep122)
- A “recession” is sometimes indicated by two consecutive quarters of “negative growth”. The economy, it is suggested, should always be growing. Forever and ever… Does this principle of infinite growth actually make sense? (ep124)
- I think it’s fair to say that today, we communicate with each other more than we ever have before: email, blogs, web pages, Twitter, telephones, instant messaging… But are we really saying anything more than we were 50 years ago — or anything that will be important in another 50? Or is the conversation always, essentially, the same? (ep125)
- Are countries forever to be necessary? For a while, it was “think globally, act locally” — is it now “think locally, act globally”? (ep126)
- What’s the one event anywhere in the world, at any time, that you’d like to attend — or should exist when it doesn’t? (ep127)
- When the aliens come down, bent on destorying humanity, and they turn to you to represent humanity well… What joke will you tell? (ep128)
- In celebration of JC Hutchins’ recent book release (Personal Effects: Dark Art) — which is a delightfully physical book with physical artifacts — here is the digital question: games, gatherings, music, news, books, bills, phone books, mail, movies, television, photographs: we are increasingly living in a non-physical world. What will the ultimate expression of this be? Or will we rebel, and return to physical things because they are “real”? (ep129)
- It’s easy to be cynical and snarky; what one thing do you do or reflect on to avoid the snark? (ep130)
- If you were to convert your brain, your programming, into a digital form, then run that instance of you on a computer, would it be murder to turn it off? Or suicide? What if you terminated your physical self — would you still be alive, in the machine? Tell me your posthuman digital thoughts. (ep132)
- If you could — if money and employment were available — would you change cities you lived in every decade? Every 5 years? How often is ideal? How radical would your city change be — from one side of the world to the other? Across the country? (ep133)
- What small and absurd-sounding investigation will change the world? Alternatively, what is one that already has done so? (ep134)
- Can you ever envision a day when computers integrated into human bodies becomes commonplace? (ep135)
- Which is more horrifying: a world in which irrational powers like telepathy and ghosts exist, or a meat-machine world in which they don’t? (ep136)
- What is the purpose of fear, as entertainment? Is it positive or negative? (ep137)
- If you could go forward in time, just once, to stay, how far forward would you go? 100 years, 1000 years, 10 000 years, a million years? If you could state it as just after some event, what would that event be? (ep138)
- They say that “clothes make the man”. If that’s so, can we not recreate ourselves by changing our costumes, become new people by changing the roles we play. Can we not game the universe? And if so, what does our character sheet look like? (ep139
- So many traditions which give life meaning are based on pagan/religious or otherwise fantastical ideas. These are inconsistent with the scientific, rational way of life. Is this a contradiction, or does this speak to something fundamentally important about belief and the universe? (ep140)
- We currently live in a remix culture: cover songs, music sampling, movie reimagining, book sequels not by the original author, classic books rewritten with zombies and sea monsters.. Is this just an initial reaction to having all of our culture, past and present, at our fingertips, or is it a sign of diminishing originality? Will it reduce once the initial fervour has passed, or will it hold steady as a significant part of future culture? (ep141)
- Fiction often inspires us to great things, to make things real that don’t exist yet. Google Wave, for example, was partially inspired by Firefly; Star Trek is commonly believed to be the inspiration for the cell phone. What fictional thing do you think should inspire something real? (ep142)
- Describe what role (if any) mythology plays in our modern world — and what role it should (or shouldn’t) play in humanity’s future. (ep143)
- Is myth robbed of its power if you insist it isn’t true? In other words, do lies sometimes tell bigger truths? (ep144)
- If we think of the brain as the real location of where things are “real”, with the senses just feeding information, is there anything less real about well-described characters in a book and the situations they go through, then there is about your childhood friends? And when stories become interactive, can they not be said to be as real? (ep145)
- Most would consider embedded non-original parts to be part of a person, but would you ever consider external non-original parts to be part of them? Possibilities here range from eye glasses to backup memories (and intelligent software agents) stored on remote servers. (ep146)
- The future came upon us pretty fast; when I was a kid, flying cars, robots and transmat beams were all the rage, but the Internet was not part of the picture.. Describe something that kids growing up today will have as their futuristic dream — or tell me why kids today don’t look to the future with stars in their eyes, like previous generations did. (ep147)
- Human lives are largely structured as follows: you learn when you are young and then you do when you are old. We abandon most structured learning once we hit the workforce, only occasionally returning to it from time to time. Should we try to structure our lives so that periodically — say, every decade or so — we re-enter a structured learning environment for a year? (ep148)
- Will a computer ever love? (ep149)
- What is the single most inspiring thing that you have experienced? (ep150)
- These days, we seem to be fascinated, as a society, in the convergence and ubiquity of technology. We want all of our devices to work with each other, and all of our devices and things to be connected to each other. Is this just a fad, or do you think that, in 100 years, the idea of having separated items that aren’t integrated with the rest of your digital live will be unusual? (ep151)
- Would immortality be boring? (ep152)
- Which is better: a single standard that works reasonably well for everyone — but not perfectly! — or multiple standards which work perfectly for each person, but are incompatible with each other? (ep153)
- When we humans develop the ability to completely remodel our solar system — say, into a Dyson sphere — should we do it? Why or why not? (ep154)
- What ambiguous event or period of history would you like to be able to observe, to get the truth once and for all? (ep155)
- I’m recently discovering that my somewhat reduced collection of possessions is a refreshing way to live. Should we all try to live with a reduced amount of stuff, as if we are shipping off on a spaceship and every kilo counts? Or is that unrealistic? (ep156)
- How much of a human can we replace and still call ourselves human? What about the brain? Does it remain human right to the last brain cell? (ep157)
- Biological parts wear out, and humans are living longer and longer — perhaps “long enough to live forever”. Will organ and limb replacements become as common as eyeglasses? (ep158)
- Can you truly appreciate a work of art if you can’t understand it — such as watching a film in a language you don’t understand, or seeing a painting with symbolism you don’t get, or music which you don’t catch the subtleties? Is art like that wasted on those who do understand it, or should it be reachable by most people to be valuable? (ep159)
- Do humans need a regular rhythm of life, or are routines just a lingering vestige of antiquated biological adaptation? (ep160)
- Celebrations like Halloween stem from ancient beliefs and superstitions. Do you think it will be possible, in our so-called “enlightened” age, to create new traditions like that — or are we too skeptical, jaded or serious to really do it? (ep161)
- If you were to take the Great Driving Tour of North America, Europe or anywhere in the world, what is one must-see place to go? (ep162)
- Is humanity destined to move from savagery to enlightenment, or is really just a change from simple to complex? Are we going to get “better”, or just “more complicated”? (ep163)
- Where does motivation come from? (ep164)
- Singularity? (ep165)
- With the growth and common access to global communication technology, and the recognition that the relationships you make with them are often as valuable as those with local people, how do you envision the future society to be connected — or is this all just a fad? (ep166)
- Is reason the enemy of imagination? Is rationality the death of dreaming? (ep167)
- What are your predictions for 2011 (or beyond!) based on TWS stories? Or what stories did I miss in 2010? (ep167.825)
- Now that the computer Watson has “solved” Jeopardy, what game will computer scientists turn their jealous eyes toward? And what will be the eventual side-effect result of the computer’s domination of that game? (ep168)
- Since we produce too much media for any person to keep up with, are we turning into very shallow people, intellectually? (ep169)
- How do we transform the world from its current cynical state to more relaxed state, like the sixties? (ep170)
- Are we at the peak of commonplace technology, or will there be some massively impacting future technology that truly changes how we live — and what will it be? (ep171)
- With Watson’s recent victory over humans on Jeopardy, do we need to separate the notions of “intelligent” from “alive”? Can a thing be “intelligent”, but not ever be given the status of “alive”? (ep172)
- Have we reached the point where we no longer live one life and fade away, but become digital ghosts lingering forever? And is this a bad thing? (ep173)
- Will humans ever really evolve again — or are we so consciously avoiding anything that might be called a “mutant” that we stymie evolution, for better or worse? (ep174)
- The loss of life and property is immediately understandable, tragic and painful — but what do you think the biggest cultural impact of the Japanese quake will be? (ep175)
- It could be said that science fiction not only attempts to predict the future, but perhaps even to create it. What is the most amazing science fiction concept or object that you think we should try to make into a reality — even if it is impossible? (ep176)
- Zombie Shark vs Tiger Army: you decide! (ep177)
- With the growth of telecommunications and the rising price of fuel, will Asimov’s fictional vision of a society where people travel almost never at all in person come to be? Or will it be the convention-style or “big-trip” travel style, where you travel rarely but it’s a really big thing? (ep178)
- Is it better for humanity to remember everything that happens to prevent ourselves from repeating mistakes, or is it better to actually forget quite a bit of it, less we obsess over trying to get everything perfect? (ep191)
- Do you think the basic, specialized physical technologies we have and use today — pen and paper, chessboards, specialized push-buttons, light-switches, notepads — will ever entirely go away? (ep192)
- Do we need to clean up our act and our planet before tackling space travel, or can we just leave our origin planet in a mess and move on? (ep193)
- With Halloween and Christmas now largely secular holidays, what is your idea of the next big fictional holiday? For example, Hogwarts Graduation Day. (ep194)
- Life is over sooner than we think, and Steve Jobs gave the advice to live every day as if it were your last. What do you do — or what do you wish you did — every day that makes that day significant? (ep195)
- Forget nature *or* nurture: how much do you have the ability — or even the right! — to determine who you are going to be in the world? (ep196)
- We live in an increasingly secular world, but there are plenty of celebrations and gatherings like Halloween which almost demand an acceptance or allowance of the fictional world. What place do such things have in a scientific, rational world? (ep197)
- What if the way that people see colours was a genetic trait, such that people see different parts of the spectrum differently — in a much more extreme way than colour-blindness? For example, some see blue-red-green, and others see blue-green-ultraviolet. (ep198)
- If energy becomes essentially free, how will the world be changed? Be as creative as possible! (ep199)
- We’ve gone through an industrial revolution, a social revolution, a communications revolution and now we are in the midst of an information revolution. Suppose the next one is an identity revolution. What could be breakthrough in identity in the next few years to overhaul the notion of identity, and what will identity look like? (ep200)
- Is there any value in the unknown — or should we seek and accept the goal of “total knowledge of everything” that science seeks to find? Is that even possible? (ep201)
- Whether it is the Occupy movement or the Thrive movement, many have been saying that the societal structure we’ve built up has gone wrong somewhere. What is one concrete, non-abstract, physical or philosophical way that each individual can change society as a whole? (ep202)
- It seems apparent that we live in a time of rapid, incredible, destabilizing technological change; is this technology going to be solution for our times — or is the cause of the problems for which more solutions must be found? (ep203)
- How do you restore your faith in humanity? What gives you hope, when the cynicism gets thick? (ep204)
- It seems to me that we have passed through an experimental age, and are now re-evaluating our status quo, and rediscovering old ways of doing things that are newly-applicable due to new technology. Do you think this is true? If not, how would characterize the current age? If so, give examples of what will come back next. (ep205)
- Pick 3 of the stories and create your own Rediction. (ep206)
- 2012 seems to be all about repeated historical cycles coming round again. What 3 historical cycles do you think — or want – to repeat in 2012? (ep207)
- Someday, we may gain the ability to stop natural processes like the next Ice Age — but should we? (ep208)
- Is there still any real point to us all working roughly the same workday from 9 to 5, or should we actively seek to change the world to 3 standardized 8-hour shifts, work evenly divided between them? (ep209)
- Is brain boosting ethical? (ep210)
- Should we declare open season on Bigfoot? (ep210)
- With all the information overload we’re experiencing these days, should we just give up and forget history? (ep211)
- What if there had been another highly intelligent species on Earth? (ep211)
- Okay, so Star Trek’s communicator and cyberpunk’s wearable computer because the modern cell phone. Pick another science fiction (or fantasy) genre invention and project what it will become, practically speaking. Will jetpacks become personal ski-lifts? Will robots become uplifted dogs with speech? (ep212)
- Having recently read “The Wealthy Barber”, and noting its lamentations about basic financial education, I started to think about other areas which could use some basic education. For example, where is the equivalent book for health and diet issues (“The Healthy Barber”)? What areas of basic education do we either do poorly or not at all? (ep213)
- Do you think a clear, irrefutable, universal revelation of alien life would have a devastating or positive effect on humanity — or would it have no real effect at all? (ep214)
- If immortality is only available to one gender of humans, should it be granted at all? (ep214)
- Have you ever had a Strange Encounter? (ep215)
- Reductionist, constructionist, narrativist or mystic: what is your theory on how the brain works? (ep215)
- How do we strike a balance between “open-minded” and “skeptic”, between “I know what I saw/experienced” and “I know only what I can prove”? How do we teach science without cynicism? (ep220)
- With the seemingly inevitable eBook revolution transforming where books ‘live’, what will become of the beautiful public space that once was the library? Will they disappear entirely, becoming a footnote like the fax machine? Transform into some other form of collective center? Or will they become museums? (ep221)
- If you could go to one and only one weird or geeky or brainy or creative conference, convention or gathering, anywhere in the world, where would it be, and why? If it helps, consider that time travel is also an option.. (ep222)
- The keyboard and mouse are truly ancient tools for getting information into a computer, but touchscreens, cameras and microphones aren’t really all that efficient (or sophisticated enough). So, what would be another way of communicating with your computer? Or are keyboard and mouse “enough”? (ep223)
- Most are horrified, embarrassed and disturbed by our bodies; is that a good thing? If so, why? If not, how do we change it? (ep224)
- Does mediated communication via, for example, the Internet *reduce* or *increase* the stereotypes, prejudices and false assumptions we make about people? E.g. if you don’t know I have a goatee, will you still assume I’m evil? (ep225)
- Is it better to employ a human in a job that can be replaced by a machine — or should we always ensure there are repetitive, simple, physical jobs for the vast majority of “average” people? (ep226)
- In a world getting increasingly connected by telecommunications and relatively easy international shipping and travel, should we fight to keep things as local as possible, or fight to make it easier to make the world more similar? Should we “think global, act local” or “think local, act global”? (ep227)
- Are we in danger of being the generation that never grew up? Or are we just the generation that never grew old? (ep228)
- Unlimited power question: Post-secondary education, particularly universities, seem to have evolved into a pretty common format: take a mostly-standard set of courses for several years which build toward a specific degree or certificate. But this is not the only way — it’s the way we do it right *now*. Given unlimited ability to make it happen, what features or structure would your ultimate educational experience take’? (ep229)
- Cast your mind 50 years into the future: what generally-accepted social norm is nearing its end and will be seen as either a “quaint custom” or “old-fashioned custom” of this bygone age? (ep230)
- As we face the prospect of no inter-city or inter-provincial bus service in this province, I am forced to wonder: does the communications power of the Internet foster a world in which most of us never have to travel far, and where will no longer do so? (ep231)
- What will the society of humanity in space look like, in say, a thousand years? Changed? The same? Radically altered? Fundamentally the same? (ep232)
- If given the choice to voluntarily give up 20% of your time to work on special projects of your own choosing, or 20% of your money to fund special projects of your choosing, would you do it? And if so, what would you fund or do? And why aren’t you doing it now? (ep233)
- What seemingly trivial piece of knowledge or amazing mystery would you like to have solved, either from time travel or the serious (and possibly silly and slightly wasteful) application of SCIENCE!? (ep234)
- The DIY movement, combined with the ease at which anyone can get a global speaking platform, seems like a hotbed of growth. What one innovation — be it in technology, the arts, economics or politics — will really mark the year 2013? And what was your favourite or the most important of 2013?(ep235)
- What record will be broken in 2013?(ep236)
- Is History accelerating? Is there more happening now, at a pace every increasing, than ever before? (ep237)
- The addition of the looping-time concern by Billy Murray’s movie, Groundhog Day, now seems to be a somewhat permanent addition to the mythos around February 2nd (at least for many of the people I talk to). What other modern myth or story-based impact can you think of — or what one would you like to become a “permanent” part of our human mythos? (ep238)
- Once upon a time, a “snow day” was a day off, and kids and adults (except those in critical services) rejoiced. Similarly, a “rainy day” was a time to relax and catch up on hobbies and fun things that you’ve put off. Have we failed in modern life to account for the need for unexpected time without obligations and expectations? (ep239)
- Should we avoid tragedy and large impacting events at all costs, or should we accept the changing nature of the universe, and let some things be beyond our control? (ep240)
- Are we living in a decadent age, with things a bit too easy, right on the edge of societal collapse? Or is this just the worry of those adjusting still to a modern world? (ep241)
- It used to be that money and distance were the limiting factors for entertainment. Now, it seems like time is the prime concern. What do you use to filter and select the entertainment you consume, now that the world is at your doorstep for cheap? (ep242)
- Is a world in which “equal pay for equal work” is a _universal_, world-wide right a possibility or a pipe-dream? (ep243)
- What is the best or worst lesson about living life you’ve ever gotten from fiction (books, TV or movies)? (ep244)
- What would you put in a 10-year time capsule — and how does that differ from what you would have put a decade ago? (ep245)
- What impact, if any, would you think that the confirmed discovery of Bigfoot, alien beings or perpetual motion devices have on everyday life? (ep246)
- Name a single fiction — whether a novel, a TV series, a movie, a play, whatever — which has made a profound change and inspiration in your life — and tell us why it should inspire others. (ep247)
- Has humanity become too risk-averse to properly allow a generation of space explorers? (ep248)
- Do you think we’ll discover life on other planets before it discovers us? (ep249)
- How can some humour or knowledge can only be understood in a single language — and will we ever reach a state of “universal language” in which all things can be described? (ep250)
- Is it important to strive for perfection in your life, or is it more important to reach self-acceptance? (ep251)
- Name some aspect of human culture that has yet to be remixed, reinvented or otherwise significantly changed or abandoned due to modern technology — and then propose how it could or should be changed. (ep252)
- Do you worry about the small bundles of time getting away from you — 5 minutes here, 3 minutes over there — or only about wasting time all at once, say a half-hour at a time? (ep253)
- Is it right for mankind to control their environment, or should we change ourselves instead? Is biogenetic engineering a better solution than climate engineering? (ep254)
- With the Internet making us globally connected, are we seeing an erosion of the concept of a “day” in favour of a “semi-random moment of synchronicity”? (ep255)
- With all that we do in public, from social media to publicly challenging ourselves to reach our goals, are we becoming *too* interdependent? Is the pendulum swinging from extreme independence into the opposite direction? (ep256)
- Should our computers enforce rules of their own for time off, vacations and places of peace? (ep257)
- If you could design for yourself, with reason, a 30-day challenge to do, whether it be learn a new skill, practice something, or do something otherwise new, what would it be? And what’s stopping you from doing it? (ep258)
- It seems like everyone is a creator of media these days — but is this just a fad reaction to the tools suddenly becoming accessible, or a genuine geologic shift in the base creativity of mankind? (ep259)
- When you plan your vacations, how do you balance between being worried about wasting time doing nothing, and wasting time doing too much? (ep260)
- What would bring you to a con — and where is that con you’re looking for? (ep261)
Still podcasting??
Thanks Brian
Well, yes and no…
The WEIRD Show is largely on hiatus — and has been for over a year now. I’d like to revive it in some form, but it takes a considerable amount of time and energy, both of which are currently locked up in other projects.
For example, I have two other shows that I produce: a roleplaying-games podcast called Head in the Game, and a daily podcast that contains some of the same strange speculation and odd thoughts that used to go into TWS, called Wandering Out Loud. I’ve also added a weekly D&D 5E live stream on Twitch called Legends of the Drowned Isles, and can be found regularly on another Twitch-streamed D&D 5e game, So Many Levels by Christiana Ellis.
So, it’s hard to fit in more TWS, but I’m thinking about attempting something before the end of the year. Maybe a monthly show or something, I’m not sure.
Thanks for the interest?