TWS096: Don’t Worry, There Really Weren’t Any Rules

On August 16, 2008, in Episodes, by the Encaffeinated ONE

Show Notes for TWS096: Don’t Worry, There Really Weren’t Any Rules

On the show this week:

  • Bigfoot or Bigfool?
  • Breaking the Laws
  • DNAgent In Control
  • Colourful Stories Outside My Lines (EXTRA)

This week’s Challenge Question:
How can we assume personal responsibility if we are just biochemical machines?
Leave your answer in the comments, send your email to weirdshow[[at]], record your message via the MobaTalk client on the right hand side of Encaffeinated!, leave an answer on Facebook or call in at 206-203-2292.

Full links to all stories covered and many more after the jump!

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TWS055: EXTREME scales

On September 29, 2007, in Episodes, by the Encaffeinated ONE

Show Notes for TWS055: EXTREME scales

On the show this week:

  • It all began in Peru..
  • Micro meets Macro (makes Macreme?)

This week’s Challenge Question: What is the most EXTREEM thing you have ever done — or plan to do?. Leave your answer in the comments, send your email to encaf1[[at]], record your message via the MobaTalk client on the right hand side of Encaffeinated!, leave an answer on Facebook or call in at 206-203-2292.

Full links to all stories covered and many more after the jump!

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