TWS264 logoOn the show this week:

  • Front
  • Things We May Want
  • Extras

CQ: In a purely rational world, there can be nothing but truth which is valued; but in much of art, falsehood and non-truth are often the best ways to tell the story. Are rationality and art always going to be at odds, and should we let rationality dominate our lives?

Full list of 28 articles after the jump!

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TWS263: My Subscription to Consciousness Needs Renewing

On October 8, 2013, in Episodes, by the Encaffeinated ONE

TWS263 logoOn the show this week:

  • Front Page
  • Haunted
  • Reconfigured
  • Extras

CQ: Are we living (at least in the West), in a delusion of modernity, when reality is much more normal, old-fashioned and mundane than the technological dream we both imagine we have now and strive to solidify? – short, intense stories

Full list of 37 articles after the jump!

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TWS159: Lost One Meaning and Found Two

On July 3, 2010, in Episodes, by the Encaffeinated ONE

On the show this week:

  • Front Page
  • Stupersticious
  • Symbolicious
  • Extras

CQ: Can you truly appreciate a work of art if you can’t understand it — such as watching a film in a language you don’t understand, or seeing a painting with symbolism you don’t get, or music which you don’t catch the subtleties? Is art like that wasted on those who do understand it, or should it be reachable by most people to be valuable?

Bumper: Scott Sigler

Promo: Technorama

Promo: How To Grow Your Geek

UPDATE: Amazing! After mentioning the memory of someone illustrating the sound of what our solar system might be like, I ran across this Flash animation of the sound of our solar system (link via io9). It’s not the sounds I remember – I think the one I remember had Haley’s comet as well – but it’s still a pretty cool sound and coincidence..

Full list of 68 articles after the jump!

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TWS089: Say What You Think You Believe, and Things Happen

On June 14, 2008, in Episodes, by the Encaffeinated ONE

Show Notes for TWS089: Say What You Think You Believe, and Things Happen

On the show this week:

  • Substance of Superstition
  • Flock of Families
  • Cavalcade of Communications
  • Unspoken Utterances (EXTRA)

This week’s Challenge Question:
What are your favourite/worst/most memorable “lies-to-children”? Are they good, in general? Bad? Important? Unimportant?
Leave your answer in the comments, send your email to weirdshow[[at]], record your message via the MobaTalk client on the right hand side of Encaffeinated!, leave an answer on Facebook or call in at 206-203-2292.

Full links to all stories covered and many more after the jump!

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