TWS211: The Unnatural Deception of the Natural World

On February 4, 2012, in Episodes, by the Encaffeinated ONE

TWS211: The Unnatural Deception of the Natural World

CQ: With all the information overload we’re experiencing these days, should we just give up and forget history?

CQ: What if there had been another highly intelligent species on Earth?

Bumper: Alexa Chipman of Broken Sea’s Maudelayne – a very awesome audio drama series about the strange goings-on at Maudelayne College, where myth invades relaity!

Promo: Clinton from Comedy4Cast – another fine example of the comedy genre called “I’ve got so many voices in my head, I can cast an entire comedy radio show from them”!

On the show this week:

  • Front Page
  • Sounds Interesting, Sounds Fishy
  • History is full of Dead Things
  • It’s a Jungle Out There (And In There, Too)
  • Extras

Full list of 55 articles after the jump!

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