TWS358: Mental Space Is Long Division

On May 11, 2016, in Episodes, by the Encaffeinated ONE

TWS358 logoOn the show this week:

  • Well Isn’t That Spacial
  • Science Friction-less
  • Extras

CQ: Which is better: seeking to uplift animals to near- or above-human intelligence, or creating entirely new, artificial intelligent beings?

Full list of 17 articles after the jump!

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TWS297: Hal-Con 2014 Part 1

On November 17, 2014, in Episodes, by the Encaffeinated ONE

TWS297 logoOn this show this week: Interview!

I went to Hal-Con last week and went around talking to a whole bunch of people. So many, in fact, that I have two episodes filled with interviews! This is part 1.


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